dasjideepak / js_dom-final

This repository contains assignments that I have worked on for learning Document Object Model (DOM) in javascript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Final DOM Project

The aim of the exercise is to make a real world website using data.

  1. Use the data.js file in project folder
  2. Create app similar to Demo

Getting Started

Setup your project by following these instructions:

  • Make your own copy by forking this exercise.
  • Go to the settings of the newly forked repo and add your mentor as a collaborator on the repo.
  • Make a clone of your forked repo.
  • Create a new branch called develop: git checkout -b develop.
  • Work on the exercise on your develop branch.
  • Push commits to develop branch ONLY. Command - git push origin develop.

After you are done.

  • Submit a Pull Request to merge develop branch into the master branch of your repo. Please don't merge your own pull request.
  • Add your mentor as a reviewer on the PR.
  • The assigned mentor will review the exercise and pass feedback.
  • Once the mentor merges the PR to master branch, you are done with this exercise. Yay!

Goals 🎯

  • Every folder has a .md file and .js, .html files
  • Go through the instruction form .md file and complete it using .js and .html files.




This repository contains assignments that I have worked on for learning Document Object Model (DOM) in javascript


Language:JavaScript 100.0%