daniellefritz / study-group

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Why did we create the SEMjs Study group?

To have a safe space for members of our community to learn from, teach and mentor each other, as all of us grow as developers, while discussing all things JavaScript-related.

What do we do at Study Group?

  • Work with individual JS issues and problems; bring in JS projects that you are struggling with, we can help!
  • JS questions? Bring 'em!
  • Networking with other JS developers in our local community
  • JS topic of the day; there is always a new topic being discussed
  • Other JS discussions, whatever you are interested in! Chances are, there will be others that are interested too!
  • Work with exercism.io, which is a code kata site for JS practice (as well as other languages)
  • Work on a group project
  • Pair programming
  • Tooling and frameworks discussions
  • And, generally, anything that you can think of, we can accommodate you; It's really up to you! The question really is, what do YOU want to learn today?

And, finally, you don't HAVE to have an agenda when you come to study group, but do come! You will walk out with new ideas, regardless of how you walked in :)
