daumiller / bulge

The Bulge Filesystem

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Bulge Filesystem

A simple, flexible, FAT-like, filesystem. Targeted at modest-resource 32 bit systems.

  • fixed sector/block size of 512 bytes
  • maximum filesystem size of 2 TiB
  • maximum file size of 4 GiB
  • maximum (unassisted) addressable range within a storage device of 2 TiB
    • if needed, systems may offset this during read/write functions with the system_data parameter
  • 80 byte file/directory name limit
    • zero-terminated, UTF8 or ASCII
  • reserved space for system-defined functionality
    • 32 reserved bytes in filesystem header
    • 4 byte system data per file (can point to other storage)
    • 64 types of each, files and directories, for system-defined differentation
    • supports extended attribute data for files/directories
  • support for users/groups/permissions
    • up to the system to enforce; default implementation does not
  • default implementation does not allocate any heap memory
    • most functions require a single 512 byte block for buffering
  • designed for, but not limited to, 68k systems
    • NOTE: filesystem data stored on disk in big-endian format,
    • but the default implementation handles conversions for you

Specifics for default implementation

  • not yet thread safe
  • not yet concurrent-action safe
    • for example: opening a file, deleting that file, creating a new file/directory, then writing to the original (deleted) file -- could cause corruption
    • future versions will provide either a better handle-management system internally, or callbacks to enable systems to better manage it externally

Layout Overview

Location Description
Block 0 Filesystem Header
Block 1 Beginning of Block Chain Table
Immediately following Block Chain Table Beginning of Root Directory

Filesystem Header


offset size data type name description
0 8 uint8_t[8] signature "BulgeFS!" (NOT zero terminated)
8 4 uint32_t version Version this fs was made with (x.y.z.w)
12 4 uint32_t block_count_total total number of blocks in this filesystem
16 4 uint32_t block_count_table total number of blocks used by the chain table
20 4 uint32_t blocks_occupied total number of used blocks
24 4 uint32_t blocks_free total number of unused blocks
28 4 uint32_t root_block first block number of root directory
32 48 (reserved) (reserved for future use)
80 32 system-defined system-specific data (not defined or used def imp)
112 16 uint8_t[16] uuid filesystem identifier
128 128 uint8_t[128] name filesystem name
-------- ------ -------------- --------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
256 Header Total
256 Available/Unused

Block Chain Table

  • one uint32_t per block
  • value stored at this location gives the block number of the next block in this chain
    • 0x0000_00000 -> this block is free
    • 0x0000_00001 -> this block is used, and no further blocks in this chain
    • 0x0000_00002-0xFFFF_FFFF -> block number of next block in this chain


  • a list of 128 Byte entries
    • first entry is a directory's self data
    • subsequent entries describe child files/directories
    • a final entry is an end-of-directory marker
  • with only 4 entries per block, default implementation will pre-allocate extra blocks when creating directories

directory_entry_type (typedef uint8_t)

value(s) description
0x00 free entry
0x01 directory self data
0x02-0x1F (reserved)
0x20-0x5F child directory*
0x60-0x9F child file*
0xA0-0xFE (reserved)
0xFF end of directory
  • 64 different types may be used to differentiate system-specific file/directory purposes; all 64 will be treated the same by default implementation

Child Directory Entry

offset size data type name description
0 1 directory_entry_type type type of entry this is
1 1 uint8_t user user id
2 1 uint8_t group group id
3 1 uint8_t permissions xsrwrwrw (executable, set-user-id, other:r/w, group:r/w, user:r/w )
4 4 uint32_t block starting block of file or directory main data
8 4 uint32_t size_bytes for files, size in bytes; for directories, unused
12 4 uint32_t size_blocks size in blocks
16 8 uint64_t time_created created time (64 bit signed milliseconds since epoch ("Java-time"))
24 8 uint64_t time_modified modified time (64 bit signed milliseconds since epoch ("Java-time"))
32 4 uint32_t attribute_block starting block of file extended attributes
36 4 uint32_t attribute_size size, in blocks, of extended attributes
40 4 uint32_t system_flags system-specific flags/data
44 4 (reserved) (reserved for use in future versions)
48 80 uint8_t[80] name file/directory name, limited to 80 bytes
-------- ------ ---------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 Entry Total

Self Directory Entry

offset size data type name description
0 1 directory_entry_type type type of entry this is: 0x01
1 1 uint8_t user (only used by root directory)
2 1 uint8_t group (only used by root directory)
3 1 uint8_t permissions (only used by root directory)
4 4 uint32_t block_self starting block of self (used for identifying self in parent table)
8 4 uint32_t block_parent starting block of parent directory
12 4 uint32_t size_blocks (only used by root directory)
16 8 uint64_t time_created (only used by root directory)
24 8 uint64_t time_modified (only used by root directory)
32 4 uint32_t attribute_block (only used by root directory)
36 4 uint32_t attribute_size (only used by root directory)
40 4 uint32_t system_flags (only used by root directory)
44 4 (reserved) (reserved for use in future versions)
48 80 uint8_t[80] name self directory name; duplicated here from parent directory entry
-------- ------ ---------------------- ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 Entry Total

Limits by Filesystem Size

  • 4 GiB Filesystem
    • 4 GiB / 512 B block => 8 MiBlocks
    • 8 MiBlocks * 4 Bytes => 32 MiB Chain Table
    • Maximum of < 8 MiFiles
  • 256 MiB Filesystem
    • 256 MiB / 512 B block => 512 KiBlocks
    • 512 KiBlocks * 4 Bytes => 2 MiB Chain Table
    • Maximum of < 512 KiFiles
  • x bytes
    • x / 512 => number_of_blocks
    • number_of_blocks * 4 => chain_table_size
    • maximum number of possible files/directories <= depends on use, but less than number_of_blocks


The Bulge Filesystem

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:C 97.3%Language:Makefile 2.7%