danielpacak / danielpacak

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Currently, I'm focused on threat detection and runtime security for cloud native applications.

Recently, I've been with Cycode working on cybersecurity products. In particular, I was focused on agent-based software supply chain security (project called Cimon). This involved kernel programming in C and eBPF, as well as Go and JavaScript/TypeScript in user space. I did lots of integrations with CI/CD platforms such as GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps Pipelines.

Previously, during my time at Aqua Security, I designed and implemented Starboard, which is a Kubernetes native security manager. Starboard has pivoted and was renamed to Trivy Operator, unfortunately without preserving commits history. I also used to maintain the who-can plugin for kubectl that facilitates RBAC permissions audit in Kubernetes. I'm Certified Kubernetes Applications Developer (CKAD) and Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA).

Last but not least, I'm an emeritus maintainer of CNCF project Harbor where I focused on vulnerability scanning, designed pluggable scanners API, and integrated Trivy as the default vulnerability scanner.
