dansand / corcho_2022_collision_test

WIP for a "model submission template", please add comments as issues

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Welcome! This is a template repository for submitting models to Model Atlas of The Earth (M@TE).

How model submission works...


  • fork this template and rename using this convention:
    • creatorname_year_keyword (e.g. corcho_2022_collision)
  • populate this markdown document (Readme.md) with as much information as you can
    • information is recorded in Markdown Tables (Metadata fields) and additional Metadata Tags.
  • submit a pull request to merge this model into the ModelAtlasofTheEarth

Note The Wiki provides more detailed information on submission. Create a Github Issue if you have problems or questions.

Model Overview


Metadata fields

Field Value Notes
Title The Role of Lithospheric-Deep Mantle Interactions on the Style and Stress Evolution of Arc-Continent Collision ...
Abstract Continents grow by the successive accretion of material to their margins, mostly collision and accretion of intra-oceanic magmatic arcs. We investigate the effect of arc buoyancy and viscosity on the mode of collision, and the effects on the margin using a computer modeling approach. Our simulations show that upon collision, it is a small differential in density (3%) between the colliding arc and the continental margin that dictates whether subduction continues or stops after collision. In addition, our models show that arc buoyancy and viscosity drive lithospheric extension in the continental plate. Also, as the subducting slab reaches a mantle discontinuity at 660 km depth, it folds and causes strain and stress fluctuations on the margin.
Keywords Collision, subduction, accretion
Field of research (FOR) code 3706,370604

Metadata Tags

Note Place an X in in the boxes to select!

  • published study
  • commmunity benchmark
  • reproduction of published model
  • missing data model (needs rebuilding by community)

Model computation and reproduction


Metadata fields

The following fields provide information and references for sources and processes that were used to create the dataset and an audit trail for modifications to the original data. Provide web references, DOIs, Github links, etc. on any of the components that went into the generation of the dataset. Please provide versioning wherever possible or relevant. Examples may include: software packages, programs of work, input datasets.

Field Value Notes
software framework UWGeodynamics
software version
source code link https://github.com/underworldcode/UWGeodynamics
input datasets None
computer details E.g., cluster name, Operating System, MPI version, number of cores
additional notes E.g., This product was generated by XX method as described by XX et al. (yyyy) . Further details and code for the method are available in the Github/code repository XX....This product is derived from dataset XX (dataset doi or link to details). The method is detailed in .... and uses inputs X (link), Y (link), Z (link) to produce this published product.

Note Please add any addition files relate to computation and reproduction to the model_reproduction_files folder, and describe these in the table below.

Metadata Tags

  • this submission includes input files
  • this submission includes postprocessing files
  • this submission includes a software container (i.e. docker image or dockerfile)
  • postprocessing files are linked to M@TE Server (NCI GeoNetwork) through thredds/OpenDap

Model reproduction files

Filename/pattern Description Notes
SubductionTransference_Mechanical_25Km-WeakerLM.ipynb Jupyter notebook to run model with 25 km thick arc-crust Additional info
ModelGeometry.py python script with functions/variables requied by SubductionTransference_Mechanical_25Km-WeakerLM.ipynb
MechanicalProperties.py python script with functions/variables requied by `SubductionTransference_Mechanical_25Km-WeakerLM.ipynb
Figure_6_Kinematics_Analysis.ipynb Jupyter notebook containing workflow to recreate Fig. 6 of Corcho. et al 2022

Model output data


Metadata Tags

  • this submission includes model output data

Note If the above box is ticked, the M@TE team will contact you with details for uploading data to the NCI M@TE Server Please fill out the metadata fields below.

Metadata fields

Field Value Notes
Dataset format xmf, xdmf, hdf5
Temporal extents (if applicable) ---
Spatial extents (if applicable) ---
Local NCI file path Completed once data are available on NCI Geonetwork Catalog
DOI (NCI Internal Field) Completed once data are available on NCI Geonetwork Catalog
additional notes E.g., output data ar saved at time/step increments of (100 Kyr)

Note The following table provides can be used to descibe the output data files associated with this model The more information you record, the better!

