danilw / godot-utils-and-other

random code that I made/use for godot

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crash with particle collision 2d demo

zhaishengfu opened this issue · comments

hello, i rebuild the godot and run your demo, it is normal . but when i click spawn 1 or spawn rnd, the program will crash with only information that says:

I used 3.2 stable version.

And can you give me some information about the principle of your methods? I see the shadertoy but not find any principle. I only know each particle has unique index...



You talk about particle_self_collision from this repository?

when i click spawn 1 or spawn rnd, the program will crash with only information that says:

What GPU you use?
I have no problem launching it, does linked web-demo work for you?

I did not check it in Godot 3.2, I do not think there should be any problem, can you try prebuild Web or .exe version?

And can you give me some information about the principle of your methods? I see the shadertoy but not find any principle. I only know each particle has unique index...

Source code is very simple, I will not teach you "how shaders work", I think information on its shadertoy shader enough for understand it.

To more information you can check my post in Russian language about this code https://habr.com/ru/post/474676/
Proper educational resource about this method is this link on Research Article also in Russian. I do not have english resource for this, google yourself.

thanks for your reply. the web demo is ok for me , and my gpu is nvidia 1050, i think it is not the problem of GPU.
yes, i only want to know the principle . I know clearly how shader works. https://habr.com/ru/post/474676/
this link is perfect for me . thank you very much .
for the crash problem, I will look carefully in to the code and if i have progress, i will tell you


Okay I check latter today this project in Godot 3.2, to see if my code has any problem on Godot side.

Will reply latter


Yes, it was a bug, thanks. Fixed now.