darrend / cli-tools

a list of cli tools to try or that I've enjoyed

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a list of cli tools to try or that I've enjoyed

Here's the table with links added:

Tool Used? Description Category Link
curlie Simplifies HTTP requests, user-friendly CLI HTTP Client curlie
jq often JSON processor, data parser and transformer Data Processing jq
gum Interactive CLI prompts and utilities CLI Interaction gum
ripgrep often Fast searching tool, grep alternative Search Utility ripgrep
clickhouse Column-oriented DBMS for analytics Database ClickHouse
just often Command runner, make alternative Build Automation just
htop Interactive process viewer System Monitoring htop
tmux Terminal multiplexer Terminal Tool tmux
git often Version control system Version Control git
awk rarely Text processing, data extraction Text Processing GNU awk
sed rarely Stream editor for text transformation Text Processing GNU sed
fzf sometimes Command-line fuzzy finder Search Utility fzf
fd Simple, fast file finder File Management fd
bat often Enhanced cat with syntax highlighting File Viewing bat
exa Modern ls replacement File Management exa
starship Customizable shell prompt Shell Customization starship
zoxide Fast directory navigator Navigation Utility zoxide
delta Viewer for git and diff output Version Control delta
dust Intuitive version of du Disk Usage dust
broot Interactive tree explorer File Management broot
dog Modern DNS client, dig alternative Networking dog
duf Disk usage/free utility Disk Monitoring duf
glow Markdown renderer Document Viewer glow
lazydocker Simple terminal UI for Docker operations Container Management lazydocker
navi Interactive cheatsheet tool Command Assistance navi
Helix Modal text editor, vim/neovim alternative Text Editor Helix
Warp Rust-based terminal Terminal Tool Warp
bottom System/resource monitor, htop alternative System Monitoring bottom
ncdu often Ncurses disk usage Disk Monitoring ncdu


a list of cli tools to try or that I've enjoyed