datitran / React-Course-APP

This is an application that mange courses using react, react-router, flux

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Manage Courses Application Using React, React Router, Flux

What I have learned from this App?

Envirement Setup

  • Configure VS Code Extensions: Use Prettier and ESLint extention to help format the code and write correct code
  • Create app with create-react-app
  • Install Flux, React Router, and Bootstrap
  • Create Mock API to get mock date to stimulate a db to use it in the app.

Creating React Compoenents

  • Create Function/Class Componenet
  • Create App Entry Point
  • Simple Routing

Props, State, Lifecycle Methods, and Keys

  • Props & State
  • Lifecycle Methods
  • Display Array in a Table via Map
  • Keys

Hooks, Component, Componsition, and Prop Types

  • Hooks,
  • Composing Components
  • PropTypes and Default Props

React Router

  • Intial COnfiguration, Declaring Routes
  • Links and NavLinks
  • Switch & 404s
  • Redirects
  • URL Parameters and Querystrings
  • URL Parameters
  • Prompt on Transition


  • Create Form
  • Controlled Components
  • Form State and Change Handlers
  • Declaring State Change Handlers
  • Create & Consume Reusable Inputs
  • Saving Data
  • Programmatic Redirects with React Router
  • Notifications via Third Party Component (Toast)
  • Input Validation and PropTypes
  • Populate Form via the URL


  • Dispatcher
  • Actions
  • Stores: Change Listeners, Registration, Private Sorage, Interactions, Initialization
  • Update Course Flow with Flux
  • Adding Store Listeners
  • Delete Course via Flux

Get Started

  • To create the app use npx create-react-app name_app
  • Install the packages for this project npm install flux@3.1.3 react-router-dom@5.0.0 bootstrap@4.3.1
  • Install some tools to create Mock API npm install -D cross-env@5.2.0 npm-run-all@4.1.5 json-server@0.15.0 => since tose tools are developement tools we add -D to be listed under dev dependencies when they're written to package.json, corss-env is a handy library for setting env vars, npm-run-all to run multiple scripts at the same time,json-server will serve our moch data.

Mock API

  • We need to configure our MoCK API to generate mock data:

    • under tools directory we have 4 file:
      • apiServer.js: It will serve the API that we use in this project. This uses Express and json-server to host a mock API and simulated database using a JSON file.
      • createMockDB.js: Thiw will create our mock DB each time we start the app. The script will read our mock and write it to separate file called db.json. The db.json file will be read and manipulated by our API server.
      • mockData.js: contains the mock data. This data will be used to populate our mock database. This mock data contains an array of Pluralsight courses and down at the bottom also an array of authors, as well as the data structure for creating a new course.

Kept the scripts to use

To kept the scripts above to use we need to add new scripts pakage.json

  • "start:api": "node tools/apiServer.js", : this script will use Node to call tools/apiServer.js.
  • We want to reacreate the mock database each time that we start our API. to do so let us create another script called prestart:apithat will use node to call tools/createMockDB.js. By convention, this will run before start:api because it has the same name, but prefixed with pre. The mock database will be recreated in each restart
  • Now let set set up the mock api to start every time we start the app. To do so we should reanem the start script => "start:dev":react-scripts start then create a new start script right above it. Here we're going to use the npm-run-all package, which provides a command called run-p this will allow to run both the app and the mock api in the same time. run-p stand for run parallel. We provide this command with list of scripts we want to run in the same time in our case start:dev, start:api => "start": run-p start:dev start:api. Once we run now npm start it should run both the application and our mock api.

Use the mock API

The folder api under src folder contains file that make it easier to use the mock API:

  • CourseApi contains functions that will get courses, save courses and delete courses.
  • AuthorApicontains functions that will get authors, save authors and delete authors.
  • apiUtils centralizes the handling of our API responses. We're using fetch to make API class. Fetch is build into modern browsers so we can make HTTP calls without installing an extra library.

Configure the Env var for the base URL of the mock API

To configure the API base URL we need to update the package.json file:

  • Set start:dev script to run cross-env. This is package from npm that we installed to allows us to set environment variables in cross- platform friendly way. The env var we want to set is REACT_APP_API_URL, and we will set it to the URL for our mock API which is localhost:3001
  • create-react-app will loks for any env var that start with REACT_APP and allows us to replace their values in code.

Other packages

  • Install toast to show toast message by running npm install react-toastify@5.1.1 `


All credits got for Building Applications with React and Flux cours in react Path in pluralsight made by Cory House.


This is an application that mange courses using react, react-router, flux


Language:JavaScript 91.0%Language:HTML 7.5%Language:CSS 1.6%