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coordinate transformation

li123il opened this issue · comments

I want to know the mathematical formula of radar, lidar, camera and world coordinate conversion, but I can't find it in the conversion module. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you, boss.

  1. Do you mean the parameters? there're in modules\perception\production\data\perception.

for example, the camera extrinsic parameters modules\perception\production\data\perception\camera\params\front_6mm_extrinsics.yaml

  1. The transform use Transformation matrix to change different coordinates, A matrix multiplication can solve this problem, e.g.
    Eigen::Affine3d c2n;
    if (!transform_server.QueryTransform(camera_name, "novatel", &c2n)) {
      AINFO << "Failed to query transform from " << camera_name
            << " to novatel";
      return -1;
    frame.camera2world_pose = pose * c2n;    //  here is 

Yes, I want to know the code of coordinate system transformation in Apollo and the mathematical formula in the transformation process, just like the second example


You should try to find information about transformation matrices. like link

I know this part of knowledge, and I may not express it accurately. I want to know which part of apollo's source code is used for conversion. Although the source code is well packaged and relatively large, the corresponding source code is not found, and it is not found in the transform module.


What source code do you need, the source code is in the library Eigen, coordinate transformation is matrix multiplication.

If you want to know apollo how to use it.
Apollo simple use it, and it's scattered all over the place, it's just one line of code, what's the point of finding them.

if you want to know the principle
Why not you to learning about transformation matrices first. The implementation of matrix multiplication is completely 2 different things for you to understand coordinate transformation

Thank you for your help. I seem to understand what you mean. Thank you.