danielrosehill / StartupIdeas

For open sourcing the occasional sparks of innovation I have but lack the time to implement them currently.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome To Daniel's Random Startup Ideas (DRSI)!


What's inside, I hear you ask?:

Honestly, mostly junk. But you might find the odd profitable million dollar business ideas hiding in this repo!

To help you visualise the likelihood of finding anything good in here, I've enclosed a photo of a needle in a haystack. I beg forgiveness in advance for whoever's copyright I've infringed.

**Why I started this repo: **

My current system for jotting down the odd flashes of innovation I have is a Google Doc that I update about once every two years. One day I would love to give running a tech startup a go but right now ... I'm working on other things. In the spirit of open-sourcing, I'm sharing the ideas in Markdown.

What's the system here?

Currently none but I'll eventually get around to putting individual markdown files into folders. The folders will categorise the ideas which are individual markdown files (.md). You can read them right here in Github or anywhere that takes your fancy.

**But aren't you worried that someone will steal your dazzling flashes of brilliance?, Daniel

The ideas aren't that good. Sorry. Also: no. Also: I want somebody to make these ideas so that I don't have to go through the hassle of doing the startup thing in my 30s. I just want to be the end-user who can pay to use this stuff after you've bled the money dry from the VCs.

The fine print: licensing terms

You didn't think there's such thing as a free lunch, did you?

The ideas are licensed under the following terms:

  • In the event that the startup you begin with this is successful, for every $100,000 in revenue you generate, you agree to buy me 100 cans of Guinness.
  • You will also handle logistics. I need the Guinness delivered once a year to my door and no, I'm not paying for customs.

Because I want to rub in the fact that I figured out how to create tables in Markdown, here's a sample payment schedule:

Operating revenue Cans of Guinness owed to Daniel 🍺
$100,000 100
$200,000 200
$300,000 300

Additional limitations:

  • You agree that your HR department will not use the words "ninja", "rockstar", or "superstar" in any hiring materials in perpetuity. That's a fancy word for EVER! An example of something you cannot post is "We're hiring a Java rockstar for our awesome new startup!". Please erase that idea from your memory.
  • You also agree that you cannot feature ping pong tables or happy hours in aforementioned hiring materials because seriously why insult the intelligence of qualified ambitious people by bribing them with beer and ... ping pong!?


  • You'll try to give back to the open source community as far as possible. Ideally open source at least part of your tech. Donate to a project. Do something.
  • Please do not go down the route of scrimping on dreadful tier 1 support. Understand the value of: customer service, customer success (yes, these are discrete functions) and excellent user documentation. Please hire a competent technical writer to draft that documentation (or two or three). Then have a less technical person try to follow it and ask observe where they get stuck and update the documentation. Iterate until ChatGPT could install the thing.The lack of all of these things is my biggest pet peeve.


For open sourcing the occasional sparks of innovation I have but lack the time to implement them currently.