daniellowrie / RAID

[R]emove [A]mazon [ID]entificaiton

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


[R]emove [A]mazon [ID]entification

When demoing anything with AWS through the awscli, sensitive info might leak out. These are things like AccountID and RoleID.

This script will obfuscate/remove those pieces from the output of the awscli.

RAID will also accept and run obfuscated input.

To run, either run from your current directory, add RAID script directory to $PATH, or move RAID script to path in $PATH.

Don't forget to chmod +x raid and to change the AWS_Account_ID variable to YOUR AWS ACCOUNT ID

then add 'raid' to the front of your awscli commands.

so this:

dlowrie@localhost:~$ aws --profile cloudguy sts get-caller-identity


dlowrie@localhost:~$ raid aws --profile cloudguy sts get-caller-identity
  "Account": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:user/cloudguy"


[R]emove [A]mazon [ID]entificaiton


Language:Shell 100.0%