danwatt / Connections

Directory Plugin for WordPress

Home Page:connections-pro.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

=== Connections Business Directory ===
Contributors: shazahm1@hotmail.com
Donate link: http://connections-pro.com/
Tags: addresses, address book, addressbook, bio, bios, biographies, business, businesses, business directory, business-directory, business directory plugin, directory widget, church, contact, contacts, connect, connections, directory, directories, hcalendar, hcard, ical, icalendar, image, images, list, lists, listings, member directory, members directory, members directories, microformat, microformats, page, pages, people, profile, profiles, post, posts, plugin, shortcode, staff, user, users, vcard, wordpress business directory, wordpress directory, wordpress directory plugin, wordpress business directory, wordpress local directory plugin
Requires at least: 3.8
Tested up to: 4.0
Stable tag: 8.1.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Connections Business Directory is a simple to use directory plugin which can be used to create an addressbook, business directory, staff directory or church directory.

== Description ==

[Plugin Homepage](http://connections-pro.com/) | [Documentation](http://connections-pro.com/documentation/plugin/) | [Showcase](http://connections-pro.com/showcase/) | [Premium Templates](http://connections-pro.com/templates/) | [Extensions](http://connections-pro.com/extensions/) | [Github](https://github.com/shazahm1/Connections)

Quite simply, Connections Business Directory is the best directory plugin available for WordPress. Its simplicity in design and function, vast array of unique features and versatility are the reasons more and more people are turning to Connections for their directory needs. You can use Connections to create a simple address book, maintain a staff directory and run a business directory or link directory. Connections was built bottom up to be as configurable as possible while providing the features you need. Read on to learn about some of the best features Connections has to offer...

= Features =
* Both the photo and logo images are fuly responsive with HiDPI (Retina) display support.
* Seamless integration with the WordPress.
* A Dashboard admin page where you can keep up to date with Connections related news, such as updates notices for [templates](http://connections-pro.com/templates/) and the [Extensions](http://connections-pro.com/extensions/). Also see at a glance today's anniversaries and birthdays as well as any upcoming anniversaries and birthdays.
* When adding an entry there are multiple entry types from which to choose. They are individual, organization and family. The family entry type is unique to Connections. This entry type allows you to group individuals together as a family which makes Connections ideally suited for creating church directories.
* You control which entries are viewable to the public and which entries are private, viewable for logged in users only. You can even have entries set as unlisted so only admins can view them.
* Fields, fields and more fields... no other directory plugin offers more. There are fields for addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, IM, social networks, an image, a logo, bio, notes and more. Want more? Many fields, such as addresses and phone numbers, you can assign as many as you need. Wait, I'm not done yet... want to be able to list the business phone but keep that cell phone number private? You can do that, too. Most of the fields have selectable visibility. What this means is you can have an entry set as public but keep personal details private or even unlisted so only them admin can view it.
* Connections is being used to manage directories which contain tens of thousands of entries so the ability to manage them easily is a must- a task which Connections stands and delivers. You can filter the entries list by category, entry type and visibility. You can search for entries. You can even search within the filtered entries. Of course Connections doesn't stop there, there are several bulk actions available to make changes a breeze.
* Category support. This feature was modeled after the category feature for WordPress posts. So if you know how to add and manage categories for posts, you know how they work for Connections. Categories can be hierarchical and entries can be assigned to any number of categories.
* Extensive role capability support. For your users that have access to the WordPress admin, there is extensive role capability support. You can define which roles can perform tasks to manage entries in Connections.
* Unrivaled customability with templates. Connections comes with many basic templates to get you started. For many, these meet their needs. But if you need more than these basic templates provide, check out these great [premium templates](http://connections-pro.com/templates/).
* Displaying your entries on the front end is as simple as putting a shortcode on a page. Don't let this simplicity fool you. The Connections shortcode provides almost a dizzying array of options that are just too numerous to list. But if you want to know more, you can find it [here](http://connections-pro.com/documentation/plugin/shortcodes/).
* Even a bit of SEO was sprinkled in. Every entry outputs following the [hCard](http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard) spec.

= Extensible =

Here are other great free extensions (with more on the way) that enhance your expirence with the Connections Business Directory:


* [Toolbar](http://wordpress.org/plugins/connections-toolbar/)
* [Login](http://wordpress.org/plugins/connections-business-directory-login/)

Custom Fields

* [Business Hours](http://wordpress.org/plugins/connections-business-directory-hours/)
* [Income Level](http://wordpress.org/plugins/connections-business-directory-income-levels/)
* [Education Level](http://wordpress.org/plugins/connections-business-directory-education-levels/)
* [Languages](http://wordpress.org/plugins/connections-business-directory-languages/)

In addition to these free extensions Connections Business Directory also features a growing library of [premium extensions](http://connections-pro.com/extensions/).

