danielsogl / ionic-super-starter

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Ionic Super Starter Template

This repository provides a structure for solid ionic projects. It provides functions for unit and E2E tests. In addition, a documentation of the Ionic project can be created.


To run this project just clone it and run: npm install

ionic start ionic-super-starter danielsogl/super


If you check out the package.json file you can see that I added some scripts:

"docs": "./node_modules/.bin/compodoc -d ./public/docs/ -p ./tsconfig.json -n \"Ionic Super - Documentation\"",
"test": "jest",
"test:watch": "jest --watch",
"test:ci": "jest --runInBand",
"test:coverage": "jest --coverage",
"e2e": "npm run e2e-update && npm run e2e-test",
"e2e-test": "protractor ./test-config/protractor.conf.js",
"e2e-update": "webdriver-manager update --standalone false --gecko false"

In the following chapters I explain how to use them and waht they can do for you.

Unit Tests

I implemented unit-tests with the awesome Jest framework. Jest is a complete and easy to set-up JavaScript testing solution created by Facebook. Some of its benefits are:

  • Fast and sandboxed
  • Built-in code coverage reports
  • Zero configuration

To run a unit-test you have three options.

  1. A simple npm run test runs all your created unit-tests
  2. Run npm run test:ci if you want to run the unit-tests with you favorite CI
  3. To create a test-coverage report you can run npm run test:coverage

I added Ionic Mocks with Jest Support by forking the ionic-mocks ionic-mock repository. There are still some issues. Feel free to help me out with my create ionic-mocks-jest repository.

If you want to add ionic-native mocks you should definitely check out Chris Griffith's ionic-native-mocks repository

Check out the unit-test example in the 'src/app' folder.

E2E Tests

I implemented the E2E test configuration from the offical ionic-unit-testing-example repository. But I changed the e2e folder structure.

  - pages
  - spec

Add your pages into the /pages folder and your tests into the /spec folder.

To serve the app, run ionic serve. To run the end-to-end tests, run (while the app is being served) npm run e2e. See the example end-to-end test in e2e/spec/app.e2e-spec.ts.

ionic serve
npm run e2e


If you want to create large applications a documentation is a must have. To create Angular application documentation, compodoc is a great solution. To create the documentation of your Ionic app run a simple npm run docs The command also creates a coverage report for you.



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