darrenclark / jetstream

JetStream Utilities

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JetStream (Technical Preview)

JetStream is the NATS.io persistence engine that will support streaming as well as traditional message and worker queues for At-Least-Once delivery semantics.

More information can be found here.



In JetStream the configuration for storing messages is defined separately from how they are consumed. Storage is defined in a Message Set and consuming messages is defined by multiple Observables.

We'll discuss these 2 topics in the context of this architecture.


While this is an incomplete architecture it does show a number of key points:

  • Many related topics are stored in a Message Set
  • Observables can have different modes of operation and receive just subsets of the messages
  • Multiple Acknowledgement modes are supported

A new order arrives on ORDERS.received, gets sent to the NEW Observable who, on success, will create a new message on ORDERS.processed. The ORDERS.processed message again enters the store where a DISPATCH Observable receives it and once processed it will create an ORDERS.completed message which will again enter the Message Set. These operations are all pull based meaning they are work queues and can scale horizontally. All require acknowledged delivery ensuring no order is missed.

All messages are delivered to a MONITOR Observable without any acknowledgement and using Pub/Sub semantics - they are pushed to the monitor.

As messages are acknowledged to the NEW and DISPATCH observables, a percentage of them are sampled and messages indicating redelivery counts, ack delays and more, are delivered to the monitoring system.

Message Sets

Message Sets define how messages are stored and retention duration. Message Sets consume normal NATS topics, any message found on those topics will be delivered to the defined storage system. You can do a normal publish to the topic for unacknowledged delivery, else if you send a Request to the topic the JetStream server will reply with an acknowledgement that it was stored.

As of January 2020, in the tech preview we have file and memory based storage systems, we do not yet support clustering.

In the diagram above we show the concept of storing all ORDERS.* in the Message Set even though there are many types of order related messages. We'll show how you can selectively consume subsets of messages later. Relatively speaking the Message Set is the most resource consuming component so being able to combine related data in this manner is important to consider.

Message Sets can consume many subjects. Here we have ORDERS.* but we could also consume SHIPPING.state into the same Message Set should that make sense (not shown here).

Message Sets support various retention policies - they can be kept based on limits like max count, size or age but also more novel methods like keeping them as long as any observables have them unacknowledged, or work queue like behavior where a message is removed after first ack.

When defining Message Sets the items below make up the entire configuration of the set.

Item Description
MaxAge When retention policy is StreamPolicy how old message in the set may be
MaxBytes When retention policy is StreamPolicy how big the message set may be
MaxMsgSize The largest message that will be accepted by the Message Set
MaxMsgs When retention policy is StreamPolicy how many messages may be in a message set
MaxObservables How many Observables can be defined for a given message set, -1 for unlimited
Name A name for the message set that may not have spaces, tabs or .
NoAck Disables acknowledging messages that are received by the message set
Replicas How many replicas to keep for each message (not implemented as of January 2020)
Retention How message retention is considered, StreamPolicy (default), InterestPolicy or WorkQueuePolicy
Storage The type of storage backend, file and memory as of January 2020
Subjects A list of subjects to consume, supports wildcards


Each consumer, or related group of consumers, of a Message Set will need an observable defined. It's ok to define thousands of these pointing at the same Message Set.

Observables can either be push based where JetStream will deliver the messages as fast as possible to a topic of your choice or pull based for typical work queue like behavior. The rate of message delivery in both cases is subject to ReplayPolicy. A ReplayInstant Observable will receive all messages as fast as possible while a ReplayOriginal Observable will receive messages at the rate they were received, which is great for replaying production traffic in staging.

In the orders example above we have 3 observables. The first two select a subset of the messages from the Message Set by specifying a specific subject like ORDERS.processed. The Message Set consumes ORDERS.* and this allows you to receive just what you need. The final observable receives all messages in a push fashion.

Observables track their progress, they know what messages were delivered, acknowledged, etc., and will redeliver messages they sent that were not acknowledged. When first created, the Observable has to know what message to send as the first one. You can configure either a specific message in the set (MsgSetSeq), specific time (StartTime), all (DeliverAll) or last (DeliverLast). This is the starting point and from there, they all behave the same - delivering all of the following messages with optional Acknowledgement.

Acknowledgements default to AckExplicit - the only supported mode for pull-based Observables - meaning every message requires distinct acknowledgement. But for push-based Observables, you can set AckNone that does not require any acknowledgement, or AckAll which quite interestingly allows you to acknowledge a specific message, like message 100, which will also acknowledge messages 1 through 99. The AckAll mode can be a great performance boost.

Some messages may cause your applications to crash and cause a never ending loop forever poisoning your system. The MaxDeliver setting allow you to set a upper bound to how many times a message may be delivered.

To assist with creating monitoring applications, one can set a SampleFrequency which is a percentage of messages for which the system should sample and create events. These events will include delivery counts and ack waits.