= Developer Friendly =

Connections Business Directory provides a vast array of hooks and filters so it can be easily extended.

The directory has a very flexible template engine. The loading of template and CSS are context aware. This means your developer could create specific templates that load when a user visits a specific entry, category, postal code and more.

Templates and CSS overridding is very granualar and update safe. Check out these links for the details:

* [Custom Core CSS](http://connections-pro.com/2014/05/04/quicktip-custom-css/)
* [Custom CSS for Templates](http://connections-pro.com/2014/05/07/quicktip-custom-css-templates/)
* [Custom Template Override File](http://connections-pro.com/2014/06/04/quicktip-custom-template-override-files/)

= Languages =

Connections Business Directory has been embraced around the world and has been translated in the following languages.

* Catalan [79% Complete]
* Danish [48% Complete]
* Danish (Denmark) [41% Complete]
* Dutch (Netherlands) [73% Complete]
* French (France) [88% Complete]
* German (Germany) [68% Complete]
* Hebrew (Israel) [91% Complete]
* Hungarian (Hungry) [78% Complete]
* Italian (Italy) [46% Complete]
* Norwegian [19% Complete]
* Persian (Iran) [78% Complete]
* Polish (Poland) [79% Complete]
* Portugese (Brazil) [70% Complete]
* Portugese (Portugal) [35% Complete]
* Russian (Russia) [39% Complete]
* Serbian (Latin) [4% Complete]
* Spanish (Latin America) [74% Complete]
* Spanish (Spain) [79% Complete]
* Turkish (Turkey) [86% Complete]

== Credits: ==
* This plugin was based off LBB, ["Little Black Book"](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lbb-little-black-book/); which was based on [Addressbook](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/addressbook/), both of which can be found in the Plugin Directory.
* vCard class is a modified version by [Troy Wolf](http://www.troywolf.com/articles/php/class_vcard/).
* Image uploading and processing done by the class.upload.php by [Colin Verot](http://www.verot.net/php_class_upload.htm).
* Update Notice in plugin admin inspired by Changelogger 1.2.8 by [Oliver Schlöbe](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/changelogger/).
* TimThumb by [Ben Gillbanks and Mark Maunder](http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/).
* Screen Options class by [Janis Elsts](http://w-shadow.com/blog/2010/06/29/adding-stuff-to-wordpress-screen-options/).
* spin.js by [Felix Gnass](http://fgnass.github.com/spin.js/).
* $.goMap() jQuery Google Maps Plugin by [Jevgenijs Shtrauss](http://www.pittss.lv/jquery/gomap/).
* MarkerClustererPlus jQuery Google Maps Marker Clustering Plugin by [Gary Little](http://gmaps-utility-library-dev.googlecode.com/svn/tags/markerclusterer/).
* Validation jQuery plugin by [Jörn Zaefferer](http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/).
* Chosen jQuery plugin by [Harvest](https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/).
* qTip jQuery plugin by [Craig Thompson](http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip2/).
* Preloading GIF generated by [Preloaders.net](http://www.preloaders.net/).
* Email and URL validation methods by [Gizmo Digital Fusion](http://wpcodesnippets.info/blog/two-useful-php-validation-functions.html).
* Social media icons by [WPZOOM.com](http://www.wpzoom.com/wpzoom/500-free-icons-wpzoom-social-networking-icon-set/); license [CC BY-SA 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/).
* iTunes icon by [Paul Robert Lloyd](http://paulrobertlloyd.com/); license [Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales (CC BY-SA 2.0)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/uk/).
* Podcast icon by [schollidesign](http://findicons.com/icon/94188/podcast_new); license GNU/GPL.
* CSS theme and image used for the jQuery UI Datepicker by [helenhousandi](https://github.com/helenhousandi/wp-admin-jquery-ui).

== Screenshots ==

1. The Dashboard admin page. A snapshot of important infomation about the directory.
2. The Manage admin page. Here you can manage all the entries within the address book.
3. The Add New Entry admin page. From here you can add new entries to the addressbook.
4. The Categories admin page. Add as many categories as you wish to the directory. Categories do support parent/child relationships.
5. The Templates admin page. Here you choose which template that the business directory should use when displaying the directory.
6. The Settings admin page where you can configure the business directory options.
7. The Role and Capabilities admin page. Here you can assign which roles have which capabilities in viewing and managing the directory.

[Connections running on live websites can be found here.](http://connections-pro.com/live-samples/)

== Installation ==

[Installation instructions can be found here.](http://connections-pro.com/documentation/plugin/install/)

= Using the WordPress Plugin Search =

1. Navigate to the `Add New` sub-page under the Plugins admin page.
2. Search for `connections business directory`.
3. The plugin should be listed first in the search results.
4. Click the `Install Now` link.
5. Lastly click the `Activate Plugin` link to activate the plugin.

