danielhusar / releaseapp

Home Page:https://releaseapp.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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App is built using the node.js.

  • Follow instructions on the node.js site to instal node.js v12.x.
  • Install yarn v1.x : npm install -g yarn.
  • Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/danielhusar/releaseapp && cd releaseapp.
  • Install all the dependencies with yarn: yarn (You will see couple of eslint-config-react-app warnings. Don't worry about them, they have no effect on the setup.)

Now you are ready to start the app and run tests.
To start the app run: yarn dev.

This will start development server on post 3000.
Make sure this port are free on your machine.
If you are not sure if the port is free, on Unix based systems like Mac OS you can run: lsof -i :3000 to see if any process is using this port.

Once you run yarn dev open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser. You should see the app.

To run the tests you can run:

  • yarn test:unit to run unit tests.
  • yarn test:e2e to run end to end cypress tests.
  • yarn test:types to check the static types.
  • yarn test:lint to check eslint.
  • yarn test:format to check formatting via prettier.

All the tests run also in CI as github action on every push.

If you need to deploy the app to the production, first you need to run yarn build.
After that you can start app in the production with yarn start.

Caveat: I have tested the app only on Mac OS. While it's likely it will work fine on linux too, windows is not likely supported at the moment.






Language:TypeScript 86.8%Language:JavaScript 13.2%