When defining Observables the items below make up the entire configuration of the Observable:

Item Description
AckPolicy How messages should be acknowledged, AckNone, AckAll or AckExplicit
AckWait How long to allow messages to remain unacked before attempting redelivery
DeliverAll When first consuming messages start from the first message and deliver every message in the set
DeliverLast When first consuming messages start with the latest received message in the set
Delivery The subject to deliver observed messages, when not set, a pull-based Observable is created
Durable The name of the observable
FilterSubject When consuming from a Message Set with many subjects, or wildcards, select only a specific incoming subject
MaxDeliver Maximum amount times a specific message will be delivered. Use this to avoid poison pills crashing all your services forever
MsgSetSeq When first consuming messages from the Message Set start at this particular message in the set
ReplayPolicy How messages are sent ReplayInstant or ReplayOriginal
SampleFrequency What percentage of acknowledgements should be samples for observability, 0-100
StartTime When first consuming messages from the Message Set start with messages on or after this time


The rest of this document introduces the jsm utility, but for completeness and reference this is how you'd create the ORDERS scenario. We'll configure a 1 year retention for order related messages:

$ jsm ms add ORDERS --subjects "ORDERS.*" --ack --max-msgs=-1 --max-bytes=-1 --max-age=1y --storage file --retention stream --max-msg-size=-1
$ jsm obs add ORDERS NEW --filter ORDERS.received --ack explicit --pull --deliver all --max-deliver=-1 --sample 100
$ jsm obs add ORDERS DISPATCH --filter ORDERS.processed --ack explicit --pull --deliver all --max-deliver=-1 --sample 100
$ jsm obs add ORDERS MONITOR --filter '' --ack none --target monitor.ORDERS --deliver last --replay instant

Getting Started

This tech preview is limited to a single server and defaults to the global account. JetStream is NATS 2.0 aware and is scoped to accounts from a resource limit perspective. This is not the same as an individual server's resources, but may feel that way starting out. Don't worry, clustering is coming next but we wanted to get input early from the community.

Using Docker

The synadia/jsm:latest docker image contains both the JetStream enabled NATS Server and the jsm utility this guide covers.

In one window start JetStream:

$ docker run -ti --rm --entrypoint /nats-server --name js synadia/jsm:latest -js -D

And in another log into the utilities:

$ docker exec -ti js sh -l

This shell has the jsm utility and all other NATS cli tools used in the rest of this guide.

Now skip to the Administer JetStream section.

Using Source

You will also want to have installed from the nats.go repo the examples/tools such as nats-pub, nats-sub, nats-req and possibly nats-bench. One of the design goals of JetStream was to be native to core NATS, so even though we will most certainly add in syntactic sugar to clients to make them more appealing, for this tech preview we will be using plain old NATS.

You will need a copy of the nats-server source locally and will need to be in the jetstream branch.

$ git clone https://github.com/nats-io/nats-server.git
$ cd nats-server
$ git checkout jetstream
$ go build
$ ls -l nats-server

Starting the server you can use the -js flag. This will setup the server to reasonably use memory and disk. This is a sample run on my machine. JetStream will default to 1TB of disk and 75% of available memory for now.

$ ./nats-server -js

[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.596968 [INF] Starting nats-server version 2.2.0-beta
[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.597056 [INF] Git commit [not set]
[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.597072 [INF] Starting JetStream
[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.597444 [INF] ----------- JETSTREAM (Beta) -----------
[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.597451 [INF]   Max Memory:      96.00 GB
[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.597454 [INF]   Max Storage:     1.00 TB
[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.597461 [INF]   Store Directory: "/var/folders/m0/k03vs55n2b54kdg7jm66g27h0000gn/T/jetstream"
[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.597469 [INF] ----------------------------------------
[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.597732 [INF] Listening for client connections on
[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.597738 [INF] Server id is NAJ5GKP5OBVISP5MW3BFAD447LMTIOAHFEWMH2XYWLL5STVGN3MJHTXQ
[16928] 2019/12/04 19:16:29.597742 [INF] Server is ready

You can override the storage directory if you want.

$ ./nats-server -js -sd /tmp/test

[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874148 [INF] Starting nats-server version 2.2.0-beta
[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874247 [INF] Git commit [not set]
[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874273 [INF] Starting JetStream
[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874605 [INF] ----------- JETSTREAM (Beta) -----------
[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874613 [INF]   Max Memory:      96.00 GB
[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874615 [INF]   Max Storage:     1.00 TB
[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874620 [INF]   Store Directory: "/tmp/test/jetstream"
[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874625 [INF] ----------------------------------------
[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874868 [INF] Listening for client connections on
[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874874 [INF] Server id is NCR6KDDGWUU2FXO23WAXFY66VQE6JNWVMA24ALF2MO5GKAYFIMQULKUO
[16943] 2019/12/04 19:20:00.874877 [INF] Server is ready

Administration and Usage from the CLI

Once the server is running it's time to use the management tool. This can be downloaded from the GitHub Release Page or you can use the synadia/jsm:latest docker image.

