datokrat / datokrat.github.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A medium for knowledge management and transfer (HTML5/JS/CSS only)

The ability to "write" in a medium means you can generate materials and tools for others. [...] In print writing, the materials and tools you generate are rhetorical; they demonstrate and convince. In computer writing, the tools you generate are processes; they simulate and decide. -- Alan Kay in User Interface: A Personal View (page 5)

Crosscutt is the software that powers my personal blog. Here are the key facts you should know.

  • It is in a very early stage.
  • It runs on every server that is capable of serving static files.
  • It requires client-side JavaScript.
  • Articles are written using a special Markdown dialect.
  • KaTeX formulas are supported.
  • The blog comes with an integrated EPUB viewer and you can create deep links to every sentence in your E-Books (respect the copyright of the books, though).
  • Each blog article is supposed to be an interactive tool. For example, it is possible to create collapsible sections.

Getting Started

To use this software, you will need Node.js and a Node.js package manager. I use Yarn but it should be possible to use NPM, too.

Open a terminal and execute:

git clone https://github.com/datokrat/crosscutt.git
cd crosscutt

You can build your blog using

yarn build

Creating Content

Please take a look at the file data-seed.js. Write your articles into an article-*.txt file and import it at the beginning of data-seed.js. Then add a new Article object to the list of articles.

It is also possible to include resources/"references" such as EPUB files. These may be added as EpubReference objects to the list of references and will be available under the URL [root]/?reference/[ID of reference].

Markdown features

Crosscutt Markdown currently supports five features: paragraphs, links, headings and collapsible sections.


You can split your article into paragraphs using empty lines.

This is paragraph 1.

This is paragraph 2.


You can create links whose target is either a URL or a reference (e.g., an EpubReference).

You can create links whose target is either a [[URL|https://example.org]] or a [[reference|reference:some reference ID]].

In the above example, the second link refers to the resource with ID some refereqnce ID.


As of today, there is only one type of heading. You can create headings between paragraphs using # at the beginning of a line.

# Heading

Some paragraph under a heading

KaTeX Math Formulas

Delimit your inline formulas with $ and your block formulas with $$.

If the group finite $G$ operates on the set finite set $M$, we can relate the cardinality of $M$ with the sizes of its orbits unter $G$ by
$$ \# G = \sum_{r \in R} \# ( G \bullet r ), $$
where $R$ is a system of representants of the orbits unter $G$.
Collapsible Sections

If you want some section of your article to be collapsible or exandible on demand, indent all of its lines (also empty lines!) using four spaces and precede it with a section header

_ name of the section

if the section should be collapsed per default or

^ name of the section

if the section should be expanded per default.

There is a special type of link that can be used to toggle the visibility of a section. Here is a full example:

Please [[expand the following section|toggle:example section]] to read along.

_ example section
    Great! Now you know how collapsible sections work.


After installing the package http-server using

yarn global add http-server

you can execute

yarn run debug

from the root directory of the project to build the blog and serve all files from the dist/ directory for debugging purposes.


After building the blog, just copy the dist/ directory to your server.

Vim Support

I use Vim for the development. My setup is based on this great tutorial. The most important plugin is ALE because it automatically gives me feedback regarding the style and formatting of my code and automatically fixes the formatting using :ALEFix.

In my vimrc file, I added some special key mappings for this repo. Those are:

function! SetupEnvironment()
  if filereadable(".vimsettings")
    if readfile(".vimsettings")[0] == "build=yarn-run"
      nnoremap <Leader>x :w<CR> :!yarn run debug<CR>
      nnoremap <Leader>f :ALEFix<CR>

call SetupEnvironment()

They allow me to fix the formatting using \f and start the debug server using \x (in normal mode).


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 96.1%Language:HTML 3.1%Language:CSS 0.7%