Bryan Hurtado's repositories
Dedicated website for promoting a fictional conference. Consisting of 2 functional pages, Main and About. Speakers section is dynamically built with JavaScript. Built with HTML/CSS.
A basic Portfolio Website for displaying projects. This website includes Navigation, a Gallery for projects with a pop-up for more details, an "About Me" section, and a Contact section. Build with HTML/CSS.
A simple To-Do list app, including features such as adding, removing, editing, and completing tasks. Built with JavaScript.
Single Page Application (SPA) for managing books. Users have the ability to store, remove, edit, and display a list of books based on Title and Author. Built with JavaScript.
App for displaying data in the shape of a leaderboard retrieved from an API. Built with JavaScript.
A Single Page Application (SPA) for a calculator app, consisting of 3 pages, Home, Calculator, and Quote, that use React Routing for their URL management. Built with React.
Static component for displaying the results of a skills test. Built with React.
App to retrieve and display actual data from the SpaceX API, where you are able to reserve and join rockets and missions respectively. Built with React & Redux.
An app to retrieved and display multiple data from Vehicle API, including manufacturers, cars, parts, etc. Built with React & Redux.
Simple web app to organize a budget. You can add categories and expenses per category, and get the total amount spent on each one of them. Includes authentication. Built with Ruby on Rails.
Relational database to create the data structure for a vet clinic, based on a real-life example.