$ jsm --help
usage: jsm [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
JetStream Management Tool

      --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --version                  Show application version.
  -s, --server="localhost:4222"  NATS servers
      --creds=CREDS              User credentials
      --tlscert=TLSCERT          TLS public certifcate
      --tlskey=TLSKEY            TLS private key
      --tlsca=TLSCA              TLS certifcate authority chain
      --timeout=2s               Time to give JetStream to respond to queries

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

We'll walk through the above scenario and introduce features of the CLI and of JetStream as we recreate the setup above.

Throughout this example, we'll show other commands like nats-pub and nats-sub to interact with the system. These are normal existing core NATS commands and JetStream is fully usable by only using core NATS.

We'll touch on some additional features but please review the section on the design model to understand all possible permutations.

Account Information

JetStream is multi-tenant so you will need to check that your account is enabled for JetStream and is not limited. You can view your limits as follows:

$ jsm account info

      Memory: 0 B of 6.4 GB
     Storage: 0 B of 1.1 TB
Message Sets: 1 of Unlimited

Message Sets

The first step is to set up storage for our ORDERS related messages, these arrive on a wildcard of subjects all flowing into the same Message Set and they are kept for 1 year.


$ jsm ms add ORDERS
? Subjects to consume ORDERS.*
? Storage backend file
? Retention Policy Stream
? Message count limit -1
? Message size limit -1
? Maximum message age limit 1y
? Maximum individual message size [? for help] (-1) -1
Message set ORDERS was created

Information for message set ORDERS


             Subjects: ORDERS.*
  No Acknowledgements: false
            Retention: File - Limits
             Replicas: 1
     Maximum Messages: -1
        Maximum Bytes: -1
          Maximum Age: 8760h0m0s
 Maximum Message Size: -1
  Maximum Observables: -1


            Messages: 0
               Bytes: 0 B
            FirstSeq: 0
             LastSeq: 0
  Active Observables: 0

You can get prompted interactively for missing information as above, or do it all on one command. Pressing ? in the CLI will help you map prompts to CLI options:

$ jsm ms add ORDERS --subjects "ORDERS.*" --ack --max-msgs=-1 --max-bytes=-1 --max-age=1y --storage file --retention stream --max-msg-size=-1


We can confirm our Message Set was created:

$ jsm ms ls
Message Sets:



Information about the configuration of the Message Set can be seen, and if you did not specify the Message Set like below, it will prompt you based on all known ones:

$ jsm ms info ORDERS
Information for message set ORDERS


             Subjects: ORDERS.*
  No Acknowledgements: false
            Retention: File - Limits
             Replicas: 1
     Maximum Messages: -1
        Maximum Bytes: -1
          Maximum Age: 8760h0m0s
  Maximum Observables: -1


            Messages: 0
               Bytes: 0 B
            FirstSeq: 0
             LastSeq: 0
  Active Observables: 0

Most commands that show data as above support -j to show the results as JSON:

$ jsm ms info ORDERS -j
  "config": {
    "name": "ORDERS",
    "subjects": [
    "retention": "stream_limits",
    "max_observables": -1,
    "max_msgs": -1,
    "max_bytes": -1,
    "max_age": 31536000000000000,
    "storage": "file",
    "num_replicas": 1
  "stats": {
    "messages": 0,
    "bytes": 0,
    "first_seq": 0,
    "last_seq": 0,
    "observable_count": 0

This is the general pattern for the entire jsm utility - prompting for needed information but every action can be run non-interactively making it usable as a cli api. All information output like seen above can be turned into JSON using -j.

Publishing Into a Message Set

Now let's add in some messages to our Message Set. You can use nats-pub or nats-bench. Or even nats-req to see the publish ack being returned (these are included in the synadia/jsm:latest docker image).

You can publish without waiting for acknowledgement:

$ nats-pub ORDERS.scratch hello
Published [sub1] : 'hello'

But if you want to be sure your messages got to JetStream and were persisted you can make a request:

$ nats-req ORDERS.scratch hello

Keep checking the status of the Message Set while doing this and you'll see it's stored messages increase.

$ jsm ms info ORDERS
Information for message set ORDERS

            Messages: 3
               Bytes: 147 B
            FirstSeq: 1
             LastSeq: 3
  Active Observables: 0

After putting some throw away data into the Message Set, we can purge all the data out - while keeping the Message Set active:

Deleting Data

$ jsm ms purge ORDERS -f

            Messages: 0
               Bytes: 0 B
            FirstSeq: 1,000,001
             LastSeq: 1,000,000
  Active Observables: 0

Deleting Sets

Finally for demonstration purposes, you can also delete the whole Message Set and recreate it so then we're ready for creating the observables:

$ jsm ms rm ORDERS -f
$ jsm ms add ORDERS --subjects "ORDERS.*" --ack --max-msgs=-1 --max-bytes=-1 --max-age=1y --storage file --retention stream --max-msg-size=-1


Observables is how messages are read or consumed from the Message Set. We support pull and push-based Observables and the example scenario has both, lets walk through that.

