darhnoel / Installers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This directory will be used for quick-installing tools that will save us tons of time when we are to install the same packages on our new development environment. Some of us may already have experienced when it comes to installing sophisticated libraries such as opencv where the installing process involves complicated configurations and execution steps. That is indeed time consuming since following wrong installation steps may lead to headache googling troubles. Therefore, we as a whole only need a one-time installing tool to finish everything, and save time for pizza.

Idea in a Nutshell

As an example, let's see how [install_opencv4] works. On my new computer, I want to install opencv4.5.1. What i need to do is asking myself in which directory I should put the source files, and response to the [y/N] confirmations, and let the [install_opencv4] do the trick. Here is how it can be seen on our terminal:

foo@bar:~$ ./install_opencv4.sh 
dir </opt/opencv451> exists.
OpenCV will be installed at </opt/opencv451>
Current Directory :/opt/opencv451
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[ cmake ]
[ build-essential ]
[ python-dev ]
[ python-numpy ]
[ python3-dev ]
[ python3-numpy ]
[ libavcodec-dev ]
[ libavformat-dev ]
[ libswscale-dev ]
[ libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev ]
[ libgstreamer1.0-dev ]
[ libgtk2.0-dev ]
[ libgtk-3-dev ]
[ v4l-utils ]
[ libpng-dev ]
[ libjpeg-dev ]
[ libopenexr-dev ]
[ libtiff-dev ]
[ libjpeg-dev ]
[ libavcodec-dev ]
[ libavformat-dev ]
[ libswscale-dev ]
[ libxine2-dev ]
[ libv4l-dev ]
[ libtbb-dev ]
[ libmp3lame-dev ]
[ libopencore-amrnb-dev ]
[ libopencore-amrwb-dev ]
[ libtheora-dev ]
[ libvorbis-dev ]
[ x264 ]
[ libwebp-dev ]
[ libopencv-dev ]
[ libdc1394-22 ]
[ libdc1394-22-dev ]
[ libqt4-dev ]
[ qtbase5-dev ]
[ qttools5-dev-tools ]
[ qt5-default ]
[ libeigen3-dev ]

Do you want to install the dependencies now? [y/N]: N
Installation [cancelled]


If you want to clone in different directory, just look at [install_opencv4] and find OPENCV_DIR and change it to your desired path. HINT: OPENCV_DIR='/path/to/youropencv/'

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# assign the right directory where you
# want the installation to start



Language:Shell 100.0%