darky / glerd-valid

Gleam Record validators using Glerd metadata

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Package Version Hex Docs Erlang-compatible JavaScript-compatible

Gleam Record validators using Glerd metadata

gleam add --dev glerd glerd_valid

1. Describe your records with validation metadata


pub type Cat {
  /// valid:name:length:'gte=3, lt=50'
  /// valid:lives_count:self:'min=1, max=9'
  Cat(name: String, lives_count: Int)

2. Generate Records info

Use Glerd

3. Make module for validators generation

import glerd_valid
import glerd_gen

pub fn main() {
  |> glerd_valid.generate("src", _)

4. Gen validators

gleam run -m my_module

Further documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/glerd_valid.

Supported metadata


operator description
gte, min should be greater than or equal to
gt should be greater than
lte, max should be less than or equal to
lt should be less than
eq should be equal to
ne should not be equal to


level description
self check on Record field itself
length check on Record field length


operator level type
gte, min self Int
gte, min self Float
gte, min length String
gte, min length List
gt self Int
gt self Float
gt length String
gt length List
lte, max self Int
lte, max self Float
lte, max length String
lte, max length List
lt self Int
lt self Float
lt length String
lt length List
eq self Int
eq self Float
eq self String
eq self List
eq self Bool
eq length String
eq length List
ne self Int
ne self Float
ne self String
ne self List
ne self Bool
ne length String
ne length List


gleam test # and then commit generated file


Gleam Record validators using Glerd metadata


Language:Gleam 100.0%