darvinpatel / playwright-demo

This project demonstrates end-to-end testing using Playwright, covering various web application testing scenarios such as cross-browser testing, UI interactions, and automation. It includes tests for user flows, form validations, and page navigation with detailed reporting and headless execution.

Home Page:https://www.saucedemo.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Practice test automation with Playwright Logo on Swag Labs


  • Swag Labs is basic online store with required login from Sauce Labs. Great for example web UI tests.

PLaywright features

End to End testing using:

This tests are purely for Playwright features practice, usage of Page Object Model.

Getting Started


Install Playwright and browser binaries for Chromium, Firefox and WebKit.

npm i -D playwright

You need to have Node.js installed.

Useful Commands

Run All Tests

npm run play:test

Run Tests for Sorting Feature

npm run test-s

Run Tests for Login Feature

npm run test-l

Run Tests for Cart Feature

npm run test-c


This project demonstrates end-to-end testing using Playwright, covering various web application testing scenarios such as cross-browser testing, UI interactions, and automation. It includes tests for user flows, form validations, and page navigation with detailed reporting and headless execution.


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%