= Uploading in WordPress Admin =

1. [Download the plugin zip file](http://wordpress.org/plugins/connections/) and save it to your computer.
2. Navigate to the `Add New` sub-page under the Plugins admin page.
3. Click the `Upload` link.
4. Select Connections Business Directory zip file from where you saved the zip file on your computer.
5. Click the `Install Now` button.
6. Lastly click the `Activate Plugin` link to activate the plugin.

= Using FTP =

1. [Download the plugin zip file](http://wordpress.org/plugins/connections/) and save it to your computer.
2. Extract the Connections Business Directory zip file.
3. Create a new directory named `connections` directory in the `../wp-content/plugins/` directory.
4. Upload the files from the folder extracted in Step 2.
4. Activate the plugin on the Plugins admin page.

= Requirements =

* **WordPress version:** >= 3.8
* **PHP version:** >= 5.2.4
* **NOTE:** Upgrading from version 0.6.1 and newer only is supported. Previous version must upgrade to 0.6.1 before upgrading to the current version.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

[FAQs can be found here.](http://connections-pro.com/faq/)

== Changelog ==

= 8.1.5 10/16/2014 =
* FEATURE: Add cnFormatting::excerpt().
* BUG: Fix the use of UTF8 Cyrillic entry slugs throughout. Addresses issue where URL encoded folder names would be created for the images uploaded to an entry.
* BUG: The output of get_query_var( 'cn-s' ) does not need to be urldecode().
* BUG: Check for empty search terms array after shortwords are removed to prevent invalid db queries.
* BUG: Reset the $like array var to ensure valid queries when performing a keyword search.
* TWEAK: Use cnFormatting::excerpt() to create the entry bio for improved excerpt creation form several of the premium templates.
* TWEAK: Add support autocomplete in cnHTML::input().
* OTHER: Remove whitespace.
* OTHER: Add .editorconfig.

= 8.1.4 10/08/2014 =
* BUG: Ensure image is not a WP_Error before trying to access its process log.
* BUG: Fix error report when creating entry images. Was not calling correct object.
* BUG: Ensure no double slash in paths when uploading an image.
* BUG: Make cnEntry_Action::deleteImages() is PHP <= 5.2 compatible.
* BUG: Ensure neither $filename or $source are empty in cnEntry_Action::deleteImages().
* BUG: Fix undefined index notices when processing new images.
* BUG: Fix the "Resize to fit the specified dimensions (no cropping)." image option.
* BUG: Fix unclosed `br` tag in error message triggered when adding images to entries.
* BUG: Fix missing %separator% token in replacement string for getLinkBlock() and getContactNameBlock().
* BUG: Run setTermRelationships() thru $wpdb->prepare().
* BUG: Fix version in changelog and readme.
* TWEAK: Add `tag` option to getTitleBlock();.

= 8.1.3 10/01/2014 =
* BUG: Add `style` that should not be added to the img tag attributes.
* BUG: Update cnLog to be compatible with change made in WP_Error in WP 4.0 when WP_DEBUG is not defined or FALSE.
* BUG: Fixed undefined index error.
* TWEAK: Refactor and add filters to cnRetrieve::search().
* TWEAK: Move the image style from the span to the img.
* TWEAK: Change `cn-list-actions` from id to class.
* TWEAK: Update image_path_exists_failed and image_path_writeable_failed error messages.
* OTHER: Prevent themes from setting spans as blocks within Connections HTML markup.
* OTHER: Add the `cn_list_body_class` filter.
* OTHER: Add the `cn_list_row_class` filter.
* OTHER: Add `limit` support when querying phone numbers.
* OTHER: Add `limit` support when querying email addresses.
* OTHER: Temporarily disable the HiDPI image in srcset.
* OTHER: Add experimental code (disabled) to speedup cnImage when called thru a URL query.
* I18N: Update POT file.

= 8.1.2 09/16/2014 =
* BUG: Fix responsive image CSS bug.
* BUG: Fix infinite loop bug when uploading images in a WP multi site installation.
* TWEAK: Check for isDot() before calling. PHP5.2/5.3 compatibility.
* TWEAK: Change custom template path for multi site back to `blogs.dir`.
* TWEAK: Re-enable attemting to make writable CN_IMAGE_PATH in the upgrade.php file.
* TWEAK: Add cnImage::info().
* TWEAK: Update cnImage::get() to use cnImage::info().
* TWEAK: Fix crop_focus sanitation in cnImage::get().
* TWEAK: Add filter cn_get_image_atts.
* TWEAK: Add action cn_image_get.
* I18N: Update Turkish (Turkey) translation.

