dattasaurabh82 / esp32_secure_boot

Secure boot ensures that our ESP32 only runs firmware that we have authorized. This repository is a tutorial on how to do just that

Home Page:https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/esp32/security/secure-boot-v2.html

Repository from Github https://github.comdattasaurabh82/esp32_secure_bootRepository from Github https://github.comdattasaurabh82/esp32_secure_boot

ESP32 Secure Boot Guide

Focus hardware chipset


But the shell script and commands can be adopted for any ESP32 chipset that supports secure boot

Secure boot ensures that our ESP32-H2 only runs firmware that we have authorized.


  • The RSA-PSS's public key is stored on the device. The corresponding RSA-PSS private key is kept at a secret place and is never accessed by the device.
  • Only one public key can be generated and stored in the chip during manufacturing.
  • The same image format and signature verification method is applied for applications and the second stage bootloader.
  • No secrets are stored on the device. Therefore, it is immune to passive side-channel attacks, e.g., timing or power analysis.

When enabled:

  • Only firmware signed with your private key will be accepted
  • Prevents unauthorized or malicious code from running
  • Protects against firmware tampering and unauthorized updates
  • Once enabled, cannot be disabled (permanent security feature)

Key points

  • Requires initial setup with a signing key
  • All firmware updates must be signed
  • Provides hardware-level security
  • Essential for IoT devices requiring secure deployments

💡 Need local system installation.

1. Initial Secure Boot Setup (One Time Only)

  1. Generate & Process signing key:
# In your project directory
# 1. Generate signing key, if it is the first time and we do not have the secure_boot_signing_key.pem
espsecure.py generate_signing_key secure_boot_signing_key.pem

# 2. Process the public key for efuse:
espsecure.py digest_sbv2_public_key --keyfile secure_boot_signing_key.pem --output secure_boot_digest.bin
  1. Burn the key and enable secure boot:

💡 Can’t be un-done !!

# Set key purpose
espefuse.py --port <PORT> burn_efuse KEY_PURPOSE_0 SECURE_BOOT_DIGEST0

# Burn the key
espefuse.py --port <PORT> burn_key BLOCK_KEY0 secure_boot_digest.bin SECURE_BOOT_DIGEST0

# Enable secure boot
espefuse.py --port <PORT> burn_efuse SECURE_BOOT_EN 1

2. Compiling (Every Update)

# Clean binary directory
rm -rf binary
mkdir binary

# Compile
arduino-cli compile -v --fqbn esp32:esp32:esp32h2:UploadSpeed=921600,CDCOnBoot=default,FlashFreq=64,FlashMode=qio,FlashSize=4M,PartitionScheme=min_spiffs,DebugLevel=none,EraseFlash=all,JTAGAdapter=default,ZigbeeMode=default --output-dir binary .

3. Signing Binaries (Every Update)

# Sign bootloader
espsecure.py sign_data --version 2 --keyfile secure_boot_signing_key.pem --output binary/<SKETCH_NAME>.ino.signed.bootloader.bin binary/<SKETCH_NAME>.ino.bootloader.bin

# Sign partition table
espsecure.py sign_data --version 2 --keyfile secure_boot_signing_key.pem --output binary/<SKETCH_NAME>.ino.signed.partitions.bin binary/<SKETCH_NAME>.ino.partitions.bin

# Sign application
espsecure.py sign_data --version 2 --keyfile secure_boot_signing_key.pem --output binary/<SKETCH_NAME>.ino.signed.bin binary/<SKETCH_NAME>.ino.bin

4. Uploading (Every Update)

4.1. From Terminal

Can't use arduino-cli

# For esp32-h2, as an example 

esptool.py --chip esp32h2 --port <PORT> --baud 921600 \
--before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -e -z --flash_mode keep \
--flash_freq keep --flash_size 4MB --force \
0x0 "binary/<SKETCH_NAME>.ino.signed.bootloader.bin" \
0x8000 "binary/<SKETCH_NAME>.ino.signed.partitions.bin" \
0xe000 "/Users/saurabhdatta/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/3.0.7/tools/partitions/boot_app0.bin" \
0x10000 "binary/<SKETCH_NAME>.ino.signed.bin"

💡 Note! if —-force is not used, it will show an error: A fatal error occurred: Secure Boot detected, writing to flash regions < 0x8000 is disabled to protect the bootloader.

This is expected and good - it shows the secure boot protection is working!

Using --force is okay in this case because we're uploading signed binaries.

4.2. From web tool: dattasaurabh82.github.io/webespflasher/

But that's a lot of manual steps

Yes and so, the manual steps 2 and 4 can be made faster with a helper script called secure_boot_process.sh

Just do:

# For esp32-h2, as an example
# Adopt the script and the cmd settings for your chip set 

./secure_boot_process.sh --port <PORT>

# compiles, signs and uploads signed binaries


Secure boot ensures that our ESP32 only runs firmware that we have authorized. This repository is a tutorial on how to do just that


License:The Unlicense


Language:Shell 100.0%