A simple cyan colored table for your data that allows you to format columns and flip your data.
npm install table-cli-flipper --save
- You can show/hide header/columns
- Format columns/rows as you consider. (Breaking lines can be done by using '\n', '\r', '\r\n' in your texts, or by returning an array of strings [ string1, string2, ... , stringN])
- WrapWrap texts
- Flip table to the left
- Read the example below for usage and additional information. 'exampleConfig' contains global and user options.
let table = require('table-cli-flipper');
let data = {};
let recordsNr = 5;
for (let i = 0; i < recordsNr; i++) {
if (typeof data[i] === 'undefined') {
data[i] = {
rowNr: 'this will change', // We'll format this column to get a numeric incremented values
id: i, // Color the 3rd row
name: 'Project #' + i,
status: Math.round(Math.random()), // 1 or 0 -> We'll format this to show "Online" or "Offline"
* Default Config
* @type {{showHeader: boolean, globalOptions: {align: string, valign: string, width: string, paddingLeft: number, paddingRight: number, wordWrap: boolean, terminalWidth: number}, header: {id: {alias: string, align: string, valign: string, priority: number, width: string, paddingLeft: number, paddingRight: number, wordWrap: boolean, show: boolean}, rowNr: {alias: string}}}}
let exampleConfig = {
showHeader: true,
globalOptions: {
align: 'right',
valign: 'top',
width: 'auto',
paddingLeft: 2,
paddingRight: 2,
wordWrap: true,
terminalWidth: process.stdout.columns, // terminal Width by default, you can change this with a constant
header: {
id: {
alias: 'ids', // Change column name
align: 'right', // Horizontal align -> left | center | right
valign: 'middle', // Vertical align -> top | middle | bottom
priority: 1000, // This is used for trimming columns, it's auto-incremented for columns that don't have it. The columns with the highest priority will be removed if the table is larger than the terminalWidth
width: 'auto', // Can accept a percentage, a constant or 'auto' ( 'auto' columns will get a higher priority than the % or constant columns, therefore will be targeted for removing as being noted in the 'priority' option )
paddingLeft: 1, // paddingLeft - ( Width - paddingLeft - paddingRight ) cannot be less than 0
paddingRight: 1, // paddingRight - ( Width - paddingRight - paddingRight ) cannot be less than 0
wordWrap: true, // Word wrap the cell text
show: true, // True: show column , False : hide column
rowNr: {
alias: 'Row Number'
const chalk = require('chalk');
let flipTable = process.env.FLIP_TABLE === "true";
process.title = 'TABLE ' + (flipTable ? "FLIPPED" : "NORMAL") + ' - Width: ' + process.stdout.columns + ' - Records count: ' + recordsNr;
let simpleTable = table(exampleConfig)
* Set data gets and object with data
* Set the second parameter to TRUE to flip the table
.setData(data, flipTable)
* Format Columns
* Long Version:
* -------------
* columnNameOrIndex: string | number, replacer: (cellValue?: string, rowInfo?: { [key: string]: any }, cellIndex?: number) => string
* columnNameOrIndex: string | number, rowIndex: number, replacer: (cellValue?: string, rowInfo?: { [key: string]: any }, cellIndex?: number) => string
* Short Version
* -------------
* ( columnNameOrIndex, (cellValue, rowInfo, rowIndex) => { return cellValue } )
* ( columnNameOrIndex, rowIndex, (cellValue, rowInfo, rowIndex) => { return cellValue } )
.formatColumn('rowNr', (cellValue, rowInfo, rowIndex) => {
* Target all rows from column 'rowNr'
return rowIndex + 1;
.formatColumn('id', 2, (cellValue, rowInfo, rowIndex) => {
* Target only the 3rd row from 'id' column
return chalk.white.bgGreen(cellValue);
.formatColumn('status', (cellValue, rowInfo, rowIndex) => {
* Format your column based on the other columns values
* 'rowInfo' data
* { rowNr: '1', id: '0', name: 'Project #0', status: '0' }
* { rowNr: '2', id: '1', name: 'Project #1', status: '0' }
* { rowNr: '3', id: '2', name: 'Project #2', status: '1' }
* { rowNr: '4', id: '3', name: 'Project #3', status: '0' }
* { rowNr: '5', id: '4', name: 'Project #4', status: '0' }
return +rowInfo.id < 2 ? chalk.white.bgGreen('Green ' + rowIndex) : chalk.white.bgRed('Red ' + rowIndex);
* By default output parameter is set to FALSE, and the table will be flushed to terminal
simpleTable.output(); //
* Get the table array
* 1. First parameter TRUE, second FALSE ( by default ) - get the data formatted with delimiters
* 2. First parameter TRUE, second TRUE - get the raw data
// let output = simpleTable.output(true);
// let output = simpleTable.output(true, true);