= 8.1.1 09/09/2014 =
* BUG: Fix responsive image support for IE8.
* BUG: Fix issue where uploads of PNG file variations would save as JPG instead of PNG.
* BUG: In multisite the upload subdir s/b sites not blogs.dir.
* BUG: Set the image stream quality if one was not defined in the image query string.
* BUG: Take into account default permalink setting when creating the image query string.
* BUG: Ensure no duplicate meta title and meta desc on internal pages when using WPSEO.
* TWEAK: Refactor code to use CN_IMAGE_PATH and CN_IMAGE_BASE_URL to support CN_MULTISITE_ENABLED.
* TWEAK: Add support for registering a content block for list or entry only.
* TWEAK: Update cnLog to be compatible with changes made in WP_Error in WP 4.0.
* TWEAK: Escape text in a couple anonymous functions to prevent translations from throwing PHP errors.
* TWEAK: Force new image uploads to have lowercase file extension. Add support for existing filenames with uppercase file extensions.
* TWEAK: Increase execusion time and memory limit when processing images.
* TWEAK: Remove use of SKIP_DOTS for PHP < 5.3 compatibility.
* TWEAK: Support the uploading of GIF/s.
* TWEAK: Add info() the the cnUpload class to get Connections related upload paths.
* TWEAK: Use cnUpload::info() to define image upload paths.
* TWEAK: Disable the admin image check because it somehow prevented access to the plugins/updates.
* OTHER: Add Spain regions to cnGEO.
* OTHER: Add error message for when $img_path is not set.
* I18N: Update POT file.

= 8.1 09/02/2014 =
* FEATURE: Photo and logo images are now responsive.
* FEATURE: Photo and logo images support HiDPI (Retina) devices.
* FEATURE: Improve search results for relevancy and shortword search support.
* FEATURE: Add new shortcode [cn_thumb].
* FEATURE: Add new shortcode [cn_thumbr].
* FEATURE: Add new image crop method, fit.
* FEATURE: Add SmugMug to social network options.
* FEATURE: Register TimThumb compatible query vars and add the CN_IMAGE_ENDPOINT root rewrite endpoint.
* BUG: Fix gettext domain for "Name".
* BUG: Make sure the visibility options are translation ready.
* BUG: Fix invalid HTML markup. Remove p tag from within a span element in the no image block.
* BUG: Fix vCard importing on OSX.
* BUG: Fix bug that would cause entry meta to be lost during an entry update.
* BUG: Fix cnSanitize::string() color callback method name.
* BUG: Ensure valid custom metabox before displaying.
* BUG: Make country code for Maldives uppercase.
* TWEAK: Remove stop words from search.
* TWEAK: Only run keyword search when FULLTEXT search is enabled if no results were returned from the FULLTEXT search.
* TWEAK: Improve exclude_category exclusion.
* TWEAK: Allow changing of entry type when copying and editing an entry.
* TWEAK: Complete refactor of the admin js file.
* TWEAK: Update frontend pagination links to use paginate_links().
* TWEAK: Update CSS to support the pagination markup output by paginate_links().
* TWEAK: Move the category separator within the category span.
* TWEAK: Change span around entry name in core templates to div.
* TWEAK: Add jquery-validate as a script dependency for cn-ui-admin.
* TWEAK: Add support for the id attribute on the form tag.
* TWEAK: Add id attribute to the add/edit entry form.
* TWEAK: Cache category select, category checklist and family relations.
* TWEAK: Use actual year in vCard instead of upcoming year for anniversary and birthday dates.
* TWEAK: Update the posts dates to reflect the entry currently being viewed.
* TWEAK: Add another CSS style for Chosen so theme's do not break it.
* TWEAK: Add "Edit Entry" action link to the admin bar.
* TWEAK: Set the visibility options only if a user is logged in.
* TWEAK: Remove unnecessary manage form actions for metaboxes.
* TWEAK: Remove inline styles from images.
* TWEAK: Update image settings with better descriptions.
* OTHER: Added methods to cnSanitize to sanitize a hex color with/without a hash.
* OTHER: Add error message warning if GD or Imagick is not installed.
* OTHER: Move class.filesystem.php in folder structure.
* OTHER: Register and enqueue Picturefill.
* OTHER: Add the CN_IMAGE_DIR_NAME constant.
* OTHER: Add the CN_IMAGE_ENDPOINT constant.
* OTHER: Introduce cnUpload.
* OTHER: Introduce cnImage.
* OTHER: Introduce cnLog.
* OTHER: Introduce cnColor.
* OTHER: Introduce cnCache.
* OTHER: Introduce cnFragment.
* OTHER: Introduce cnString.
* OTHER: Add maybeHashHEXColor().
* OTHER: Add remapRange().
* OTHER: Add xrmdir().
* OTHER: Add several helper methods in cnEntry to handle image metadata.
* OTHER: Eliminate the use of Timthumb and class.upload.php from core.
* OTHER: Move class.upload.php to the vendor sub-folder.
* OTHER: Delete class.upload.php lang files. Not needed.
* OTHER: Remove double spaces and trim the result of getName().
* OTHER: Remove the use of the cn_preloader.
* OTHER: Various checks to deal with empty entry slugs.
* OTHER: Add filter so pagination atts can be changed.
* OTHER: Update the installation instructions in the readme.txt file.
* OTHER: Add screenshots to the readme.txt file.
* OTHER: Remove deprecated image option methods.
* OTHER: Add color picker support to the metabox api.
* OTHER: Add filters to allow the addition of new metadata options.
* I18N: Updated Danish translation.
* I18N: Updated French (France).
* I18N: Update connections.pot file to include new strings.

