danmoop / InventoryPro-CS157A

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Final Database Design Project for CS157A

Instructions to connect

The code to create tables & views is located in code.sql file.

The database is currently deployed online and can be accessed to test queries.

  • Database name: bfatepgobu3i45q7vmwl
  • Database user: uxvfjkmjmpnf5gxo
  • Database password: udTMD3cfn644djngCbpW
  • Port: 3306
  • Connection URI: mysql://uxvfjkmjmpnf5gxo:udTMD3cfn644djngCbpW@bfatepgobu3i45q7vmwl-mysql.services.clever-cloud.com:3306/bfatepgobu3i45q7vmwl
  • Connect via MySQL CLI: mysql -h bfatepgobu3i45q7vmwl-mysql.services.clever-cloud.com -P 3306 -u uxvfjkmjmpnf5gxo -p bfatepgobu3i45q7vmwl
  1. When Enter password: is displayed, enter udTMD3cfn644djngCbpW
  2. Once connected, type "use bfatepgobu3i45q7vmwl;"
  3. Once switched to the project database, type "show tables;"
  4. All tables should be displayed and queries can be performed
