dauuricus / Tanker-attack-crew-says-they-were-attacked-by-flying-objects

Tanker attack `` crew says they were attacked by flying objects '' shipping company interview

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shipping company interview : Tanker attack crew says they were attacked by flying objects

2019.6.13-14 shipping company interview:Tanker attack crew says they were attacked by flying objects

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東京の海運会社「国華産業」の堅田豊社長は十四日、本社で記者会見し、イラン沖のホルムズ海峡近くで攻撃されたタンカーに関し「乗組員は飛来物でやられたと言っている」と説明した。計二回の攻撃のうち、二回目は乗組員が飛来物を目撃していたという。機雷や魚雷による攻撃を受けたとの見方を強く否定した。パナマ国旗を掲げて航行しており、日本の船を狙って攻撃が行われたとは考えにくいとも述べた。 https://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3230076

President Yutaka Katata of Tokyo shipping company Kokuka Sangyo told a press conference at his headquarters on Friday that he explained that the tanker was attacked near the Strait of Hormuz off the coast of Iran, saying that "the crew had been killed by flying objects." did. It is said that the crew witnessed a flying object in the second of the two attacks. He strongly denied that he had been attacked by mines and torpedoes. He said he was sailing with the Panama flag on and was unlikely to have attacked a Japanese ship.




Tanker attack `` crew says they were attacked by flying objects '' shipping company interview