= 0.8.14 07/21/2014 =
* FEATURE: Improve responsive readiness of the Dashboard and Manage admin pages.
* BUG: Rename the base for of the Single Entry Card template.
* BUG: Fix HTML syntax for text areas.
* BUG: Fix permalink encoding issue.
* BUG: Fix Dashboard column toggle.
* BUG: Fix the Screen Options tab display and functions.
* BUG: Escape the template file path before including it.
* TWEAK: Remove section head relative positioning.
* TWEAK: Improve Visibility CSS in metabox header.
* OTHER: Update TimThumb to 2.8.14.
* I18N: Update German (Germany) translation.

= 0.8.13 06/20/2014 =
* BUG: Fix logic that determines if cnEntry_Shortcode should process $content for the `cn_entry` shortcode.
* BUG: Fix cnFormatting::toBoolean(). Check if value is bool and return it if it is. Otherwise convert value to bool.
* TWEAK: Add submit, textarea & hidden to cnHTML.
* TWEAK: Re-order before/after list/entry action hooks to be more consistent.
* OTHER: Update EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater to version 1.2.

= 0.8.12 06/13/2014 =
* FEATURE: Add Goodreads to social media options.
* FEATURE: Add IMDb to social media options.
* FEATURE: Add Tumblr to social media options.
* BUG: Add missing gettext text domain to the "Clear Search" button.
* BUG: Fix RTE saving on the Settings admin page.
* BUG: Properly search the child template path for custom template files.
* TWEAK: Update the Google+ icons.

= 0.8.11 06/06/2014 =
* BUG: Fixed the Visual editor in the Settings API.
* BUG: Fixed the Visual editor on Categories admin page.
* BUG: Prevent divide by zero error in pagination.
* TWEAK: Add filter for default admin metabox page hooks.
* TWEAK: Change cnLocate::file() logic to search for all files in priority order before moving on to the next priority folder.
* TWEAK: Change cnTemplate::locate() logic to search for all files in priority order before moving on to the next priority folder.
* OTHER: Fix misspelling in phpDoc block.
* OTHER: Add cnTemplatePart helper methods used to require template part files.

= 0.8.10 06/02/2014 =
* BUG: Fixed issue where Visual editor may not work.

= 0.8.9 05/26/2014 =
* BUG: Remove extra hyphen when checking for template javascript registration action.

= 0.8.8 05/26/2014 =
* TWEAK: Set width to template table cell to make them evenly spaced.
* TWEAK: Remove $atts when retrieving an entry to edit on the front-end.
* TWEAK: Clean the publish metabox code.
* TWEAK: User get_current_user_id() to reduce db queries.
* TWEAK: Cleanup admin CSS and JavaScript script enqueue code.
* TWEAK: Remove unused JavaScript code on edit admin pages.
* TWEAK: Add filters so plugins can alter the page hooks that the CSS and JS will be enqueued on.
* TWEAK: Add actions to allow other plugins to hook into to make it easy to enqueue scripts only on Connections` admin pages.
* TWEAK: Use hyphen instead of underscore for CSS and JS slugs.
* I18N: Update Danish translation.
* I18N: Update Hebrew (Israel) translation.
* I18N: Update Hungarian (Hungary) translation.
* I18N: Update Portuguese (Brazil) translation.
* I18N: Add Nowegian translation.

= 0.8.7 05/19/2014 =
* TWEAK: Change input type to search on manage page.
* TWEAK: Add link to Education level to readme.txt.
* TWEAK: Allow linked entry to edit on front-end when Form >= 2.0 is install and activated.
* BUG: Fix for cnURL::fromPath() where path would be incorrect for a small number of users. Use wp_normalize_path() if it exists.
* BUG: Fix for PHP "Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array".
* BUG: Fix PHP explode error when enable_category_multi_select=true.
* BUG: Fix default region settings sanitation callback which prevented the default region from being set.
* I18N: Update French (France) MO file.
* I18N: Update Hebrew (Israel) MO file.
* I18N: Update Hungarian (Hungry) MO file.

