danrocha / postgraphile-starter

A started config for Postgraphile

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Postgraphile Starter

This is the starter I use for almost all my projects using Postgraphile.



These are the plugins I use in the starter, which I found the most useful:


My Auth flow consists of a frontend which gets a JWT from Auth0 and passes it to all server calls done with Apollo. Postgraphile then decodes the JWT and uses it for its database transactions.

I usually create 3 roles, as proposed in the Postgraphile docs: https://www.graphile.org/postgraphile/postgresql-schema-design/#postgres-roles

All the requests to /graphql use a jwtCheck from plugins/auth.js, which checks the validity of the token and decodes it.

Then I use PgSettings in plugins/postgraphile.js to define the role and user_id to be used in Postgres.


After cloning this repo, make sure you add the necessary environment variables in .env, then:

npm i

To run it in dev mode with auto-reloading:

npm run start:dev

For deployment, this is my workflow: https://danroc.dev/deploying-node-apps-dokku/


A started config for Postgraphile


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