danish17 / lempify

Repository from Github https://github.comdanish17/lempifyRepository from Github https://github.comdanish17/lempify


A simple bash script to install LEMP stack on Ubuntu-based distributions with WordPress CLI

How to run

  1. Clone the repository with git clone https://github.com/danish17/lempify.git
  2. cd lempify
  3. chmod +x setup.sh
  4. sudo ./setup.sh

Things to keep in mind

  1. Ensure that port 80 is free.
  2. If you are running this on a freshly created server, run apt update && apt upgrade before executing this script.


$ apt update && apt upgrade
$ git clone https://github.com/danish17/lempify.git && cd lempify
$ chmod +x setup.sh
$ sudo ./setup.sh
 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 
||l |||e |||m |||p |||i |||f |||y ||
A simple bash script to setup LEMP stack with WordPress CLI

➜ Checking permissions...
✓ Permissions OK.
➜ Creating Logfile...
✓ Logfile created.
➜ Setting up permissions...
✓ Permissions set.
➜ Checking Linux distribution...
✓ Ubuntu detected.
➜ Checking port 80 availability...
✓ Port 80 is free.
➜ Checking Nginx...
✓ Nginx not detected.
➜ Checking PHP...
✓ PHP not detected.
➜ Checking MySQL...
✓ MySQL not detected.
➜ Checking WP-CLI...
⚠ WP-CLI installation detected.
➜ Installing Nginx...
✓ Nginx installed successfully.
➜ Installing PHP...
✓ PHP installed successfully.
➜ Installing MySQL...
✓ MySQL installed successfully.
➜ Checking Nginx Service Status...
✓ Nginx is enabled.
✓ Nginx is running.
➜ Creating test site: http://example.local
➜ Enabling test site: http://example.local
✓ Nginx configuration copied and enabled.
➜ Copying site files to /var/www/html/example.local
✓ Site files copied.
➜ Creating hosts file entry for test site: http://example.local
✓ Hosts file entry for test site created.
➜ Testing Nginx configuration
✓ Nginx configuration test passed.
➜ Restarting Nginx
✓ Nginx restarted.
➜ Testing if site is OK.
✓ Test site is up.
✓ Test site created and configured. Visit http://example.local



Language:Shell 98.5%Language:PHP 1.5%