Creating Pull-Based Observables

The NEW and DISPATCH observables are pull-based, meaning the services consuming data from them have to ask the system for the next available message. This means you can easily scale your services up by adding more workers and the messages will get spread across the workers based on their availability.

Pull-based Observables are created the same as push-based Observables, just don't specify a delivery target.

$ jsm obs ls ORDERS
No observables defined

We have no Observables, lets add the NEW one:

I supply the --sample options on the CLI as this is not prompted for at present, everything else is prompted. The help in the CLI explains each:

$ jsm obs add --sample 100
? Select a message set ORDERS
? Observable name NEW
? Delivery target
? Start policy (all, last, 1h, msg sequence) all
? Filter Message Set by subject (blank for all) ORDERS.received
? Maximum Allowed Deliveries 20
Information for observable ORDERS > NEW


        Durable Name: NEW
           Pull Mode: true
             Subject: ORDERS.received
         Deliver All: true
        Deliver Last: false
          Ack Policy: explicit
            Ack Wait: 30s
       Replay Policy: instant
  Maximum Deliveries: 20
       Sampling Rate: 100


  Last Delivered Message: Observable sequence: 1 Message set sequence: 1
    Acknowledgment floor: Observable sequence: 0 Message set sequence: 0
        Pending Messages: 0
    Redelivered Messages: 0

This is a pull-based Observable (empty Delivery Target), it gets messages from the first available message and requires specific acknowledgement of each and every message.

It only received messages that originally entered the Message Set on ORDERS.received. Remember the Message Set subscribes to ORDERS.*, this lets us select a subset of messages from the Message Set.

A Maximum Delivery limit of 20 is set, this means if the message is not acknowledged it will be retried but only up to this maximum total deliveries.

Again this can all be done in a single CLI call, lets make the DISPATCH Observable:

$ jsm obs add ORDERS DISPATCH --filter ORDERS.processed --ack explicit --pull --deliver all --sample 100 --max-deliver 20

Creating Push-Based Observables

Our MONITOR Observable is push-based, has no ack and will only get new messages and is not sampled:

$ jsm obs add
? Select a message set ORDERS
? Observable name MONITOR
? Delivery target monitor.ORDERS
? Start policy (all, last, 1h, msg sequence) last
? Acknowledgement policy none
? Replay policy instant
? Filter Message Set by subject (blank for all)
? Maximum Allowed Deliveries -1
Information for observable ORDERS > MONITOR


      Durable Name: MONITOR
  Delivery Subject: monitor.ORDERS
       Deliver All: false
      Deliver Last: true
        Ack Policy: none
     Replay Policy: instant


  Last Delivered Message: Observable sequence: 1 Message set sequence: 3
    Acknowledgment floor: Observable sequence: 0 Message set sequence: 2
        Pending Messages: 0
    Redelivered Messages: 0

Again you can do this with a single non interactive command:

$ jsm obs add ORDERS MONITOR --ack none --target monitor.ORDERS --deliver last --replay instant --filter ''


You can get a quick list of all the Observables for a specific Message Set:

$ jsm obs ls ORDERS
Observables for message set ORDERS:



All details for an Observable can be queried, lets first look at a pull-based Observable:

$ jsm obs info ORDERS DISPATCH
Information for observable ORDERS > DISPATCH


      Durable Name: DISPATCH
         Pull Mode: true
           Subject: ORDERS.processed
       Deliver All: true
      Deliver Last: false
        Ack Policy: explicit
          Ack Wait: 30s
     Replay Policy: instant
     Sampling Rate: 100


  Last Delivered Message: Observable sequence: 1 Message set sequence: 1
    Acknowledgment floor: Observable sequence: 0 Message set sequence: 0
        Pending Messages: 0
    Redelivered Messages: 0

More details about the State section will be shown later when discussing the ack models in depth.

Consuming Pull-Based Observables

Pull-based Observables require you to specifically ask for messages and ack them, typically you would do this with the client library Request() feature, but the jsm utility has a helper:

First we ensure we have a message:

$ nats-pub ORDERS.processed "order 1"
$ nats-pub ORDERS.processed "order 2"
$ nats-pub ORDERS.processed "order 3"

We can now read them using jsm:

$ jsm obs next ORDERS DISPATCH
--- received on ORDERS.processed
order 1

Acknowledged message

$ jsm obs next ORDERS DISPATCH
--- received on ORDERS.processed
order 2

Acknowledged message

You can prevent ACKs by supplying --no-ack.

