darkyen / some-game

some-game we will make, most likely it will be battleship!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CoolPusherGame (coolpushergame)

Cool Pusher Game based on flux and react, will make you feel cooler

Running your project

The generated project includes a live-reloading static server on port 8080 (you can change the port in the gulpfile.js config), which will build, launch, and rebuild the app whenever you change application code. To start the server, run:

$ npm start

If you prefer to just build without the live reload and build-on-each-change watcher, run:

$ npm run build

Generating Additional Code

You can add additional functionality to your application by invoking the subgenerators included in the Flux Generator. You can add components using the following commands:


$ yo flux:component ComponentName


$ yo flux:action ActionCreatorName


$ yo flux:store StoreName


some-game we will make, most likely it will be battleship!


Language:JavaScript 96.1%Language:CSS 2.8%Language:HTML 1.0%