dav1dddd / i18n

A small Node.js internationalization library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

i18n 🌐

A simple internationalization library.


  1. Install i18n
$ yarn add @benricheson101/i18n
# or
$ npm install @benricheson101/i18n
  1. Import and instantiate the constructor
const I18n = require('@benricheson101/i18n')
const i = new I18n({ fallback: 'en' })
  1. Parse yaml
  STRING: 'aaaaaa'
  PLACEHOLDER: 'This has a placeholder: %{food}'
      SHORT_DESC: 'Read a command\'s manual'
      - 'works'
      - 'with'
      - '%{datatype}'
      - 'too'
  1. Use the string methods!
i.get('en', 'STRING') // aaaaaa
i.replace('en', 'PLACEHOLDER', { food: 'potato' }) // This has a placeholder: potato
i.get('en', 'COMMAND:MAN:SHORT_DESC') // Read a command's manual
i.replace('en', 'OPTIONS', { datatype: 'arrays' })

Options and Methods:

Constructor Options:

  • fallback: string - set a fallback language code

Parse Methods:

  • parseDir(dir: string) - adds all files ending in .yml from the specified dir
  • parseFile(file: string) - adds a single file
  • parseRecursive(dir: string) - adds all yaml files in a dir/subdirs recursively
  • parse(yaml: string) - adds a yaml string

String Methods:

  • get(code: string, stringKey: string) - gets a string
  • replace(code: string, stringKey: string, placeholders: object) - gets a string and replaces placeholders


  • regex () = placeholder_regex: RegExp - regex for extracting and replacing placeholders. note: the placeholder name capture group MUST be named placeholder

Static Properties:

  • langs - a set contain all of the added language codes
  • strings - the added language files/strings
  • raw - an array of raw language file data

Usage Example:

# i18n/en.yml
  STRING: 'This is a string'
  STRING_WITH_PLACEHOLDER: 'This is a placeholder: %{placeholder}'
        TOO: 'abcde'

Note: yaml files must start with the language code on the first line, with no indentation, followed by translated strings. Refer to the above example.

const i = new I18n()

 i.get('en', 'STRING') // This is a string
 i.replace('en', 'STRING_WITH_PLACEHOLDER', { placeholder: 'abc123' }) // This is a placeholder: abc123
 i.get('en', 'NESTED:OBJECTS:WORK:TOO') // abcde


A small Node.js internationalization library


Language:JavaScript 100.0%