danielyou0230 / apparent-age-gender-classification

Convolutional Neural Networks based Deep Learning Model

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Apparent Age Gender Classification


Machine Learning @ NCTU EE (grad) 2016 Sep. - 2017 June

About the Project (from TA's document)

In this project, you are asked to classify the input photos into 4 age groups and 2 genders. You are free to use any methods, tools, and language to finish this work.
If you want to use any work that is not built by you, be sure to specify it in your report. Also, just repeating other people’s work won’t help you get high score in this subject, be sure to include your own idea in this work.

A. Input:
The input will be an RGB photo or Gray level photo with different size. The photos above are from the class child, young, adult, and elder, respectively.
You are only allowed to use the photos in this dataset. (Data augmentation is permitted) We may randomly pick some team’ s work to retrain it to check if the result is far differed from your submission.

B. Target
For each photos, please classify it into one of the following classes. You can predict age and gender jointly or separately, but the final result need to be one of the classes above.
Class is defined as follows:
0: Male Child, 4: Female Child
1: Male Young, 5: Female Young
2: Male Adult, 6: Female Adult
3: Male Elder, 7: Female Elder


Daniel You, Vivian Chung

Machine Learning Library Involved

Tensorflow, Dlib, scikit-learn


Data Conversion


MNIST using TensorFlow

Face Landmarks with dlib, Opencv, and Python

Dlib Intro. [Chinese]

CNN example reference

LBP by sk-image

About the codes

ML_Final_Project.py: Top module for the project.
data_conversion.py : Convert images to binary data for faster access for TensorFlow.
Modules.py : Modules used throughout the project.
pending_code.py : Codes that might be added to the project.


(Done) Facial Recognition
(Done) Data Augmentation
(Done) Convert to TensorFlow data type
(Done) Implementing CNN with TensorFlow
(Almost Done) Make the model usable
(In Progress) Further tuning the model (Refine the model)
(In Progress) Choice of optimizers and adaptive learning rate if valid
(Coming Soon) Other Image Processing (LBP -> HOG -> ...)
(----) Re-train the model and fine tuning
(----) Demo code preparation
(----) Report

Current Progress

Working on...

  1. Trying to converge the model faster.
  2. Other optimizers?
  3. Structure of the model


#1 Load testing data as batch for validation.
#2 Unusable model (Cause UNKNOWN)
#3 Out-of-Memory... perhaps not well optimized :(


  1. Parameterized the model
  2. Reduce training time and computational resources
  3. Better face recognition
  4. Find effective data augmentation methods
  5. [DONE] Increase the amount of data (size of dataset = 39xxx)
  6. Other image processing techniques
  7. Demo code preparation
  8. Adaptive learning rate
  9. Choose proper optimizer

Small scripts to make our life much easier

1. routine

Simple git commit and push at once, and add files if given.


Method 1. Run the file as bash

sh routine

Method 2. Run the script as executable

(required step, run the command just once when moving the file across machines)

chomod 777 routine

(execute step)



  1. Just update files that already exist.
    Commit message: "routinely commit"


  1. Add one or multiple new files to the project.
    Commit message: "File(s): [list_of_files] added to the project"

./routine [list_of_files]


./routine file1 file2

2. visualize

Open Tensorboard (path adapted to our library path, change it if needed) without TensorBoard install by pip



If TensorBoard is installed

tensorboard --logdir=/path/to/log-directory

e.g. if the log stores in log/

tensorboard --logdir=log/

Installation Reference

TensorFlow (build from source)

Reference for coding

Convert label to one-hot

label = tf.stack(tf.one_hot(label-1, nClass))

Fetch mini-batch from queue

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as sess:
    threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess)
    minibatch = sess.run([data, label])

Release GPU memory after computation

config = tf.ConfigProto()
with tf.Session() as sess:
    sess = tf.Session(config=config)

Open TensorBoard on local machine from remote server

Login the remote server using command

ssh -L local_machine_port: username@remote_server

Where represents the port 6006 on remote_server, this command forwards all contents on the remote_server:6006 to your local machine.

e.g. if 16006 is the port that we want to use as local_machine_port, then

ssh -L 16006: username@remote_server

To open Tensorboard, we can launch the TensorBoard on the remote server and simply accesss the port 16006 on our local machine.


Convolutional Neural Networks based Deep Learning Model


Language:Python 100.0%