= 0.8.6 05/09/2014 =
* TWEAK: Change default entry visibility to 'Public'.
* TWEAK: Readme.txt file tweaks.
* BUG: Fix datepicker so it would function correctly in custom metaboxes.
* BUG: Fix broken filter to allow default visibility to be set.
* BUG: The 'Cancel' will now link to the current admin page when adding/editing an entry.
* BUG: Fix entry status being set when editing an entry with only the 'edit_entry' capability.
* BUG: Fix select/drop down when viewed on mobile device.
* I18N: Add Hebrew (Israel).

= 0.8.5 05/02/2014 =
* BUG: Fix logic for template part output that prevented rendering of some template features.
* TWEAK: Remove the repeatable character index from the view all endpoint.
* OTHER: Add whitespace.

= 0.8.4 05/02/2014 =
* BUG: Fix the random ordering.
* BUG: Fix cnTemplatePart::formOpen().
* BUG: Fix CSS URL path string replace for inline CSS.
* TWEAK: Admin CSS tweaks for custom metaboxes.
* OTHER: Add meta value filter.

= 0.8.3 05/01/2014 =
* TWEAK: Remove the cn-clear class from the list section heads.
* TWEAK: Register Chosen with jquery-chosen-min for legacy support.

= 0.8.2 04/30/2014 =
* BUG: Fix HTML markup for the "Clear Search" button.
* TWEAK: Remove "-min" from several JavaScript registration handles.
* TWEAK: Add a few filters to better maintain backward compatibility with several commercial templates.
* I18N: Update all MO files.
* I18N: Add Catalan.
* I18N: Add Russian.
* I18N: Add Portugese (Portugal).

= 0.8.1 04/29/2014 =
* BUG: Fix activation error for users where the server is still running PHP 5.2.
* BUG: Fix custom template path folder name.

= 0.8.0 04/28/2014 =
* FEATURE: Custom Metabox and Fields API.
* FEATURE: Introduce Custom Content Blocks.
* FEATURE: Introduce cnHTML.
* FEATURE: Introduce cnSanitize.
* FEATURE: Introduce cnUtility.
* FEATURE: Introduce cnEntry_Shortcode.
* FEATURE: Introduce cnTemplate_Shortcode.
* FEATURE: Introduce CN_License.
* FEATURE: Introduce cnLocate.
* FEATURE: Complete refactor of cnTemplate.
* FEATURE: List Actions are user sortable.
* FEATURE: Entry Actions are user sortable.
* FEATURE: Add Instagram to social media.
* FEATURE: Add option to disable output of core CSS.
* FEATURE: Add search query message above results.
* TWEAK: Update all core metabox fields to use the new Custom Metabox and Fields API.
* TWEAK: Add query to retrieve "individuals" from the database.
* TWEAK: Remove the "Select Relation" option from the drop down when creating a family.
* TWEAK: Update both cnForm::buildRadio() and cnForm::buildSelect() to use cnHTML.
* TWEAK: Make userPermitted a static method.
* TWEAK: Add method to return permitted visibility options.
* TWEAK: Show only user permitted visibility options.
* TWEAK: Register dashboard metaboxes using cnMetaboxAPI.
* TWEAK: Remove action which registered dashboard widgets.
* TWEAK: Add a filter to addresses which will geocode the address rather than having that logic within the setAddresses() method.
* TWEAK: Refactor cnTerms->addterm().
* TWEAK: Add plugin header to all core templates so they can be moved to the plugins folder and tweaked in an update safe manner.
* TWEAK: Add a readme.txt file to the core templates folder providing instructions on how to tweak core templates in an update safe manner.
* TWEAK: Remove use of deprecated jQuery live and toggle functions.
* TWEAK: Remove use of $wpdb->escape().
* TWEAK: Add seed to rand() to support random pagination.
* TWEAK: Add orderby and order support to getTerms().
* TWEAK: Reduce query counts.
* TWEAK: Add support for cn-cat-in query var.
* TWEAK: Update cnRetrieve::entry() to support query by slug.
* TWEAK: Add the edit endpoint.
* TWEAK: Add the submit endpoint.
* TWEAK: Add the search endpoint.
* TWEAK: Add the results endpoint.
* TWEAK: Move category relationship processing to an action.
* TWEAK: Removed unused javascript.
* TWEAK: Cleanup CSS registration names and remove unused script registrations.
* TWEAK: Change cnFormatting::toBoolean() to a static method.
* TWEAK: Move loadTemplate to cnTemplateFactory.
* TWEAK: Limit the recently added entries in the dashboard widget to 10.
* TWEAK: Remove unnecessary filters in the shortcode.
* TWEAK: Add name intial tokens in getNameBlock().
* TWEAK: Define preferred db table engine based on db version.
* TWEAK: Strip shortcodes from getExcerpt() function.
* BUG: Fix the exclude_category shortcode option.
* BUG: Fix the img HTML tag output when displaying the social media icons.
* BUG: Remove an unused query when adding categories.
* BUG: Add DOING_AJAX check to prevent PHP undefined index notices when performing AJAX functions.
* BUG: Check for lat/lng in Maps API result to prevent PHP undefined index notices.
* BUG: Fix query that orders by anniversary/birthday.
* BUG: Check that date_create() hasn't returned FALSE.
* BUG: Ensure page title filter is not applied outside main loop.
* BUG: Ensure date format is valid for DateTime().
* BUG: Fix PHP undefined index notices with image/logo uploads.
* BUG: Take user add entry capability and entry status into account when setting an entry's visibility status.
* BUG: Fix a couple PHP undefined index notices with the entry logo.
* BUG: Fix many translation coding errors.
* BUG: Fix vaious minor bugs with vCard support.
* OTHER: Add JSON encode.decode helper methods.
* OTHER: Remove useage of get_usermeta from cnUser.
* OTHER: Remove deprecated function attribute_escape().
* OTHER: Add sortable checklist to the Settings API.
* OTHER: Update Chosen to version 1.1.0.
* OTHER: Update jQuery Validation plugin.
* OTHER: Include and register Font Awesome.
* OTHER: Add method to cnURL to retrieve URL for supplied file path.

