danitcodes / ping-pong-et-al-ruby

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Ping Pong, Et al - Basic Ruby Practice Exercises with TDD

By Danielle Thompson

Initiated 6.8.21. Last updated 6.24.21.


This repository is a basic practice exercise working with test-driven development and learning basic Ruby syntax.

One exercise includes writing a method "Ping-Pong" with tests, the details of which you can find in this README via the user stories and specs sections. The second exercise writes a method and tests for converting strings into a simplified form of "leetspeak". Further information on the instructions I used to inform my leetspeak method can be found in this Leetspeak README.

Ping Pong User Stories

Exercise User Story
#1a Ping Pong A user enters a number and the application returns all numbers from 1 to the user input.
#1b Ping Pong All numbers divisible by 3 are replaced by "ping".
#1c Ping Pong All numbers divisible by 5 are replaced by "pong".
#1d Ping Pong All numbers divisible by 3 and 5 are replaced by "ping-pong".

Plain English Specs for Ping Pong

  1. Create a range of numbers, from 1 to n, where n is the user inputted number.

Expect(n = 15).toEqual(1:15, each number prints on a new line)

This tells me a loop, and or a range() built-in method, and a new array.

  1. Return ping instead of any num in range divisible by 3.


  1. Return pong instead of any num in range divisible by 5.


  1. Return ping-pong instead of any num in range divisible by both 3 and 5 (and move this branch of the conditional to the top of the conditional statement to ensure all branches function properly).



  • Ruby v.2.6.5
  • Docker v.20.10.6
  • Test-driven development
  • Chruby v.0.3.9
  • Rspec v.3.10.1
  • Gems: pry, rspec


MIT, 2021. Copyright, Danielle Thompson.



Language:Ruby 100.0%