darmiel / today

✨ iCal Viewer for the CLI | 🐍 RALF™ Companion | WIP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What's in my calendar today? 🔵 With Shell Integration 🔵 With RALF Integration

Screenshot 2023-04-20 at 23 47 43


🍏 Using Brew

brew install darmiel/today/today

🛠️ Building from source using Go

go install github.com/darmiel/today@latest

📦 Precompiled binaries

Can be found here


today [...Options]

# Using .ics file via -p parameter
today -p /tmp/calendar.ics
# NOTE: the path to the calendar can also be specified by the `ICAL_PATH` environment variable

# Using a RALF definition via --ralf parameter
today --ralf /tmp/definition.yaml
# NOTE: the path to the definition can also be specified by the `RALF_DEFINITION` environment variable

Note: You have to specify either -p or --ralf or both.


   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version


   --local             Convert timestamps to local timezone (default: true)
   --now               Show only active events (default: false)
   --time-end value    Set the end time to show events (default: 2023-05-10 23:59:59 +0200 CEST)
   --time-start value  Set the start time to show events (default: 2023-05-10 00:00:00 +0200 CEST)


   --path value, -p value  Path of the iCal file [$ICAL_PATH]
   --ralf value            Path of a RALF model [$RALF_DEFINITION]


   --first value             Only output first n events (default: 0)
   --format value, -f value  Formatter for output
   --join-lines value        Character for joining lines (default: "\n")
   --join-words value        Character for joining strings (default: " ")
   --last value              Only output last n events (default: 0)
   --list-formats, -L        List available formats (default: false)
   --template value          Custom formatter
   --verbose                 Verbose output (default: false)
   --write-file value        Write iCal to file
   --write-stdout            Write iCal to stdout (default: true)


   --ralf-cache value  RALF cache directory [$RALF_CACHE]
   --ralf-debug        Enable RALF debug messages (default: true)
   --ralf-verbose      Verbose output for RALF flows (default: false)

Modify Calendar only

You can use today to modify the calendar using the RALF integration.

$ cat definition.yaml
source: file:///tmp/calendar.ics

  - do: actions/regex-replace
      case-sensitive: true
      in: [ "summary" ]
        - match: "[rl]"
          replace: "w"
        - match: "[RL]"
          replace: "W"
        - match: "n([aeiou])"
          replace: "ny$1"
        - match: "N([aeiouAEIOU])"
          replace: "Ny$1"
        - match: "ove"
          replace: "uv"

$ today --ralf definition.yaml --write-file /tmp/calendar.ics


You can show a list of available formats using -L.

$ today -L
Available formats: default, simple, raw

$ today -p ... -f simple
Test Event [1h55m19s remaining]

If the predefined formats don't fit your needs, you can create a custom format by using the --template-Flag.

$ today -p ... --template '({{ .Relative }}) {{ .Event.Summary }}'
(1h55m19s remaining) Test Event

Available template context:

type TemplateContext struct {
    Event       *gocal.Event
    Relative    string
    RelativeRAW string
    Progress    string
    Start       *engine.CtxTime
    End         *engine.CtxTime
    IsCurrent   bool

Shell Integration


Paste the following contents to ~/.config/starship.toml and modify to your needs.

command = 'today --now -p "<path to .ics>" -f simple --join-lines ", "'
when = true
style = 'bold green'
symbol = '📆 '

Filtering / Modifying the Calendar

For filtering or modifying the calendar, today has a native RALF integration.

You can create a YAML-file with a RALF-Definition and pass the file name using --ralf:

$ cat definition.yaml
  - if: 'Event.Summary() contains "Numerik"'
      - do: filters/filter-out
      - do: actions/regex-replace
          match: "AdA"
          replace: "AbbA"
          in: [ "summary" ]

Note: You can read the blog post about the RALF-Syntax here

# before:
$ today show -p ... -f simple
> Numerik from 08:00 to 11:45 [ 2h45m21s / 3h45m     ] (59m38s remaining)
  AdA [3h15m0s] from 12:30 to 15:45 (in 3h44m38s)

# after
$ today show -p ... -f simple --ralf definition.yaml
  AbbA [3h15m0s] from 12:30 to 15:45 (in 3h44m38s)


✨ iCal Viewer for the CLI | 🐍 RALF™ Companion | WIP


Language:Go 100.0%