= 04/17/2014 =
* BUG: Load TinyMCE plugin  based on WP version.

= 04/17/2014 =
* BUG: Fixed compatibility of the bio and notes field in WP 3.9.

= 02/21/2014 =
* BUG: Fixed double quoting which could cause category queries to fail.

= 02/20/2014 =
* BUG: Fixed URL escaping in pagination links.
* BUG: Fix potential XSS issue.

= 10/15/13 =
* FEATURE: The character filter now uses a permalink structure which is more SEO friendly.
* BUG: Fixed the character filter when the directory is used on the front page.

= 09/30/13 =
* BUG: Fix bug preventing the copying of an entry.

= 09/23/13 =
* BUG: Critical fix that fixes the path to the inc.upgrade.php file.

= 0.7.9 09/15/13 =
* FEATURE: Added an exclude_category shortcode option.
* FEATURE: The character index now filters by the character clicked rather than just using an in-page link.
* FEATURE: Add home_id and force_home shortcode options that will override the setting on the Connections : Settings admin page.
* TWEAK: Adjust text domain loading to allow MO files to be saved to and loaded from the WP_LANG_DIR so custom translation are update safe.
* TWEAK: Allow most constants to be overridden in the wp-config.php file to permit update safe custom locations.
* TWEAK: Add new relative path constants and add them to the Connections : Dashboard System widget.
* TWEAK: Update path not found error messages. Message now points to the website where much more info can be provided and more frequently updated.
* TWEAK: Purge the legacy template transient on page load of the Connections : Templates admin page.
* TWEAK: Check that the template is found before returning its object.
* TWEAK: Check that a legacy temnplate's path/files exists before returning its object.
* TWEAK: Use relative URL when loading images via TimThumb.
* TWEAK: Add constant to allow positioning of the admin menu.
* TWEAK: The "Add to addressbook." link will no longer be shown on the core templates if it has been turned off under the entry action settings.
* TWEAK: Change structure of core class to be a singleton.
* TWEAK: Use an action to register the cnUser class.
* TWEAK: Move general admin functions to their own class.
* TWEAK: Move the admin menu functions to their own class.
* TWEAK: Move the visibility and status bulk action functions to the cnEntry_Actions class.
* TWEAK: Add a delete method to the cnEntry_Actions class.
* TWEAK: Add the status action to the cnAdminActions class.
* TWEAK: Completely redo the record count method for more accurate results.
* TWEAK: Use a space instead of no-space when stripping out returns, new lines and tabs from the shortcode output.
* TWEAK: Remove the action in the plugin init that registered the Names template and added it to the template file instead.
* TWEAK: All core templates are updated to use the new template API.
* TWEAK: The upcoming_list shortcode now uses the cnAction_css action hook.
* TWEAK: Remove the "scope" attribute from the CSS inserted mid page for FireFox compatibility.
* TWEAK: Only add the HTML comment text if WP_DEBUG is set to TRUE.
* TWEAK: Remove the form action attribute from the add/edit entry form.
* I18N: Update the POT file.
* I18N: Add Persian (Iran).
* I18N: Add Turkish (Turkey).
* I18N: Add Portugese (Brazil).
* I18N: Update French (France).
* I18N: Update Spanish (Spain).
* I18N: Update Hungarian (Hungry).
* I18N: Update Dutch (Netherlands).
* I18N: Update Italian (Italy).
* I18N: Update Polish (Poland).
* I18N: Update Danish (Denmark).
* I18N: Update German (Germany).
* I18N: Add Spanish (Latin America).
* I18N: Add Serbian (Latin).
* BUG: Fix query string creation when using the Default permalink structure.
* BUG: Fix some double slashing when loading template assets.
* BUG: Fix malformed HTML being created when the template not found error message was shown.
* BUG: Fix a conflict with Formidable.
* BUG: Fix the Members template so it at least functions again.
* BUG: If no template author waas supplied, return an empty string.
* BUG: Fix the edit links on the Connections : Dashboard widgets.
* BUG: Remove 'p' from the query string when using the default permalink structure.
* BUG: Remove the /feed/ endpoint from the directory subpages because they caused 404 search engine crawl errors.
* BUG: Fixed an undefined index notice in the cnTemplateFactory class.
* OTHER: Fix typo's on the SEO Settings admin page.
* OTHER: Fix typo's in the Names template.
* OTHER: Remove all PO files.
* OTHER: Add a CREDITS.txt file.
* OTHER: Add a LICENSE.txt file.
* OTHER: Add a README.txt file to the languages folder providing direction on how to translate the plugin.
* OTHER: Remove complete @todo's from the phpDoc.
* OTHER: Add a cn_loaded action for extensions and templates to hook into.
* OTHER: Add a cn_register_template action for templates to hook into.
* OTHER: Update a few doc links to the website.
* OTHER: Some general code cleanup.

