danilkolikov / agda-mode

agda-mode on Atom

Home Page:https://atom.io/packages/agda-mode

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

agda-mode on Atom

For people who don't wanna use Emacs for whatever reasons.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/banacorn/agda-mode

Feel free to open issues!!!!



  1. Ensure you have the Atom package language-agda installed and enabled.
  2. Ensure you have agda properly installed. Try agda in your console.
  3. Install the package:
  • from the editor: Atom > Preferences... > Install, search for agda-mode and install
  • or from a shell: apm install agda-mode
  1. If you have Agda installed properly (i.e. agda is in the PATH, check it in your console), then it's good to go.


This is an exhaustive list of available commands.

Keymap Command Global Goal-specific
C-c C-l load a file
C-c C-x C-q quit
C-c C-x C-r kill and restart Agda
C-c C-x C-c compile
C-c C-x C-h toggle display of implicit arguments
C-c C-s solve constraints
C-c C-= show constraints
C-c C-? show goals
C-c C-f next goal (forward)
C-c C-b previous goal (back)
C-c C-x C-d toggle panel docking
C-c C-n compute normal form
C-u C-c C-n compute normal form (ignoring abstract)
C-c C-w why in scope
C-c C-SPC give
C-c C-r refine
C-c C-a auto
C-c C-c case

Commands listed below support 3 different levels of normalization.

Keymap Command Global Goal-specific
C-c C-d infer type
C-c C-o module contents
C-c C-t goal type
C-c C-e context
C-c C-, goal type and context
C-c C-. goal type and inferred type

Levels of normalization

Prefix Normalization
C-u No normalization
C-u C-u Full normalization

For example, C-u C-c C-d if you want to infer a type without normalizing it. See Agda:Issue 850 for more discussion.

Unicode Input method (only invokable under .agda or .lagda)

The key mapping of symbols are the same as in Emacs. For example: \bn for , \all for , \r or \to for , etc.

Keymap Command
\\ or alt-/ input symbol

Commands not yet supported

Keymap Command Reason
C-c C-x C-d remove goals and highlighting (deactivate)
C-c C-x M- comment/uncomment the rest of the buffer nope

How to contribute

Environment Setup

  1. clone the repo and load it as a development package
  2. open the repo in the development mode
  3. install dependencies
  4. checkout to the dev branch. The master branch is for stable releases.
apm develop agda-mode
atom -d ~/github/agda-mode
cd ~/github/agda-mode
npm install
git checkout dev

The project is written in TypeScript so you would probably need these:

npm install -g typescript@2.2
apm install atom-typescript

This gif looks cute so i'm keeping it


agda-mode on Atom


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 94.6%Language:CSS 3.8%Language:Agda 1.6%