To do this from code you'd send a Request() to $JS.RN.ORDERS.DISPATCH:

$ nats-req '$JS.RN.ORDERS.DISPATCH' ''
Published [$JS.RN.ORDERS.DISPATCH] : ''
Received  [ORDERS.processed] : 'order 3'

Here nats-req cannot ack, but in your code you'd respond to the received message with a nil payload as an Ack to JetStream.

Consuming Push-Based Observables

Push-based Observables will publish messages to a topic and anyone who subscribes to the topic will get them, they support different Acknowledgement models covered later, but here on the MONITOR Observable we have no Acknowledgement.

$ jsm obs info ORDERS MONITOR
  Delivery Subject: monitor.ORDERS

The Observable is publishing to that subject, so lets listen there:

$ nats-sub monitor.ORDERS
Listening on [monitor.ORDERS]
[#3] Received on [ORDERS.processed]: 'order 3'
[#4] Received on [ORDERS.processed]: 'order 4'

Note the subject here of the received message is reported as ORDERS.processed this helps you distinguish what you're seeing in a Message Set covering a wildcard, or multiple topic, topic space.

This Observable needs no ack, so any new message into the ORDERS system will show up here in real time.

Model Deep Dive

The Orders example touched on a lot of features, but some like different Ack models and message limits, need a bit more detail. This section will expand on the above and fill in some blanks.

Message Set Limits and Retention Modes

Message Sets store data on disk, but we cannot store all data forever so we need ways to control their size automatically.

There are 3 features that come into play when Message Sets decide how long they store data.

The Retention Policy describes based on what criteria a set will evict messages from its storage:

Retention Policy Description
StreamPolicy Limits are set for how many messages, how big the storage and how old messages may be
WorkQueuePolicy Messages are kept until they were consumed by any one single observer and then removed
InterestPolicy Messages are kept as long as there are observables active for them

In all Retention Policies the basic limits apply as upper bounds, these are MaxMsgs for how many messages are kept in total, MaxBytes for how big the set can be in total and MaxAge for what is the oldest message that will be kept. These are the only limits in play with StreamPolicy retention.

One can then define additional ways a message may be removed from the Message Set earlier than these limits. In WorkQueuePolicy the messages will be removed as soon as any Observable received an Acknowledgement. In InterestPolicy messages will be removed as soon as there are no more Observables.

In both WorkQueuePolicy and InterestPolicy the age, size and count limits will still apply as upper bounds.

A final control is the Maximum Size any single message may have. NATS have it's own limit for maximum size (1 MiB by default), but you can say a Message Set will only accept messages up to 1024 bytes using MaxMsgSize.

Acknowledgement Models

Message Sets support acknowledging receiving a message, if you send a Request() to a topic covered by the configuration of the Message Set the service will reply to you once it stored the message. If you just publish, it will not. A Message Set can be set to disable Acknowledgements by setting NoAck to true in it's configuration.

Observables have 3 acknowledgement modes:

Mode Description
AckExplicit This requires every message to be specifically acknowledged, it's the only supported option for pull-based Observables
AckAll In this mode if you acknowledge message 100 it will also acknowledge message 1-99, this is good for processing batches and to reduce ack overhead
AckNone No acknowledgements are supported

To understand how Observables track messages we will start with a clean ORDERS Message Set and DISPATCH Observable.

$ jsm ms info ORDERS

            Messages: 0
               Bytes: 0 B
            FirstSeq: 0
             LastSeq: 0
  Active Observables: 1

The Set is entirely empty

$ jsm obs info ORDERS DISPATCH

  Last Delivered Message: Observable sequence: 1 Message set sequence: 1
    Acknowledgment floor: Observable sequence: 0 Message set sequence: 0
        Pending Messages: 0
    Redelivered Messages: 0

The Observable has no messages oustanding and has never had any (Observable sequence is 1).

We publish one message to the Message Set and see that the Message Set received it:

$ nats-pub ORDERS.processed "order 4"
Published [ORDERS.processed] : 'order 4'
$ jsm ms info ORDERS

            Messages: 1
               Bytes: 53 B
            FirstSeq: 1
             LastSeq: 1
  Active Observables: 1

As the Observable is pull-based, we can fetch the message, ack it, and check the Observable state:

$ jsm obs next ORDERS DISPATCH
--- received on ORDERS.processed
order 4

Acknowledged message

$ jsm obs info ORDERS DISPATCH

  Last Delivered Message: Observable sequence: 2 Message set sequence: 2
    Acknowledgment floor: Observable sequence: 1 Message set sequence: 1
        Pending Messages: 0
    Redelivered Messages: 0

The message got delivered and acknowledged - Acknowledgement floor is 1 and 1, the sequence of the Observable is 2 which means its had only the one message through and got acked. Since it was acked, nothing is pending or redelivering.