Output data files

Filename/pattern Description Notes
ArcTracers_Arc nodes velocity_X-100.h5
ArcTracers_Arc nodes velocity_Y-100.h5
ArcTracers_Arc stress tensor_X-100.h5
ArcTracers_Arc stress tensor_XY-100.h5
ArcTracers_Arc stress tensor_Y-100.h5
ArcTracers_arc overriding plate strain rate-100.h5
ArcTracers_arc overriding plate stress Field-100.h5
CratonTracers_Craton stress tensor_X-100.h5
CratonTracers_Craton stress tensor_XY-100.h5
CratonTracers_Craton stress tensor_Y-100.h5
CratonTracers_Cratonic overriding plate velocity _X-100.h5
CratonTracers_Cratonic overriding plate velocity_Y-100.h5
OPTracers_Weak overriding plate strain rate-100.h5
OPTracers_Weak overriding plate stress Field-100.h5
OPTracers_Weak overriding plate stress tensor_X-100.h5
OPTracers_Weak overriding plate stress tensor_XY-100.h5
OPTracers_Weak overriding plate stress tensor_Y-100.h5
OPTracers_Weak overriding plate velocity_X-100.h5
OPTracers_Weak overriding plate velocity_Y-100.h5
SPTracers_Subducting plate velocity_X-100.h5
SPTracers_Subducting plate velocity_Y-100.h5

Website material


Note To feature your model on our website (https://mate.science), we will require some images/animations and captions. Please add web_files folder, and describe these files using the following table. The `Purpose' field will be used to direct the content. You do not need to supply all of these, and you may supply multiple files with same purpose, in which case we can scroll images.

File Purpose Caption
graphic_abstract.png visual abstract Schematic illustration of initial model conditions and subsequent post-collisional evolution of the two identified styles of arc-continent collision, whose dynamics are controlled by arc transference and slab-anchoring in less buoyant remnant arcs (see publication for further detail)
model_setup.jpg model setup (a) Model set up for numerical simulations based on previous research in the dynamics of accretionary continental margins (Moresi et al., 2014). It includes an oceanic subducting plate (dark yellow), an overriding plate composed by a continental (cyan) and cratonic domain (dark blue), and a ribbon of thicker crust representing a remnant = intra-oceanic arc attached to the oceanic plate (red). The upper mantle and the upper-lower mantle boundary are included to capture deep-mantle slab interactions. Orange, yellow, and dark green dots show locations where subducting plate convergence velocity, the trench-retreat velocity and the overriding plate (OP) retreat velocity were measured. The (b–e) profiles show a schematic lithospheric cross-section of the domains considered in our model set-up (see publication for further detail).
animation_25.gif animation Evolution of material field for model with 25 km arc crust
animation_35.gif animation Evolution of material field for model with 35 km arc crust

Note Acceptible formats: JPEG, PNG, PDF, AVI, GIF, MP4 Total size of files will be limited by Github repository constraints



Field Value Notes
Associated publication DOI DOI
Funder(s) Australian Research Council's ITRH Project IH130200012 and DP150102887. AFRC was supported by a scholarship from the Colombian Government (Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, e Innovación, 783), a research grant from the Colombian Association of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists (Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofísicos del Petróleo) fund and a top-up scholarship form the University of Melbourne (Baragwanath scholarship). This work was enabled by Auscope, the Nectar Research Cloud and the National Computational Infrastructure (projects m18, mw52), which are supported by the Australian Government via the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
Author(s) Refer to publication
Licence E.g., Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Note on Publications Please also add .bib entries for any associated publication to the CITATIONS.bib file See Wiki for further information on .bib files

Note on Licence we encourage model creators to issue a single licence that will cover all material sumbitted to M@TE. we recommend a Creative Commons license you can use the following website to choose from a range of options Chttps://creativecommons.org/choose/


WIP for a "model submission template", please add comments as issues