danp / trace2sqlite

Convert Go execution traces to SQLite databases.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Convert Go execution traces to SQLite databases.


Create trace.db from my.trace:

trace2sqlite trace.db my.trace

Quick tour

Using a database generated from this gotraceui test trace.

$ sqlite3 trace.db
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE pcs (pc integer primary key, file text, line integer, fn text);
CREATE TABLE stacks (id integer, depth integer, pc integer, primary key(id, depth));
CREATE TABLE events (id integer primary key, ts integer, type text, p integer, g integer, args text, link integer, stack_id integer);
sqlite> select * from events limit 10;
│ id │  ts  │    type     │ p │ g  │        args        │ link │ stack_id │
│ 0  │ 0    │ GoCreate    │ 1 │ 0  │ {"g":1,"stack":2}  │      │ 1        │
│ 1  │ 164  │ GoWaiting   │ 1 │ 1  │ {"g":1}            │      │          │
│ 2  │ 2235 │ GoCreate    │ 1 │ 0  │ {"g":17,"stack":3} │      │ 1        │
│ 3  │ 2290 │ GoInSyscall │ 1 │ 17 │ {"g":17}           │      │          │
│ 4  │ 4341 │ GoCreate    │ 1 │ 0  │ {"g":2,"stack":4}  │      │ 1        │
│ 5  │ 4396 │ GoWaiting   │ 1 │ 2  │ {"g":2}            │      │          │
│ 6  │ 6357 │ GoCreate    │ 1 │ 0  │ {"g":3,"stack":5}  │      │ 1        │
│ 7  │ 6393 │ GoWaiting   │ 1 │ 3  │ {"g":3}            │ 580  │          │
│ 8  │ 8280 │ GoCreate    │ 1 │ 0  │ {"g":4,"stack":6}  │      │ 1        │
│ 9  │ 8299 │ GoWaiting   │ 1 │ 4  │ {"g":4}            │ 348  │          │
sqlite> select type, count(*) from events group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 10;
│     type     │ count(*) │
│ ProcStart    │ 52271    │
│ ProcStop     │ 52270    │
│ GoStart      │ 23728    │
│ GoSched      │ 22131    │
│ GoUnblock    │ 7813     │
│ GoBlock      │ 7009     │
│ GoStartLabel │ 6539     │
│ HeapAlloc    │ 1438     │
│ Gomaxprocs   │ 673      │
│ GCSTWStart   │ 670      │
sqlite> select * from pcs limit 10;
│   pc    │                    file                     │ line │             fn             │
│ 0       │                                             │ 0    │                            │
│ 4223036 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/chan.go   │ 145  │ runtime.chansend1          │
│ 4226455 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/chan.go   │ 442  │ runtime.chanrecv1          │
│ 4230932 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/debug.go  │ 33   │ runtime.GOMAXPROCS         │
│ 4252879 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/malloc.go │ 932  │ runtime.mallocgc           │
│ 4253942 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/malloc.go │ 1053 │ runtime.mallocgc           │
│ 4254441 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/malloc.go │ 1150 │ runtime.mallocgc           │
│ 4254567 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/malloc.go │ 1171 │ runtime.mallocgc           │
│ 4254582 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/malloc.go │ 1172 │ runtime.mallocgc           │
│ 4254905 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/malloc.go │ 1217 │ runtime.deductAssistCredit │
sqlite> select * from stacks limit 10;
│ id │ depth │   pc    │
│ 80 │ 0     │ 4696772 │
│ 80 │ 1     │ 4785133 │
│ 80 │ 2     │ 4785109 │
│ 80 │ 3     │ 4784469 │
│ 80 │ 4     │ 4800349 │
│ 80 │ 5     │ 4800341 │
│ 80 │ 6     │ 4772089 │
│ 80 │ 7     │ 5559190 │
│ 80 │ 8     │ 5559150 │
│ 80 │ 9     │ 5565332 │
sqlite> with top_go_create_stacks as (select stack_id, count(*) from events where type='GoCreate' group by 1 order by 2 desc) select * from top_go_create_stacks join stacks on (stack_id=id), pcs on (stacks.pc=pcs.pc and depth=0);
│ stack_id │ count(*) │ id  │ depth │   pc    │   pc    │                         file                          │ line │                 fn                 │
│ 63       │ 10       │ 63  │ 0     │ 5679942 │ 5679942 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/trace/trace_test.go │ 260  │ runtime/trace_test.TestTraceStress │
│ 23       │ 10       │ 23  │ 0     │ 4308676 │ 4308676 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/mgc.go              │ 1199 │ runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers       │
│ 1        │ 9        │ 1   │ 0     │ 5679707 │ 5679707 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/trace/trace_test.go │ 226  │ runtime/trace_test.TestTraceStress │
│ 107      │ 1        │ 107 │ 0     │ 5680836 │ 5680836 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/trace/trace_test.go │ 313  │ runtime/trace_test.TestTraceStress │
│ 86       │ 1        │ 86  │ 0     │ 5680604 │ 5680604 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/trace/trace_test.go │ 295  │ runtime/trace_test.TestTraceStress │
│ 67       │ 1        │ 67  │ 0     │ 5680298 │ 5680298 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/trace/trace_test.go │ 283  │ runtime/trace_test.TestTraceStress │
│ 65       │ 1        │ 65  │ 0     │ 5680218 │ 5680218 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/trace/trace_test.go │ 274  │ runtime/trace_test.TestTraceStress │
│ 18       │ 1        │ 18  │ 0     │ 5679882 │ 5679882 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/trace/trace_test.go │ 233  │ runtime/trace_test.TestTraceStress │
│ 13       │ 1        │ 13  │ 0     │ 5025742 │ 5025742 │ /home/dominikh/prj/go/src/runtime/trace/trace.go      │ 128  │ runtime/trace.Start                │

Fun queries

FlameScope / perf

Generate data suitable for FlameScope (inspired by traceutils) with:

sqlite3 -tabs trace.db \
  "select 'go 0 [0] ' || printf('%f', ts/1e9) || ': cpu-clock:' || x'0a' || (select group_concat(x'09' || printf('%x %s (go)', stacks.pc, pcs.fn), x'0a') from stacks join pcs on (pcs.pc=stacks.pc) where stacks.id=stack_id) from events where type='CPUSample' order by id" \
  > trace.perf

Then get trace.perf where FlameScope can read it.

Example from encoding/json benchmarks:


The bulk of the work in parsing and making traces more logically useful comes from the gotraceui project. This project really just puts the result of that into SQLite.


Convert Go execution traces to SQLite databases.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%