danielshir / STHTTPRequest

A NSURLConnection wrapper for humans

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A NSURLConnection wrapper for humans

"It took me 15 minutes to do with STHTTPRequest what I couldn’t do in 3 hours with AFNetworking." @sburlot

  • 700 lines of Objective-C you can understand
  • runs on iOS 5+ and Mac OS X 10.7+
  • just drag and drop .h and .m in your project
  • pod 'STHTTPRequest' in CocoaPods
  • new BSD license
... yet powerful
  • synchronous and asynchronous (block based) calls
  • easy to set request headers, cookies and POST data
  • easy to get response status, headers and encoding
  • file upload with progress block
  • fast and simple HTTP authentication
  • log requests in curl format

STHTTPRequest is used in banking applications available on the App Store and used by 100'000+ regular users.

STHTTPRequest is also used in the STTwitter library, the main Objective-C library to access Twitter API.

Typical usage
STHTTPRequest *r = [STHTTPRequest requestWithURLString:@"http://google.com"];

r.completionBlock = ^(NSDictionary *headers, NSString *body) {
    // ...

r.errorBlock = ^(NSError *error) {
    // ...

[r startAsynchronous];


  • STHTTPRequest must be used from the main thread
  • success block and error block are called on main thread
Starting a synchronous request
NSError *error = nil;
NSString *body = [r startSynchronousWithError:&error];
Getting HTTP data and metadata
NSInteger     status   = r.responseStatus;
NSDictionary *headers  = r.responseHeaders;
NSString     *encoding = r.responseStringEncodingName;
NSData       *data     = r.responseData;
Usable in unit tests

You can fill a queue with fake responses to be consumed by requests started from unit tests.

Adding a request header
[r setHeaderWithName:@"test" value:@"1234"];
Adding a request cookie
[r addCookieWithName:@"test" value:@"1234"];
Setting credentials
[r setUsername:@"test" password:@"1234"];
POSTing a dictionary
r.POSTDictionary = @{ @"paperid":@"6", @"q77":"1", @"q80":@"hello" };
POSTing raw data
request.rawPOSTData = myData;

full example here

Uploading a file
[r addFileToUpload:@"/tmp/photo.jpg" parameterName:@"photo"];
Uploading multiple images
[request addDataToUpload:data1 parameterName:@"p1" mimeType:@"image/jpeg" fileName:@"name1"];
[request addDataToUpload:data2 parameterName:@"p2" mimeType:@"image/jpeg" fileName:@"name2"];
Setting a download progress block
r.downloadProgressBlock = ^(NSData *dataJustReceived,
                            NSInteger totalBytesReceived,
                            NSInteger totalBytesExpectedToReceive) {
    // notify user of download progress
Log the requests

To log human readable debug description, add launch argument -STHTTPRequestShowDebugDescription 1.

GET https://raw.github.com/github/media/master/octocats/octocat.png
    Cookie = asd=sdf; xxx=yyy
    asd = sdf
    xxx = yyy

To log curl description, add launch argument -STHTTPRequestShowCurlDescription 1.

$ curl -i \
-b "asd=sdf;xxx=yyy" \
-H "Cookie: asd=sdf; xxx=yyy,asd=sdf; xxx=yyy" \

(Curl is a command-line tool shipped with OS X that can craft HTTP requests.)


If you have any question, open an issue on GitHub or use the STHTTPRequest tag on StackOverflow.

BSD 3-Clause License

See LICENCE.txt.


A NSURLConnection wrapper for humans

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License