davae1an / k3s-traefik-digitalocean-setup

This is a guide on how to install K3s Kubernetes cluster with a vps provider. It includes how to properly install traefik as a gateway. The Traefik Kubernetes Ingress provider is a Kubernetes Ingress controller. it manages access to cluster services by supporting the Ingress specification. You use it to connect your pods to the internet.

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Instructions to setup Kubernetes Server with K3s on Digitalocean or any vps provider

This is a guide on how to install K3s Kubernetes cluster with a vps provider. It includes how to properly install traefik as a gateway. The Traefik Kubernetes Ingress provider is a Kubernetes Ingress controller. it manages access to cluster services by supporting the Ingress specification. You use it to connect your pods to the internet.

Tools Used

Helpful Commands

use these commands if you dont want to install kubectx

# list namespaces
kubectl get namespaces

# change current namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<insert-namespace-name-here>

# check current namespaces
kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace:

1. Register on digitalocean and setup vps

Click on the button below for 60 day $100 free credit for new users. It is my affiliate link

DigitalOcean Referral Badge

2. Setup K3sup cli tool

This is needed to be installed on your computer. It will handle most of the k3s setup.

K3sup Github Link.

3. K3s install on ubuntu server

  • Install k3s with k3sup tool

    k3sup install --ip $IP --user root --k3s-extra-args '--no-deploy traefik'

4. Install Traefik

  • Create a new namespace for traefik

    kubectl create namespace traefik
  • Install 01-crd.yaml, 02-deployment.yaml, 03-loadbalancer.yam from github source folder traefik

    cd traefik
    kubectl apply -f 01-crd.yaml  --namespace=traefik
    kubectl apply -f 02-deployment.yaml  --namespace=traefik
    kubectl apply -f 03-loadbalancer.yaml  --namespace=traefik

    or if your in the root folder

    kubectl apply -f traefik/  --namespace=traefik
  • check deployment

    kubectl get pods --namespace=traefik
    kubectl port-forward svc/traefik-ingress-service 8080
  • what you should see when you type localhost:8080 in your browser

Traefik Dashboard

5. Install cert-manager for (Certificate Management)

kubectl create namespace cert-manager

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/latest/download/cert-manager.yaml --namespace=cert-manager

6. Add Domain to Digitalocean

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to setup the nameservers for your domain. It is need so you control it with digitalocean


Follow these instructions after youve setup name server to add domain


NOTE!! DNS server update may take up to 48 hours to take effect so give it some time. It can even happen a little faster. Just be paitent.

7. DNS Wildcard certificates (Lets Encrypt)

In order to get wildcard certificates we have to use the kubernetes ingress to fulfil a challenge. In this setup we try to get a wildcard certificate via a DNS challenge. With a wildcard you can use one certificate for all your subdomains ex. domain.com, blog.domain.com, sale.domain.com will all use same certificate. This is much better than doing a challenge for every subdomain.

  • Get DigitalOcean Access Token



  • Convert token to base64

    using git bash or linux mac

    echo  'tokenhere' | base64

    or use this website


    paste token in box and press encode button

  • Go in the do-dns-issure folder and paste the token in base64 format where 'YOUR DIGITALOCEAN ACCESS TOKEN HERE'

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
      name: digitalocean-dns
      access-token: '************YOUR DIGITALOCEAN ACCESS TOKEN HERE************'
  • Apply Secret to namespace

    create a namespace for the secret where your going to host the webapp. Bellow I named it 'mesmore' (From the root directory)

    cd do-dns-issuer
    kubectl create namespace mesmore
    kubectl apply -f 001-do-secret.yaml --namespace=mesmore
  • Add your email to the Issuer

     apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
      kind: Issuer
      name: letsencrypt-do-dns
          server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
          email: '************YOUR EMAIL HERE**************'
          name: letsencrypt-do-dns
          - dns01:
                  name: digitalocean-dns
                  key: access-token
  • Apply 002-dns-issuer to same namespace

    kubectl apply -f 002-dns-issuer.yaml --namespace=mesmore
  • Modify 003-wildcard-cert.yaml by replacing both 'domainhere.com' and '*.domainhere.com'

      apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
      kind: Certificate
      name: web-wildcard-certificate
      secretName: web-wild-tls
          name: letsencrypt-do-dns
          - domainhere.com    <------------ HERE to yoursite.com
          - '*.domainhere.com' <----------- AND HERE to '*.yousite.com'
  • Test Certificate with a webapp

Replace domain names 'DOMAINHERE.COM' with the domain you used for the lets encrypt challenge. Then.

    kubectl apply -f 004-testwhoami.yaml --namespace=mesmore

You should see a website that has a secure connection as bellow


This is a guide on how to install K3s Kubernetes cluster with a vps provider. It includes how to properly install traefik as a gateway. The Traefik Kubernetes Ingress provider is a Kubernetes Ingress controller. it manages access to cluster services by supporting the Ingress specification. You use it to connect your pods to the internet.