dav009 / kafka-dump

Kafka dump is a tool to back up and restore your Kafka data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kafka data backup

Kafka dump is a tool to back up and restore your Kafka data.

It helps you reduce the cost of storing the data that you don't need to use right now but can not delete.

In other words, this tool is used to back up and restore Cold data for Kafka topics.

Use command line


go install github.com/huantt/kafka-dump@latest
export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

Export Kafka topics to parquet file


   export [flags]

      --concurrent-consumers int                  Number of concurrent consumers (default 1)
      --fetch-message-max-bytes int               Maximum number of bytes per topic+partition to request when fetching messages from the broker. (default 1048576)
  -f, --file string                               Output file path (required)
      --gcs-bucket string                         Google Cloud Storage bucket name
      --gcs-project-id string                     Google Cloud Storage Project ID
      --google-credentials string                 Path to Google Credentials file
  -h, --help                                      help for export
      --kafka-group-id string                     Kafka consumer group ID
      --kafka-password string                     Kafka password
      --kafka-sasl-mechanism string               Kafka password
      --kafka-security-protocol string            Kafka security protocol
      --kafka-servers string                      Kafka servers string
      --kafka-topics stringArray                  Kafka topics
      --kafka-username string                     Kafka username
      --limit uint                                Supports file splitting. Files are split by the number of messages specified
      --max-waiting-seconds-for-new-message int   Max waiting seconds for new message, then this process will be marked as finish. Set -1 to wait forever. (default 30)
      --queued-max-messages-kbytes int            Maximum number of kilobytes per topic+partition in the local consumer queue. This value may be overshot by fetch.message.max.bytes (default 128000)
      --storage string                            Storage type: local file (file) or Google cloud storage (gcs) (default "file")

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   Log level (default "info")


kafka-dump export \
--file=path/to/output/data.parquet \
--kafka-topics=users-activities \
--kafka-group-id=id=kafka-dump.local \
--kafka-servers=localhost:9092 \
--kafka-username=admin \
--kafka-password=admin \
--kafka-security-protocol=SASL_SSL \

Import Kafka topics from parquet file

   import [flags]

  -f, --file string                      Output file path (required)
  -h, --help                             help for import
      --kafka-password string            Kafka password
      --kafka-sasl-mechanism string      Kafka password
      --kafka-security-protocol string   Kafka security protocol
      --kafka-servers string             Kafka servers string
      --kafka-username string            Kafka username

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   Log level (default "info")


kafka-dump import \
--file=path/to/input/data.parquet \
--kafka-servers=localhost:9092 \
--kafka-username=admin \
--kafka-password=admin \
--kafka-security-protocol=SASL_SSL \

Stream messages topic to topic

   stream [flags]

      --from-kafka-group-id string                Kafka consumer group ID
      --from-kafka-password string                Source Kafka password
      --from-kafka-sasl-mechanism string          Source Kafka password
      --from-kafka-security-protocol string       Source Kafka security protocol
      --from-kafka-servers string                 Source Kafka servers string
      --from-kafka-username string                Source Kafka username
      --from-topic string                         Source topic
      -h, --help                                      help for stream
      --max-waiting-seconds-for-new-message int   Max waiting seconds for new message, then this process will be marked as finish. Set -1 to wait forever. (default 30)
      --to-kafka-password string                  Destination Kafka password
      --to-kafka-sasl-mechanism string            Destination Kafka password
      --to-kafka-security-protocol string         Destination Kafka security protocol
      --to-kafka-servers string                   Destination Kafka servers string
      --to-kafka-username string                  Destination Kafka username
      --to-topic string                           Destination topic

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   Log level (default "info")


kafka-dump stream \
--from-topic=users \
--from-kafka-group-id=stream \
--from-kafka-servers=localhost:9092 \
--from-kafka-username=admin \
--from-kafka-password=admin \
--from-kafka-security-protocol=SASL_SSL \
--from-kafka-sasl-mechanism=PLAIN \
--to-topic=new-users \
--to-kafka-servers=localhost:9092 \
--to-kafka-username=admin \
--to-kafka-password=admin \
--to-kafka-security-protocol=SASL_SSL \

Count number of rows in parquet file

   count-parquet-rows [flags]

  -f, --file string   File path (required)
  -h, --help          help for count-parquet-rows

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   Log level (default "info")


kafka-dump count-parquet-rows \

Use Docker

docker run -d --rm \
-v /local-data:/data \
huanttok/kafka-dump:latest \
kafka-dump export \
--file=/data/path/to/output/data.parquet \
--kafka-topics=users-activities \
--kafka-group-id=id=kafka-dump.local \
--kafka-servers=localhost:9092 \
--kafka-username=admin \
--kafka-password=admin \
--kafka-security-protocol=SASL_SSL \


  • Import topics from multiple files or directory
  • Import topics from Google Cloud Storage files or directory


Kafka dump is a tool to back up and restore your Kafka data


Language:Go 99.0%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%