danny / transport

A HTTP/JSON transport layer.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A HTTP/JSON transport layer. Provides a single command interface to perform http/json requests. A spec helper to perform request against a fake server is also included.

HTTP requests

To perform a http request the call of a single command is needed.

Transport::HTTP.request :get, "http://www.google.com", :expected_status_code => 200

The method will return a string with the content of Google home page. If another status code is received than the expected one, an Transport::UnexpectedStatusCodeError will be raised. In that case, the status code can be read from the raised error object.

  Transport::HTTP.request :get, "http://www.google.com", :expected_status_code => 200
rescue Transport::UnexpectedStatusCodeError => error
  puts "error code = #{error.status_code}"

Parameters, headers and the request body

Parameters and headers can also be passed to the request method.

Transport::HTTP.request :get, "http://www.somesite.com",
  :parameters => { "test" => "test value" },
  :headers => { "Accept" => "text/html", "Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }

Before performing a GET or DELETE request, the given parameters will be encoded in the request url (e.g. ?test=test%20value). POST and PUT request will transport the encoded parameters in their request body, unless a request body is explicitly specified.

Transport::HTTP.request :post, "http://www.somesite.com",
  :headers => { "Accept" => "text/html", "Content-Type" => "text/html" },
  :body => "<html>some data</html>"


Currently, BASIC authentication is supported for requests. To enable it, simply pass the parameter auth_type along with username and password to the request method.

Transport::HTTP.request :get, "http://www.somesite.com",
  :auth_type => :basic, :username => "user", :password => "pass"

JSON requests

A JSON request is basically an extensions of a HTTP request. All options that are possible on HTTP request are also possible on JSON requests. But a few differences should be mentioned here.

  • The Accept header will be set to application/json anyway.

  • If a request body is specified, the Content-Type will also be set to application/json cause only json data should be transferred.

  • If the option encode_parameters is set to true, all parameters will be encoded to json, before encoded to the url. This makes it possible to transfer more complex parameters like arrays and hashes.

  • The response body will also be parsed to json.


Transport::JSON.request :get, "http://www.somesite.com/content.json",
  :auth_type => :basic, :username => "user", :password => "pass",
  :parameters => { "filter" => { "date" => Date.today, "tags" => [ "gossip", "serious" ] } },
  :encode_parameters => true

This will perform an authenticated GET request to the given url and passes the json-encoded parameters.

Fake requests

For test proposes, this gem also comes with the possibility of doing fake requests. If you want to test your code against a webservice, but don’t want to dependent on a network connection or on the webservice itself - or just want to speed up your tests, you can fake the webservice by calling Transport::Spec::Faker.fake!.

describe "webservice" do

  before :each do
    Transport::Spec::Faker.fake! "some_filename.yml"



The given filename should point to a YML file that contains an array of all fake requests. The file should look like the following example.

-- # use a single dash here
  :http_method: "get"
  :url:         "http://www.somesite.com/content.json"
    :code: 200
      "test": "test value"
-- # use a single dash here
  :http_method: "post"
  :url:         "http://www.somesite.com"
    "Accept": "text/html"
    "Content-Type": "text/html"
    :code: 200
    :body: "<html>test value</html>"

Once the faker is activated, it will try to fake any request. If your software is trying to do a request that isn’t defined in the YML file, it will raises a Transport::Spec::Faker::NoFakeRequestError.


This project is still under development. Any bug report and contribution is welcome!


Apart from contribution, support via Flattr is welcome.


A HTTP/JSON transport layer.

License:MIT License