danielhjames / booktype-vagrant

Vagrant and Chef stuff for Booktype by Leander Damme

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Booktype installation and development with Vagrant

  • setup a Booktype Installation automatically in a virtual environment
  • having the booktype source and app files in you native OS of choice
  • reproducible portable development environments
  • plattform independent (linux/*nix(Theoretically windows http://rubyinstaller.org/))
  • http://vagrantup.com/



download and install VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/


vagrant and chef are rubies. we could just use the ruby that is already installed on our host machine*. But ideally we keep even ruby versions and its gems within the user folder. or even in our project.

rvm will help us to do so :)

see http://beginrescueend.com/

$ curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable

Reload your shell environment:

$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm

Find the requirements (follow the instructions):

$ rvm requirements

Install rvm

$ rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p125

get Booktype source code (vagrant fork)

$ git clone git://github.com/lenada/Booktype.git

change to the freshly cloned Booktype directory

$ cd Booktype/var/vagrant

create an rvmc file within your booktype project directory, everytime we cd there will initialze our booktype rvm environment

$ rvm --rvmrc --create 1.9.3@booktype


see http://vagrantup.com/

$ which gem

output should be the gem we installed through rvm for example /Users/leander/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/bin/gem

not the ruby/gem that comes with your host os*

$ gem install vagrant

download and add vanilla base box

$ vagrant box add base http://files.vagrantup.com/lucid32.box

this will install a mostly vanilla flavoured ubuntu lts(lucid), with ruby preinstalled[…] ready to be provisioned by vagrant/Chef

$ vagrant up or Booktype almost ready

go to your Booktype source code cloned earlier

$ cd Booktype/var/vagrant

then fire up vagrant

$ vagrant up

An ugly VirtualBox window should come up ;)

[..]still a little work to do for now provisioning works until /createbooki --database […] quite happy so far, as the python/django dependency installation is already working.

createbooki should have created a mybooktype folder within var/www

go to and access your booktype


VM NAT/Hostonly Network does not come up and vagrant can't ssh into the box

if provisioning stops and finally times out at the beginning. this happens sometimes if you roam through different Wifis or just close your laptop at work and open it again back home.

switch to VirtualBox application GUI window of the VM

login with: login: vagrant password: vagrant

and do a

 $ sudo dhclient

apt sources need update

if provisioning (vagrant up) stops with

E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
---- End output of apt-get -q -y install postgresql-client=8.4.8-0ubuntu0.10.04 ----

Chef never successfully completed! Any errors should be visible in the
output above. Please fix your recipes so that they properly complete.

ssh into the booktype VM with

$ vagrant ssh

and do an apt-get update manually

$ sudo apt-get update

then exiting the vm shell to get back to your vagrant directory on the host os

$ exit

run provisioning again

$ vagrant provision
  • using Os X 10.7.3 with Xcode 4.1


Vagrant and Chef stuff for Booktype by Leander Damme

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Ruby 55.4%Language:HTML 41.5%Language:Shell 3.1%