darkseed / bsc.spark

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


##1. Introduction [TODO]

##2. Compilation and packaging

###2.1 Prerequisites

####2.1.1 Spark version

IMPORTANT: bsc.spark requires Spark 1.2.0 or greater

####2.1.2 OpenCV

NOTE: pom.xml has a property to select between opencv-249.jar and opencv-300.jar.

NOTE: Currently the code only works with OpenCV 2.4.9.Some lines of code need to be changed to be able to compile OpenCV 3.0.0. The lines are commented with "OPENCV 3.0"

NOTE: See this for information on how to install OpenCV

Two prerequisites:

  1. opencv-249.jar (is required for compilation and has to be vailable to Spark somehow, packaged with the app's jar or through --jars)
  • A "Class no found..." will be raised otherwise.

  • opencv-249.jar can be found in opencv build directory, within the "bin" folder.

  • It must be added manually to the local Maven repo:

      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=opencv -DartifactId=opencv -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=2.4.9 -Dfile=/OPENCV_BUILD/bin/opencv-249.jar
  1. libopencv_java249.so has to be accesible for Spark
  • A UnsatisfiedLinkError will be raised otherwise.

  • The file can be found in opencv build directory, within the "lib" folder.

  • One alternative is to copy the file within /usr/lib/ (Spark will look there)

  • Another alternative is to use the "driver-library-path" spark-submit directive this way:

      --driver-library-path /OPENCV_BUILD/lib

NOTE: This also works in Windows NOTE: In Windows the native library can be found in OPENCV_BUILD\build\java\x64

###2.3 Compilation and packaging with Maven

$mvn package

If for some reason you need to create an uber jar, an application jar including all the dependencies, it may be obtained this way:

$mvn clean compile assembly:single

NOTE: when using an uber jar, add or remove the "provided" directive from pom.xml to exclude or include dependencies.

##3. Testing

###3.1 External jars

If you prefer to decouple the application .jar and the dependencies (instead of building a uber jar containing everything) then you need to make the dependencies available to Spark at runtime. The following examples use the --jar option to do that. The "lib" folder contains the dependencies' jars. In the case of OpenCV it's not enough to provide the .jar, as Spark will also need the native library (see above for more information).

###3.2 Working with images

####3.2.1 OpenCV HelloWorld

$spark-submit --jars lib/opencv-249.jar --class "bsc.spark.image.ExampleOpenCVCheck" --driver-library-path /OPENCV_BUILD/lib/ --master local[4] target/bsc.spark-1.4.1.jar

####3.2.3 Read images from sequence files (and OpenCV)

$spark-submit --jars lib/opencv-249.jar --class "bsc.spark.image.ExampleImages2RDD" --driver-library-path /OPENCV_BUILD/lib/ --master local[4] target/bsc.spark-1.4.3.jar INPUTDATAPATH

NOTE: Where INPUTDATAPATH has the following structure (.hsf are Hadoop sequence files):

NOTE: The metadata directory is not necessary for this example

			   |     |-seqfile1.hsf
			   |     |-seqfile2.hsf 
			   |     |-seqfile1.hsf
			   |     |-seqfile2.hsf 

NOTE: See this for information on how generate sequence files of images and metadata

###3.3 Spark performance testing

####3.3.1 sort-by-key

spark-submit --jars lib/jopt-simple-4.9-beta-1.jar --class "bsc.spark.perf.spark.TestRunner" --master local[4] target/bsc.spark-1.4.3.jar sort-by-key -num-trials 1 -inter-trial-wait 5 -random-seed 5 -num-partitions 400 -reduce-tasks 400 -num-records 2000000 -unique-keys 200 -key-length 10 -unique-values 10000 -value-length 10 -persistent-type memory -storage-location ""

####3.3.2 kmeans

$spark-submit --jars lib/jopt-simple-4.9-beta-1.jar --class "bsc.spark.perf.mllib.TestRunner" --master local[4] target/bsc.spark-1.4.1.jar kmeans -num-centers 5 -num-iterations 10 -num-partitions 10 -num-points 1000 -num-trials 1 -random-seed 5 -num-columns 100 -inter-trial-wait 3

####3.3.3 naive-bayes

$spark-submit --jars lib/jopt-simple-4.9-beta-1.jar --class "bsc.spark.perf.mllib.TestRunner" --master local[4] target/bsc.spark-1.4.1.jar naive-bayes -num-trials 1 -inter-trial-wait 3 -num-partitions 400 -random-seed 5 -num-examples 100000 -num-features 10000 -nb-lambda 1.0 -per-negative 0.3 -scale-factor 1.0



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