danoph / ionic_screenshot_test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a starter template for Ionic projects.

How to use this template

This template does not work on its own. The shared files for each starter are found in the ionic2-app-base repo.

To use this template, either create a new ionic project using the ionic node.js utility, or copy the files from this repository into the Starter App Base.

With the Ionic CLI:

Take the name after ionic2-starter-, and that is the name of the template to be used when using the ionic start command below:

$ sudo npm install -g ionic cordova
$ ionic start mySideMenu sidemenu

Then, to run it, cd into mySideMenu and run:

$ ionic cordova platform add ios
$ ionic cordova run ios

Substitute ios for android if not on a Mac.

Mobile screenshots notes

npm i -g appium npm i wd wd-bridge --save-dev brew install carthage



ProtractorBrowser { controlFlow: [Function], schedule: [Function], setFileDetector: [Function], getExecutor: [Function], getSession: [Function], getCapabilities: [Function], quit: [Function], actions: [Function], touchActions: [Function], executeScript: [Function], executeAsyncScript: [Function], call: [Function], wait: [Function], sleep: [Function], getWindowHandle: [Function], getAllWindowHandles: [Function], getPageSource: [Function], close: [Function], getCurrentUrl: [Function], getTitle: [Function], findElementInternal_: [Function], findElementsInternal_: [Function], takeScreenshot: [Function], manage: [Function], switchTo: [Function], driver: thenableWebDriverProxy { flow_: ControlFlow { propagateUnhandledRejections_: true, activeQueue_: [Object], taskQueues_: [Object], shutdownTask_: null, hold_: [Object] }, session_: ManagedPromise { flow_: [Object], stack_: null, parent_: null, callbacks_: null, state_: 'fulfilled', handled_: true, value_: [Object], queue_: [Object] }, executor_: Executor { w3c: false, customCommands_: [Object], log_: [Object] }, fileDetector_: null, onQuit_: undefined, cancel: [Function], then: [Function: bound then], catch: [Function: bound then], getNetworkConnection: [Function], setNetworkConnection: [Function], toggleAirplaneMode: [Function], toggleWiFi: [Function], toggleData: [Function], toggleLocationServices: [Function], getGeolocation: [Function], setGeolocation: [Function], getCurrentDeviceActivity: [Function], startDeviceActivity: [Function], getAppiumSettings: [Function], setAppiumSettings: [Function], getCurrentContext: [Function], selectContext: [Function], getScreenOrientation: [Function], setScreenOrientation: [Function], isDeviceLocked: [Function], lockDevice: [Function], unlockDevice: [Function], installApp: [Function], isAppInstalled: [Function], removeApp: [Function], pullFileFromDevice: [Function], pullFolderFromDevice: [Function], pushFileToDevice: [Function], listContexts: [Function], uploadFile: [Function], switchToParentFrame: [Function], fullscreen: [Function], sendAppToBackground: [Function], closeApp: [Function], getAppStrings: [Function], launchSession: [Function], resetApp: [Function], hideSoftKeyboard: [Function], getDeviceTime: [Function], openDeviceNotifications: [Function], rotationGesture: [Function], shakeDevice: [Function] }, element: { [Function: element] all: [Function] }, '$': [Function], '$$': [Function], baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8000', getPageTimeout: 10000, params: {}, resetUrl: 'data:text/html,', debugHelper: DebugHelper { browserUnderDebug_: [Circular] }, ready: ManagedPromise { flow_: ControlFlow { propagateUnhandledRejections_: true, activeQueue_: [Object], taskQueues_: [Object], shutdownTask_: null, hold_: [Object] }, stack_: null, parent_: null, callbacks_: null, state_: 'fulfilled', handled_: true, value_: [Circular], queue_: null }, trackOutstandingTimeouts_: true, mockModules_: [ { name: 'protractorBaseModule_', script: [Function], args: [Array] } ], ExpectedConditions: ProtractorExpectedConditions { browser: [Circular] }, plugins_: Plugins { setup: [Function], onPrepare: [Function], teardown: [Function], postResults: [Function], postTest: [Function], onPageLoad: [Function], onPageStable: [Function], waitForPromise: [Function], waitForCondition: [Function], pluginObjs: [], assertions: {}, resultsReported: false }, allScriptsTimeout: 11000, getProcessedConfig: [Function], forkNewDriverInstance: [Function], restart: [Function], restartSync: [Function], internalRootEl: '', internalIgnoreSynchronization: false }



android steps:

  • npm install -g appium --no-shrinkwrap
  • android list avd
  • install a new virtual device

https://moduscreate.com/blog/hybrid-application-testing-with-protractor-and-appium/ capabilities: { browserName: '', app: '[ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_APK/ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_APP]', bundleId: '[com..], deviceName: '[ACTUAL_DEVICE_NAME]', platformName: '[Android/iOS]', platformVersion: '[ANDROID_VERSION/iOS_VERSION]', udid: '[ONLY_FOR_iOS=THE_UDID_OF_DEVICE]' autoWebview : true, autoWebviewTimeout: 10000, autoAcceptAlerts: 'true' },



Language:JavaScript 40.3%Language:TypeScript 21.3%Language:HTML 20.9%Language:CSS 17.5%