danth / flakeaway

A simple CI server for Nix flakes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Flakeaway is a simple CI server for Nix flakes.

Self-hosted setup

You can run Flakeaway on your own server which will be used to evaluate jobs, build them and then publish the results on GitHub.

Add the flake github:danth/flakeaway to your system configuration, and import nixosModules.flakeaway from it.

Set services.flakeaway.enable to true to enable the service.

Exposing the API

Flakeaway runs a HTTP server on port 15345 to handle API requests and webhooks. You should proxy this over HTTPS for extra security. Here is an example setup using Nginx:

   security.acme = {
      defaults.email = "someone@example.com";

      # Read the terms at https://letsencrypt.org/repository/
      acceptTerms = true;

   services.nginx = {
     enable = true;

     virtualHosts."flakeaway.example.com" = {
       enableACME = true;
       forceSSL = true;
       locations."/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:15345";

   networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];


Register a new GitHub app by following these instructions.

The following permissions are required on the app:

  • Checks: write
  • Contents: read
  • Metadata: read

Enable webhooks for these events:

  • Check run
  • Check suite

Set the webhook URL to https://flakeaway.example.com/api/github/webhooks.

Set these NixOS options to the corresponding values from the app configuration page:

  • services.flakeaway.github.appId
  • services.flakeaway.github.clientId
  • services.flakeaway.github.clientSecret
  • services.flakeaway.github.privateKeyFile
  • services.flakeaway.github.webhookSecret

All of the options are simple strings, except privateKeyFile which should be a path to the file somewhere on your server. Take care not to store the private key unencrypted in the Nix store as that will make it readable to all users; if you run a binary cache server alongside Flakeaway, then it could also be accessed by anyone on the Internet.

You can set services.flakeaway.github.allowedUsers to a list of user / organisation names in order to limit use of your instance to only those accounts.


Use the options under services.flakeaway.concurrency to control how many evaluations and builds can be running at the same time. By default, there will only be one of each.

Set services.flakeaway.evaluator.workers to a value greater than one to use multiple processes per evaluation job. This means that individual outputs can be evaluated in parallel. You can use services.flakeaway.evaluator.workerMemory to limit the amount of memory which a single process can consume before it will be reset. By default this is set to 2GiB. Higher values will evaluate faster because more information can be cached in memory.

Per-repository settings

You can set binary caches on a per-repository basis. To do this, run the configuration tool from the root of your repository:

nix run github:danth/flakeaway#flakeaway-cli

You will need to commit .flakeaway.json after making any changes.

Any API tokens within the configuration file are encrypted, so only your Flakeaway server will be able to read them.


A simple CI server for Nix flakes

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 57.7%Language:C++ 25.0%Language:Nix 16.2%Language:Meson 1.1%