We'll publish another message, fetch it but not Ack it this time and see the status:

$ nats-pub ORDERS.processed "order 5"
Published [ORDERS.processed] : 'order 5'
$ jsm obs next ORDERS DISPATCH --no-ack
--- received on ORDERS.processed
order 5
$ jsm obs info ORDERS DISPATCH

  Last Delivered Message: Observable sequence: 3 Message set sequence: 3
    Acknowledgment floor: Observable sequence: 1 Message set sequence: 1
        Pending Messages: 1
    Redelivered Messages: 0

Now we can see the Observable have processed 2 messages (obs sequence is 3, next message will be 3) but the Ack floor is still 1 - thus 1 message is pending acknowledgement. Indeed this is confirmed in the Pending messages.

If I fetch it again and again do not ack it:

$ jsm obs next ORDERS DISPATCH --no-ack
--- received on ORDERS.processed
order 5
$ jsm obs info ORDERS DISPATCH

  Last Delivered Message: Observable sequence: 4 Message set sequence: 3
    Acknowledgment floor: Observable sequence: 1 Message set sequence: 1
        Pending Messages: 1
    Redelivered Messages: 1

The Observable sequence increases - each delivery attempt increase the sequence - and our redelivered count also goes up.

Finally if I then fetch it again and ack it this time:

$ jsm obs next ORDERS DISPATCH 
--- received on ORDERS.processed
order 5

Acknowledged message
$ jsm obs info ORDERS DISPATCH

  Last Delivered Message: Observable sequence: 5 Message set sequence: 3
    Acknowledgment floor: Observable sequence: 1 Message set sequence: 1
        Pending Messages: 0
    Redelivered Messages: 0

Having now Acked the message there are no more pending.

Observable Starting Position

When setting up an Observable you can decide where to start, the system supports the following:

Policy Description
DeliverAll Delivers all messages that are available
DeliverLast Delivers the latest message, like a tail -f
MsgSetSeq Delivers from a specific message in a message set and newer
StartTime Delivers from a specific time, where the time is a delta from now

Regardless of what mode you set, this is only the starting point. Once started it will always give you what you have not seen or acknowledged. So this is merely how it picks the very first message.

Lets look at each of these, first we make a new Message Set ORDERS and add 100 messages to it.

Now create a DeliverAll pull-based Observable:

$ jsm obs add ORDERS ALL --pull --filter ORDERS.processed --ack none --replay instant --deliver all 
$ jsm obs next ORDERS ALL
--- received on ORDERS.processed
order 1

Acknowledged message

Now create a DeliverLast pull-based Observable:

$ jsm obs add ORDERS LAST --pull --filter ORDERS.processed --ack none --replay instant --deliver last
$ jsm obs next ORDERS LAST
--- received on ORDERS.processed
order 100

Acknowledged message

Now create a MsgSetSeq pull-based Observable:

$ jsm obs add ORDERS TEN --pull --filter ORDERS.processed --ack none --replay instant --deliver 10
$ jsm obs next ORDERS TEN
--- received on ORDERS.processed
order 10

Acknowledged message

And finally a time-based Observable. Let's add some messages a minute apart:

$ jsm ms purge ORDERS
$ for i in 1 2 3
  nats-pub ORDERS.processed "order ${i}"
  sleep 60

Then create an Observable that starts 2 minutes ago:

$ jsm obs add ORDERS 2MIN --pull --filter ORDERS.processed --ack none --replay instant --deliver 2m
$ jsm obs next ORDERS 2MIN
--- received on ORDERS.processed
order 2

Acknowledged message

Ephemeral Observables

So far, all the Observables you have seen were Durable, meaning they exist even after you disconnect from JetStream. In our Orders scenario, though the MONITOR Observable could very well be a short-lived thing there just while an operator is debugging the system, there is no need to remember the last seen position if all you are doing is wanting to observe the real-time state.

In this case, we can make an Ephemeral Observable by first subscribing to the delivery subject, then creating a durable and giving it no durable name. An Ephemeral Observable exists as long as any subscription is active on its delivery subject. It is automatically be removed, after a short grace period to handle restarts, when there are no subscribers.

Ephemeral Observables can only be push-based.

Terminal 1:

$ nats-sub my.monitor

Terminal 2:

$ jsm obs add ORDERS --filter '' --ack none --target 'my.monitor' --deliver last --replay instant --ephemeral

The --ephemeral switch tells the system to make an Ephemeral Observable.

Observable Message Rates

Typically what you want is if a new Observable is made the selected messages are delivered to you as quickly as possible. You might want to replay messages at the rate they arrived though, meaning if messages first arrived 1 minute apart and you make a new Observable it will get the messages a minute apart.

This is useful in load testing scenarios etc. This is called the ReplayPolicy and have values of ReplayInstant and ReplayOriginal.

You can only set ReplayPolicy on push-based Observables.

