danielscholl / iot-device-js

Simple Simulator Device

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The purpose of this solution is to be able to easily deploy and run IoT Devices to test different features.

Build Status


Requires the use of direnv.
Requires the use of Azure CLI.
Requires the use of Docker.

Related Repositories

Supported Use Cases

  1. Localhost Device Symmetric Key

    On a localhost register a device using Symmetric Key Authentication and send telemetry data

  2. Docker Device Symmetric Key

    Within a container register a device using Symmetric Key Authentication and send telemetry data

  3. ACI Device Symmetric Key

    Within ACI register a device using Symmetric Key Authentication and send telemetry data

  4. Device Provisioning Service Symmetric Key Attestation

    Either from localhost or Docker request from DPS hub connection information using Symmetric Key with Individual Enrollments and send telemetry data

  5. Localhost Device x509

    On a localhost register a device using x509 Certificate Authentication and send telemetry data

  6. Docker Device x509

    Within a container register a device using x509 Certificate Authentication and send telemetry data

  7. ACI Device x509

    Within ACI register a device using x509 Certificate Authentication and send telemetry data

  8. Device Provisioning Service x509 Attestation

    Either from localhost or Docker request from DPS hub connection information using x509 Certs for either Individual or Group Enrollments and send telemetry data

  9. Receive and act on Direct Method

    Receive a DirectMethod Message to change the interval time for sending telemetry ata


The use of direnv can help managing environment variables.

Environment Variables

Device Creation

  • HUB: The desired IoT Hub to connect the device to.
  • DEVICE: A unique name to use as the IoT Device


  • DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING: Connection string of the IoT Device
  • EDGE_GATEWAY: IP Address of IoT Edge Device (Optional)

Monitor Scripts

  • HUB_CONNECTION_STRING: Connection string of the IoT Hub


  • REGISTRY_SERVER: The desired docker registry

Auto Provisioning

  • ARM_TENANT_ID: Azure Tenant hosting the subscription
  • ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: Azure Subscription Id hosting IoT Resources
  • ARM_CLIENT_ID: Azure Principal Application id with scope for working in the Resource Group
  • ARM_CLIENT_SECRET: Azure Prinicpal Application secret

DPS Provisioning

  • DPS_HOST: Azure Device Provisioning Service Host
  • ID_SCOPE: Azure Device Provisioning Service ID Scopt
  • REGISTRATION_ID: Azure Device Provisioning Service Registration Id
  • SYMMETRIC_KEY: Azure Device Provisioning Service Symmetric Key

LocalHost Device Simulation

# Setup the Environment Variables
export GROUP="iot-resources"
export DEVICE="device"
export HUB=$(az iot hub list --resource-group $GROUP --query [].name -otsv)
export HUB_CONNECTION_STRING=$(az iot hub show-connection-string --hub-name $HUB)

# Install
npm install

# Option A:  Self register a Device with either Symmetric Key or a self signed x509 Certificate
npm run device            # Create Device with Symetric Key
npm run device:x509       # Create Device With x509

# Option B: DPS Register a Device with Symmetric Key
export DPS_HOST="$(az iot dps list --resource-group $GROUP -ojson --query [0].properties.deviceProvisioningHostName -otsv)"
export ID_SCOPE="$(az iot dps list --resource-group $GROUP -ojson --query [0].properties.idScope -otsv)"
export SYMMETRIC_KEY=$(az iot dps enrollment create \
  --resource-group $GROUP \
  --dps-name $(az iot dps list --resource-group $GROUP -ojson --query [0].name -otsv) \
  --enrollment-id $REGISTRATION_ID \
  --attestation-type symmetrickey --query attestation.symmetricKey.primaryKey -otsv)

# Option C: DPS Register a Device with x509 Certificates
# Copy Certs to cert directory with proper naming convention
# Create either Individual Enrollment or Group Enrollment using CA

# Run the Device
DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING=$(az iot hub device-identity show-connection-string --hub-name $HUB --device-id $DEVICE -otsv)
npm start

# Monitor the Device in a seperate terminal session
npm run monitor

# Remove the Device
npm run clean

Docker Device Simulation

# Setup the Environment Variables
export GROUP="iot-resources"
export DEVICE="device"
export HUB=$(az iot hub list --resource-group $GROUP --query [].name -otsv)
export HUB_CONNECTION_STRING=$(az iot hub show-connection-string --hub-name $HUB)
export REGISTRY_SERVER="localhost:5000"

# Create a Device with "either" x509 or Symetric Key
npm run device            # Create Device with Symetric Key
npm run device:x509       # Create Device With x509

# Retrieve the Connection String
export DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING=$(az iot hub device-identity show-connection-string --hub-name $HUB --device-id $DEVICE -otsv)

npm run docker

# Monitor the Device in a seperate terminal session
npm run monitor

# Stop and Remove the Device
npm run docker:stop
npm run clean

Docker DPS Device Simulation

Follow these instructions from the dps folder only!!

  1. Create the DPS Enrollments as necessary

  2. If appropriate copy the x509 certs to the cert directory with the proper naming convention

  3. Set the Environment variables in the .envrc file as appropriate

Deploy with docker-compose

# Deploy using Symmetric Key Attestation
docker-compose -f docker-compose.key.yml -p dps up

# Deploy using X509 Attestation  ** MAKE SURE CERTS EXIST **
docker-compose -f docker-compose.509.yml -p dps up

Deploy to ACI

  az container logs  --resource-group ${GROUP} --name ${REGISTRATION_ID} --follow
  az container delete --resource-group ${GROUP} --name ${REGISTRATION_ID} --yes -oyaml

Azure ACI Device Simulation

# Setup the Environment Variables
export GROUP="iot-resources"
export DEVICE="device"
export HUB=$(az iot hub list --resource-group $GROUP --query [].name -otsv)
export REGISTRY_SERVER="localhost:5000"

# Create a Device with "either" x509 or Symetric Key
npm run device            # Create Device with Symetric Key
npm run device:x509       # Create Device With x509
npm run device:dps       # Create Device With x509

# Build and start the Azure ACI Container
npm run aci

# Monitor the Device in a seperate terminal session
npm run monitor

# Stop and rRmove the Device
npm run aci:stop
npm run clean

Localhost Docker Self Provisioning Device

# Setup the Environment Variables
export ARM_TENANT_ID="<tenant_id>"
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<subscription_id>"
export ARM_CLIENT_ID="<sp_id>"
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="<sp_key>"

export GROUP="iot-resources"
export HUB=$(az iot hub list --resource-group $GROUP --query [].name -otsv)
export REGISTRY_SERVER="localhost:5000"

# Start the IoT Device Container
docker-compose -p iot up -d

# Stop the IoT Device Container
docker-compose -p iot stop
docker-compose -p iot rm --force

## To deploy to a swarm with Replicate Sets
docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml iot
docker stack rm iot

Docker Swarm Service

export ARM_TENANT_ID="<tenant_id>"
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<subscription_id>"
export ARM_CLIENT_ID="<sp_id>"
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="<sp_key>"
export HUB=$(az iot hub list --resource-group $GROUP --query [].name -otsv)
export EDGE_GATEWAY="<edge_gateway>"

docker service create \
  --replicas 20 \
  --name iot \
  --constraint node.role!=manager \
  --mount type=volume,volume-driver=cloudstor:azure,source=cert,destination=/usr/src/app/cert \
  --env HUB=$HUB \


Simple Simulator Device

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 67.7%Language:Shell 31.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%