dav009 / flyte-learning-notes

Notes on Flyte Pipelines

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What is this repo?

Some notes on looking at Flyte internals + some dummy dags to play with features

Running sample DAGs in this repo

commands below start a sandbox, builds docker file in sandbox.

flytectl sandbox start --source  /Users/dav009/code/david/flytedags
flytectl sandbox exec -- docker build -t hello_world:1 -f Dockerfile .

commands below transform dummy dag into protobuf and register the protobuf on the sandbox

pyflyte --pkgs example package --image hello_world:1 -f
flytectl config init
flytectl register files flyte-package.tgz -p flytesnacks -d development --archive --version v2

How does Flytekit work ?


  • uses pyflyte-execute as entrypoint to a task
  • args :

"args": [ "pyflyte-execute", "--task-module", "test_serialization", "--task-name", "t1", "--inputs", "{{.input}}", "--output-prefix", "{{.outputPrefix}}", "--raw-output-data-prefix", "{{.rawOutputDataPrefix}}" ],

sample of entypoint https://github.com/flyteorg/flytepropeller/blob/0efd3affc54aa281789ed1463e304f28eee6bd81/pkg/compiler/test/testdata/branch/success_2.json

pyflyte-execute points to execute_task_cmd: https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/blob/c011ef7cf47ac8ffc06c48e000cb309d9df99969/flytekit/bin/entrypoint.py#L444

-> _dispatch_execute Dispatches execute to PythonTask Step1: Download inputs and load into a literal map Step2: Invoke task - dispatch_execute Step3: a: [Optional] Record outputs to output_prefix b: OR if IgnoreOutputs is raised, then ignore uploading outputs c: OR if an unhandled exception is retrieved - record it as an errors.pb

-> base_Task.py : dispatch_execute is where the big thing appens

  • This method translates Flyte's Type system based input values and invokes the actual call to the executor

  • This method is also invoked during runtime.

  • literal inputs ( input_literal_map ) are tranlsated to native inputs via TypeEngine.literal_map_to_kwargs

  • to_python_value (type_endgine.py)

  • get_transformer (type_engine.py)

  • looks at literal flyte idl and searches if there is a transfoemrt (TypeTransfomer for a given idl, and retunrs it)

  • uses python origin to validate types (keeps a reference to a type that was subscripted, )

  • typing extensions

  • structured dwataset is an interface for dataframes. this is to avoid differnt formats i.e: parquet..and others

  • what is "FLYTE_INTERNAL_IMAGE" used for?


Java flytekit


create .env.local:



 mvn package

running workflow locally:

scripts/jflyte execute-local -cp=flytekit-examples/target/lib/ --workflow="org.flyte.examples.WelcomeWorkflow" --name=something

running scala workflows:

scripts/jflyte execute-local -cp=flytekit-examples-scala/target/lib/ --workflow="org.flyte.examples.flytekitscala.FibonacciWorkflow" --fib0=0 --fib1=1


scripts/jflyte register workflows  -d=development -p=flytesnacks -cp=flytekit-examples-scala/target/lib/  -v=$(git describe --always)

build protos in flytekit-java

mvn  --projects flyteidl-protos install


Notes on Flyte Pipelines


Language:Python 54.1%Language:Dockerfile 45.9%