darby3 / chickenwing-gingerbreadman

Chicken Wing Gingerbread Man

Home Page:https://www.chickenwing-gingerbreadman.xyz

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chicken Wing Gingerbread Man


npm Scripts Starter

This site is produced via my npm Scripts Starter build thingy. From the readme:

The world is on fire but I'm finally getting around to learning how to set up and use npm scripts instead of Grunt or Gulp. So that's fun.

I am 99% in debt to Paul C Pederson's [Using NPM as a Task Runner](http://paulcpederson.com/articles/npm-run/) for helping me get past the "oh, wait, I get it now" hump.

This is basically a rough scaffolding for basic html/css/js projects and will probably wind up over-engineered as I figure out fun but pointless stuff I can do with this.


Chicken Wing Gingerbread Man



Language:Handlebars 55.5%Language:CSS 40.2%Language:JavaScript 4.4%