Sudoku Validator
An excercise for Prime Subscribers. Visit to learn more.
Dificulty: Advanced Beginner
Your Task
Sudoku is a logic-based combinatorial number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9.
Write a command-line program that can read a file containing a sudoku grid and validates it. The grid can be partially or completely solved. It either gives a success message or a list of errors and their positions.
Sample usage:
$ sudoku-validator ./valid_complete.sudoku
This sudoku is valid.
$ sudoku-validator ./valid_incomplete.sudoku
This sudoku is valid, but incomplete.
$ sudoku-validator ./invalid_complete.sudoku
This sudoku is invalid.
$ sudoku-validator ./invalid_incomplete.sudoku
This sudoku is invalid.
A sudoku is valid if:
- it has no duplicates in a row
- it has no duplicates in a column
- it has no duplicates in a sub-grid
Input files
The input files look like this
8 5 . |. . 2 |4 . .
7 2 . |. . . |. . 9
. . 4 |. . . |. . .
. . . |1 . 7 |. . 2
3 . 5 |. . . |9 . .
. 4 . |. . . |. . .
. . . |. 8 . |. 7 .
. 1 7 |. . . |. . .
. . . |. 3 6 |. 4 .
There are four sample sudoku files in this repo that you can use as input/test fixtures. They cover the permutations of valid/invalid and complete/incomplete
- To work on this exercise, fork the repo and begin implementing your solution.
- Your solution must be tested, preferably via TDD.
- Create a pull request so your code can be reviewed.
- Perform a code review on at least one other person's solution. Your comments should follow our code review guidelines: Most important: be friendly. Make suggestions, not demands.
- Improve your solution based on the comments you've received and approaches you've learned from reviewing others' attempts.