danieliheonu / bigfastapi

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


BigFastAPI is an extension of FastAPI that adds a bunch of things that are commonly used in APIs.

BigFastAPI Documentation: https://bigfastapi.com/docs/

FastAPI Documentation: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com



  • Authentication (login, logout)
  • Users
  • Organisations
  • Comments
  • Blog
  • FAQ
  • Countries
  • Pages
  • Contact
  • Files
  • Notifications
  • Image

In Progress

  • Transactional Email sending + templates
  • Plans
  • Bank Accounts
  • QR Codes
  • Wallet
  • Credits
  • Subscriptions
  • Settings
  • PDF Converter


  • Currency Rates
  • Customers
  • Marketing Emails
  • Research bank format providers to build on
  • Analytics
  • ActivityLog
  • Products

How to use BigFastAPI

  • Create a new python project
  • Create a main.py file
  • Create the requirements.txt and copy the content from here. Install all requirements
  • Make a folder called db and copy the database.py file from here
  • In your main.py, import FastAPI and the create_database function (in database.py). Import CORSMiddleware too. You can look in the main.py here to see everything you should import
  • Copy the env file sample from here into your new project
  • Clone the BigFastAPI repo. Cut out the BigFastAPI folder (the one with users.py only) and paste in your new project
  • Make sure you have a main that calls uvicorn in the bottom of your file
  • Run the main.py file. You now have a project where you can add all your endpoints. You also have access to all the functions in bigfastapi. You can include any of them by importing (from bigfastapi.countries import app as countries) and then including a router app.include_router(countries, tags=["Countries"])

How to contribute to BigFastAPI

  1. Create a virtual environment with python3 -m venv env
  2. Activate the virtual environment using .\env\bin\Activate.ps1 (windows) or source /path/to/venv/bin/activate (linux/mac)
  3. Pull the latest commits from origin.
  4. run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Create a .env file by copying the .env.sample file
  6. Run python main.py. Check the code to understand how to use the library
  7. Build the library using python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
  8. Install the library using pip install \dist<name of whl file>
  9. twine upload dist/* (install pip install twine)


When you run the sample code, visit to view the documentation for all endpoints


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.



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