darrendlin / LostArkLogs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lost Ark Logs

This project aims to allow users to self-host DPS logs produced by a custom branch of LOA Details (shoutout to karaeren for the original).

Packet data is obtained from a customized LostArkLogger (again shoutout to shalzuth for the original).

Live version is available here

For any questions or issues, either open an issue or DM Luke#1909 on Discord.

Simple version for now, will add in-depth guide soon


The project is easiest to get running by using Docker.

User authentication is provided by Discord via OAuth2. You need to create a application here and copy/paste your Client ID, Client Secret and Redirect URI in the steps below.

Check Discord Docs for more infomration.

Production Setup Configuration

MongoDB by default is not configured to run with authentication enabled - make sure the it's not accessible from the outside!
If you'd like to enable authentication, I would recommend checking out X509 authentication (resources/tutorial links below):


  • Configure backend: ./backend/.env.example
    • Rename env file to .env.production.local
  • Configure frontend: ./frontend/.env.example
    • Rename env file to .env
  • Configure docker: ./docker-compose.yml
    • If using SSL (recommended), configure volumes for api service in ./docker-compose.yml to point to your certificates
    • Check out certbot if you plan to use SSL but don't have a certificate.

To start the container run docker-compose -p SERVICE_NAME up -d.
This will expose 4 services (presuming you didn't modify the names): site (port 9797), api (port 9898), redis (port 6378) and mongo (port 27016).
It is assumed you will be proxying them with nginx or similar. An example configuration for nginx using certbot to configure SSL can be found in ./nginx
Additionally, the api service is currently only tested while running on a sub-domain of the site service i.e.: https://api.example.com. Running on a subpath like /api is not tested and will most likely not work out of the box.

Once you've started the container, you'll need to initiate the replica set for MongoDB.

Example commands:

# Attach to container
docker exec -it mongo bash

# Login to MongoDB

# Initiate Replica Set
rs.initiate({ _id: "loa", members: [{ _id: 0, host: "localhost:27017" }] })

# Deattach from container and restart api service
docker-compose -p SERVICE_NAME restart api

User management is currently not implemented (25.05.2022)
Basic user management is implemented (16.07.2022)

When first registering you will need to give yourself the superadmin (id: 3) role via MongoDB.
TODO: Describe this in detail until automated during first startup.


If you'd like to contribute to the project, a local development version can be used.
Configuration steps are mostly the same as in Production.

Development Setup Configuration

  • Configure backend: ./backend/.env.example
    • Rename env file to .env.development.local
    • Run npm install
  • Configure frontend: ./frontend/.env.example
    • Rename env file to .env
    • Run npm install
  • Configure docker: ./docker-compose.dev.yml

To start the container run docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.dev.yml -p SERVICE_NAME up -d.

Once you've started the container, like in production, you'll need to initiate the replica set for MongoDB.

I haven't found a clear solution to hot-reloading content from ./frontend while running in docker, so if you would rather run it standalone to allow hot-reloading this is also possible with the following config:

Hot Reloading

Follow the steps in Setup Configuration above.
When running the container, instead of using ./docker-compose.dev.yml, run ./backend/docker-compose.yml.
This will start the api service as it's own container.

The frontend component of LAL was tested using NodeJS LTS. Node >= 18 works as well.

Steps to run site with hot-reloading use the following commands:

  • cd ./frontend
    • If modules are not already installed: npm i -q
  • npm run serve



Language:TypeScript 82.9%Language:Vue 16.1%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:DIGITAL Command Language 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:HTML 0.1%