$ jsm obs add ORDERS REPLAY --target out.original --filter ORDERS.processed --ack none --deliver all --sample 100 --replay original
     Replay Policy: original

Now lets publish messages into the Set 10 seconds apart:

$ for i in 1 2 3                                                                                                                                                      <15:15:35
  nats-pub ORDERS.processed "order ${i}"
  sleep 10
Published [ORDERS.processed] : 'order 1'
Published [ORDERS.processed] : 'order 2'
Published [ORDERS.processed] : 'order 3'

And when we consume them they will come to us 10 seconds apart:

$ nats-sub -t out.original
Listening on [out.original]
2020/01/03 15:17:26 [#1] Received on [ORDERS.processed]: 'order 1'
2020/01/03 15:17:36 [#2] Received on [ORDERS.processed]: 'order 2'
2020/01/03 15:17:46 [#3] Received on [ORDERS.processed]: 'order 3'

Ack Sampling

In the earlier sections we saw that samples are being sent to a monitoring system. Let's look at that in depth; how the monitoring system works and what it contains.

As messages pass through an Observable you'd be interested in knowing how many are being redelivered and how many times but also how long it takes for messages to be acknowledged.

Observables can sample Ack'ed messages for you and publish samples so your monitoring system can observe the health of an Observable. We will add support for this to NATS Surveyor.


You can configure an Observable for sampling by passing the --sample 80 option to jsm obs add, this tells the system to sample 80% of Acknowledgements.

When viewing info of an Observable you can tell if it's sampled or not:

$ jsm obs info ORDERS NEW
     Sampling Rate: 100


Samples are published to $JS.OBSERVABLE.ACKSAMPLE.<msg set name>.<observable name> in JSON format containing server.ObservableAckSampleEvent. Use the jsm obs sample command to view samples:

$ jsm obs sample
? Select a message set ORDERS
? Select an observable NEW
Listening for Ack Samples on $JS.OBSERVABLE.ACKSAMPLE.ORDERS.NEW with sampling frequency 100 for ORDERS > NEW 

[16:10:13] ORDERS > NEW
  Message Set Sequence: 142
   Observable Sequence: 154
           Redelivered: 1
                 Delay: 5.1684ms
$ jsm obs sample ORDERS NEW --json
  "msg_set": "ORDERS",
  "obs": "NEW",
  "obs_seq": 155,
  "msg_set_seq": 143,
  "ack_time": 5387000,
  "delivered": 1
  "msg_set": "ORDERS",
  "obs": "NEW",
  "obs_seq": 156,
  "msg_set_seq": 144,
  "ack_time": 5807800,
  "delivered": 1

NATS API Reference

Thus far we saw a lot of CLI interactions. The CLI works by sending and receiving specially crafted messages over core NATS to configure the JetStream system. In time we will look to add file based configuration but for now the only method is the NATS API.

To see how this works the jsm utility can TRACE all it's communication to the NATS Servers:

$ JSM_TRACE=1 jsm ms info ORDERS
  "config": {
    "name": "ORDERS",
    "subjects": [
    "retention": "stream_limits",
    "max_observables": -1,
    "max_msgs": -1,
    "max_bytes": -1,
    "max_age": 86400000000000,
    "storage": "file",
    "num_replicas": 1
  "stats": {
    "messages": 145,
    "bytes": 5075,
    "first_seq": 1,
    "last_seq": 145,
    "observable_count": 1
Information for message set ORDERS

Here you see 2 interactions:

  1. It does a Request() to $JS.MSGSETS with an empty payload, the response is a JSON array of known sets
  2. It does a Request() to $JS.MSGSET.INFO with the set name as payload, the response is a JSON document describing the config and state of the message set.

This section will walk you through all the current API interactions so you can perform these tasks programatically yourself. The JetStreamMgmt object has all these behaviours for your reference.


All of these topics are found as constants in the NATS Server source, so for example the $JS.MSGSETS is a constant in the nats-server source server.JetStreamMsgSets. The tables below will reference these constants and likewise data structures in the server for payloads.

Error Handling

Many API calls that do not have specific structured data as response will reply with either +OK or -ERR <reason>, in the reference below this is what is known as Standard OK/ERR. Even those that reply with JSON structures can reply with -ERR <reason> instead of the expected JSON, so you need to check for that first before attempting to parse the result.

$ nats-req '$JS.MSGSET.INFO' nonexisting
Published [$JS.MSGSET.INFO] : 'nonexisting'
Received  [_INBOX.lcWgjX2WgJLxqepU0K9pNf.mpBW9tHK] : '-ERR msgset not found'
Published [$JS.MSGSET.INFO] : 'ORDERS'
Received  [_INBOX.fwqdpoWtG8XFXHKfqhQDVA.vBecyWmF] : '{
  "config": {
    "name": "ORDERS",

Admin API

All the admin actions the jsm CLI can do falls in the sections below.

