dash14 / vuedoc-md

forked from https://gitlab.com/vuedoc/md

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The vuedoc Markdown Documentation Generator

Generate a Markdown Documentation for a Vue file

npm Build status Test coverage


# using in your project
npm install --save @vuedoc/md

# using in command line
npm install --global @vuedoc/md


  • Generate documentation for component props
  • Generate documentation for component data
  • Generate documentation for computed properties with their dependencies
  • Generate documentation for component events
  • Generate documentation for component slots
  • Generate documentation for component methods
  • Support of JSDoc


First use comments to document your component (see test/fixtures/checkbox.vue for a complete example):

    <label :for="id">
      <!-- Use this slot to set the label -->
      <slot name="label"></slot>
    <textarea :id="id" v-on:keyup="keyup" v-on:input="input">
      <!-- Use this slot to set the default value -->

   * The custom HTML `<textarea>` component.
   * @author Sébastien
   * @license MIT
  export default {
    name: 'my-textarea',
    props: {
       * Use this directive to create two-way data bindings with the component.
       * It automatically picks the correct way to update the element based on the input type.
       * @model
      value: { type: String },
       * Defines a unique identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document.
      id: { type: String, required: true },
       * This Boolean property indicates that the user cannot interact with the control.
      disable: { type: Boolean, default: false },
       * Define a custom theme for the component.
       * @default new DefaultTextareaTheme()
       * @type TextareaTheme
      theme: {
        type: Object,
        default: () => new DefaultTextareaTheme()
    methods: {
       * Define if the control value is empty of not.
       * @return {boolean} true if empty; otherwise false
      isEmpty () {
        return !this.value || this.value.length === 0
       * @private
      input (e) {
        this.value = e.target.value

         * Fired when the value is changed.
         * @param {string} value - The updated value
        this.$emit('input', this.value)
       * @private
      keyup (e) {
         * Fired when a key is released.

Then use the CLI to generate the documentation:

# display the vuedoc.md version
vuedoc.md --version

# this print documentation in the standard output
vuedoc.md components/textarea.vue

# generate a Markdown documentation in a file docs/textarea.md
vuedoc.md components/textarea.vue --output docs/

# generate a Markdown documentation all components
vuedoc.md components/*.vue --output docs/

# update the API section of README.md with generated documentation
vuedoc.md components/textarea.vue --section "API" --output README.md

# combine generated documentations of all components into one
vuedoc.md --join components/*.vue --output README.md

# using pipe
cat components/textarea.vue | vuedoc.md


# my-textarea 
The custom HTML `<textarea>` component.

- **author** - Sébastien 
- **license** - MIT 

## props 
- `v-model` ***String*** (*optional*) 
Use this directive to create two-way data bindings with the component. It automatically picks the correct way to update the element based on the input type. 

- `id` ***String*** (*required*) 
Defines a unique identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document. 

- `disable` ***Boolean*** (*optional*) `default: false` 
This Boolean property indicates that the user cannot interact with the control. 

- `theme` ***Object*** (*optional*) `default: new DefaultTextareaTheme()` 
Define a custom theme for the component. 

## slots 
- `label` Use this slot to set the label 

- `default` Use this slot to set the default value 

## events 
- `input` Fired when the value is changed. 

- `keyup` Fired when a key is released. 

## methods 
- `isEmpty()` 
Define if the control value is empty of not.

Command line options

--join                   # Combine generated documentation for multiple component files into only one
--level [integer]        # Set the title level. An integer betwen 1 and 6
--output [file or dir]   # The output directory. If absent, the STDOUT will be used
--section [section name] # Inject the generated documentation to a section. Works with `--output file`
--ignore-name            # Ignore the component name on parsing
--ignore-description     # Ignore the component description on parsing
--ignore-keywords        # Ignore the component keywords on parsing
--ignore-slots           # Ignore the component slots on parsing
--ignore-props           # Ignore the component props on parsing
--ignore-computed        # Ignore the component computed properties on parsing
--ignore-data            # Ignore the component data on parsing
--ignore-methods         # Ignore the component methods on parsing
--ignore-events          # Ignore the component events on parsing

Programmatic Usage


name type description
level integer Set the title level. An integer betwen 1 and 6
output string The output of the documentation. Can be a directory or a Markdown file. If absent, the STDOUT will be used
section string Inject the generated documentation to a section. Works with options.output as Markdown file output
join boolean Combine generated documentation for multiple component files into only one

For parsing options please read the @vuedoc/parser documentation


const vuedoc = require('@vuedoc/md')
const options = {
  filename: 'test/fixtures/checkbox.vue'

  .then((document) => console.log(document))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err))

Visibility Keywords

  • @public By default all commented members are public; this mean they will be part of the documented members.
  • @protected Commented members with this will be ignored.
  • @private Commented members with this will be ignored.

Other Keyword

  • @default {description} Commented prop will use the provided description as default prop description. This option may be helpfull in case the prop type is an object or function.
  • @type {typeName} Commented prop will use provided type name as type instead of type in source code. This option may be helpfull in case the prop type is an object or a function, which you may want to further detail with @typedef in another place.


vuedoc.md has been used to generate documentation of bellow components:

Related projects


Under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for more details.


forked from https://gitlab.com/vuedoc/md

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%