darrenmeehan / ansible-octoprint

Ansible to setup Octoprint on a Linux VM

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Setup Octoprint on a Linux machine.


This currently assumes use of the whole machine for Octoprint.


  • [] Setup HA Proxy
  • [] Setup TLS
  • [] Add management of plugins
  • [] Add backup/restore of settings
  • [] Test upgrade flow


  1. Install Ansible. The easiest way (especially on Pi or a Debian system) is via Pip:
    1. (If on Pi/Debian): sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
    2. (Everywhere): pip3 install ansible
  2. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/darrenmeehan/octoprint.git, then enter the repository directory: cd octoprint.
  3. Install requirements: ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml (if you see ansible-galaxy: command not found, restart your SSH session or reboot the Pi and try again)
  4. Make copies of the following files and customize them to your liking:
    • example.inventory.ini to inventory.ini (replace IP address with your Pi's IP, or comment that line and uncomment the connection=local line if you're running it on the Pi you're setting up).
    • example.config.yml to config.yml
  5. Run the playbook: ansible-playbook main.yml --ask-become-pass

If running locally on the machine: You may encounter an error like "Error while fetching server API version". If you do, please either reboot or log out and log back in, then run the playbook again.




This project was created in 2022 by Darren Meehan.


Ansible to setup Octoprint on a Linux VM

License:MIT License