General Info

Topic Description Request Payload Response Payload
server.JetStreamEnabled Determines if JetStream is enabled for your account empty payload +OK else no response
server.JetStreamInfo Retrieves stats and limits about your account empty payload server.JetStreamAccountStats

Message Sets

Topic Description Request Payload Response Payload
server.JetStreamMsgSets List known message sets empty payload Array of names in JSON format
server.JetStreamCreateMsgSet Creates a new Message Set server.MsgSetConfig Standard OK/ERR
server.JetStreamMsgSetInfo Information about config and state of a Message Set name of the Message Set server.MsgSetInfo
server.JetStreamDeleteMsgSet Deletes a Message Set and all its data name of the Message Set Standard OK/ERR
server.JetStreamPurgeMsgSet Purges all of the data in a Message Set, leaves the Message Set name of the Message sSet Standard OK/ERR
server.JetStreamDeleteMsg Deletes a specific message in the Message Set by sequence, useful for GDPR compliance set_name set_seq Standard OK/ERR


Topic Description Request Payload Response Payload
server.JetStreamObservables List known observables name of the Message Set Array of names in JSON format
server.JetStreamCreateObservable Create an observable server.ObservableConfig Standard OK/ERR
server.JetStreamObservableInfo Information about an Observable set_name obs_name server.ObservableInfo
server.JetStreamDeleteObservable Deletes an Observable set_name obs_name Standard OK/ERR

Acknowledging Messages

Messages that need acknowledgement will have a Reply subject set, something like $JS.A.ORDERS.test.1.2.2, this is the prefix defined in server.JetStreamAckPre followed by <message set>.<observable>.<delivery count>.<set sequence>.<obs sequence>.

In all the Synadia maintained API's you can simply do msg.Respond(nil) (or language equivalent) which will send nil to the reply subject.

Fetching The Next Message From a Pull-based Observable

If you have a pull-based Observable you can send a standard NATS Request to $JS.RN.<message set>.<observable>, here the prefix is defined in server.JetStreamRequestNextPre.

$ nats-req '$JS.RN.ORDERS.test' '1'
Published [$JS.RN.ORDERS.test] : '1'
Received  [js.1] : 'message 1'

Here we ask for just 1 message - nats-req only shows 1 - but you can fetch a batch of messages by varying the argument. This combines well with the AckAll Ack policy.

Fetching From a Message Set By Sequence

If you know the Message Set sequence of a message you can fetch it directly, this does not support acks. Do a Request() to $JS.BYSEQ.ORDERS sending it the message sequence as payload. Here the prefix is defined in server.JetStreamMsgBySeqPre.

$ nats-req '$JS.BYSEQ.ORDERS' '1'
Published [$JS.BYSEQ.ORDERS] : '1'
Received  [_INBOX.cJrbzPJfZrq8NrFm1DsZuH.k91Gb4xM] : '{
  "Subject": "js.1",
  "Data": "MQ==",
  "Time": "2020-01-02T16:37:14.5611093Z"

The Subject shows where the message was received, Data is base64 encoded and Time is when it was received.

Observable Samples

Samples are published to a specific topic per Observable, something like $JS.OBSERVABLE.ACKSAMPLE.<message set>.<observable name> you can just subscribe to that and get server.ObservableAckSampleEvent messages in JSON format. The prefix is defined in server.JetStreamObservableAckSamplePre.

Next Steps

There is plenty more to discuss and features to describe. We will continue to add information to this document and feel free to post any questions on the JetStream Slack channel. For the brave, take a look at nats-server/test/jetstream_test.go for all that JetStream can do. And please file any issues or communicate on Slack or by email info@nats.io.

Next up is a deep dive into the clustering implementation which will be completed before an official beta. The design has been ongoing since the beginning of coding but I wanted to get this out to the community to gather feedback and additional input.

Discussion Items

There a few items we are still considering/thinking about and would love the community's input. In no particular order.

DLQ (Dead Letter Queue)

Do we need or desire these? JetStream separates message sets (producing, retaining and ordering) from the Observables (consumption). We do indicate the amount of times a message has been delivered and at least it may make sense when creating an Observable to set a maximum for number of delivery attempts. Once that is reached however it is not clear what to do with the message. If the Message Set is limit-based retention, the message will still be there for an admin to create an Observable and take a look.

Purge or Truncate (not everything)

We offer purge but that deletes all messages from a Message Set. Wondering of you may want to truncate. This is if no message or byte limits were set.

NAK w/ Duration Before Redelivery

Should we allow a time duration to be optionally sent with a NAK to say "do not attempt a redelivery for delta time"

MsgSet Immutable?

Message Sets are always hashed and each message is hashed with sequence number and timestamp. However we do allow the ability to securely delete messages. Should we also allow the creator of a Message Set to specify the set is strictly immutable? I had this programmed before where each message hash included the hash from the previous message, making the whole set tamper proof.


We will add the ability to mirror a message set from one cluster to the next. Just need to think this through.

Account Template to Auto-create msgSets.

As we start to directly instrument accounts with JetStream limits etc., should we also allow a subject space that is not directly assigned to a Message Set but creates a template for the system to auto-create Message Sets. Question is, should we auto-delete them as well, like STAN does?


JetStream Utilities

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