[Complete Changlog can be found here.](http://connections-pro.com/changelog/)

== Upgrade Notice ==

= =
This is a major update. It would be advisable to backup the Connections tables in the database before upgrading.

= =
Bug fixes.

= =
A couple bug fixes. Should be the last one.

= =
Bug fixes and updates to third party jQuery plugins and PHP classes. It is highly recommended to update.

= 0.7.3 =
This is a major update. It would be advisable to backup the Connections tables in the database before upgrading.

= =
This is a major update. It would be advisable to backup the Connections tables in the database before upgrading.

= =
Many bug fixes throughout. This is a highly recommended update.

= =
Many bug fixes throughout. This is a highly recommended update.

= =
Many bug fixes throughout. This is a highly recommended update.

= =
Many bug fixes throughout. This is a highly recommended update.

= =
Many bug fixes throughout. This is a highly recommended update.

= =
Potentially fixes issues with mutlisite installs.

= 0.7.4 =
A lot of code cleanup and tweaking. Add new feature to be able to filter by initial character on the Connections : Manage admin page.
NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
A permissions bug has been fixed.
NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= 0.7.5 =
NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Minor bug fixes and language updates. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= 0.7.8 =
Some new features, minor bug fixes and language updates. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Minor bug fixes.

= 0.7.9 =
Some new features, minor bug fixes and language updates.

= =
Critical fix that fixes the path to the inc.upgrade.php file.

= =
Fix bug preventing the copying of an entry.

= =
The character filter now uses a permalink structure for better SEO. Fix minor bug preventing the character filter from working on the front page.

= =
Fix potential XSS vulnerability. Updating is highly advised.

= =
Fix potential XSS vulnerability. Updating is highly advised.

= 0.8 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating.

= 0.8.1 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating.

= 0.8.2 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating.

= 0.8.3 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating.

= 0.8.4 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating.

= 0.8.5 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating.

= 0.8.6 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating.

= 0.8.7 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating.

= 0.8.8 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating.

= 0.8.9 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating.

= 0.8.10 =
If you are updating from a version less than 0.8, it is recommended to backup before updating as this is a major update.

= 0.8.11 =
If you are updating from a version less than 0.8, it is recommended to backup before updating as this is a major update.

= 0.8.12 =
If you are updating from a version less than 0.8, it is recommended to backup before updating as this is a major update.

= 0.8.13 =
If you are updating from a version less than 0.8, it is recommended to backup before updating as this is a major update.

= 0.8.14 =
If you are updating from a version less than 0.8, it is recommended to backup before updating as this is a major update. Requires WordPress >= 3.8.

= 8.1 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating. Requires WordPress >= 3.8.

= 8.1.1 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating. Requires WordPress >= 3.8.

= 8.1.2 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating. Requires WordPress >= 3.8.

= 8.1.3 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating. Requires WordPress >= 3.8.

= 8.1.4 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating. Requires WordPress >= 3.8.

= 8.1.5 =
This a major update to Connections it is recommended to backup before updating. Requires WordPress >= 3.8.


Directory Plugin for WordPress


License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:PHP 82.4%Language:JavaScript 11.3%Language:CSS 6.3%